Sunday, June 25, 2006

Wedding Anniversary

Today Phillip and I celebrate our 12th anniversary!
We got married in Sioux Falls, South Dakota in a sunken garden in the historical part of the city.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Our reception was a casual get-together at our new home. I remember all the cars following us there and honking the entire way!
We took a cross-country trip for our honeymoon. We headed out across South Dakota, Montana and Wyoming. We spent some time in Seattle and went to the little town of Palsbo where Phillip spent a few years of his childhood. Then we drove down the coast through Portland and stayed at a little bed and breakfast. Through San Fransisco and finally to San Diego where his family lived. They threw a reception party for us. After about a week, we drove back home through the Colorado mountains. Whew! It was a fun trip and gas sure was alot cheaper back then!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

We had a wonderful lunch at one of our favorite restaurants this afternoon. The Macaroni Grill. We don't eat out very often so it was a nice treat...I even got a coke! :0)
Here is to next 12 years and many more after that.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

~Grow Old Along With Me! The Best Is Yet To Be...~ Browning


  1. Kelli yall are a handsome couple...HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!

  2. What a sweet couple you were and still are. May you be blessed with many many more years together.

  3. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Happy Aniversary! Enjoyed hearing about your wedding trip.

  4. Happy anniversary Kelli and Phillip!! What a handsome couple you are! It was nice hearing about your wedding - the whole description made me smile! :)


  5. How sweet 12 years. Does it seem that long? We are celebrating our 15th this Thursday and it seems like we were dating just yesterday. *Ü*

    You look like you were made for each other. *Ü*

  6. Happy anniversary, belated! How about a toast for another 112, not just 12! :)

    Mmmmm...Macaroni Grill...yum!

  7. Happy Anniversary to you!! I pray that you have a lifetime of wonderful years and memories together.

  8. Thank you for all the anniversary wishes...I really appreciate them all. What wonderful friends I have made in blogging land. :0)


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.