Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Hello everyone! Thank you so much for your comments on my new bedroom! Many of you asked what Phillip thought of the new look. He loves it! I was expecting him to jump up and down with excitement but evidently that's just a girl thing. ;0) Dot, asked where I got everything. I got the comforter, curtain rods, pillows and lampshades at Walmart. The curtains and pillowcases at Target.

We've finally had a break from the rain so we ate dinner outside tonight. I made some Backporch Lemonade. I heard about it from Autumn. It is half lemonade and half iced tea and it's really good!

I also dug out my iced tea swizzle sticks from the back cupboard. My favorite one is this little pink pig!

My gardens have enjoyed all the rain so I thought I would take you on a little tour...

Creeping thyme near the water garden.

Lemon balm and Dill.

My Lamb's Ear is finally making a comeback after been eaten by the wild bunny. I think I have managed to kick him out of our backyard, but we'll see.

I have never had good luck with tomato plants but I'm going to try this patio stays in a pot. I hope they turn red!

Benjamin's blackberries.

Ever-bearing strawberry plant.

My Wisteria making its way up the fence post very quickly.

Yes, I will spend the livelong day
With Nature in this month of May;
And sit beneath the trees, and share
My bread with birds whose homes are there;
While cows lie down to eat, and sheep
Stand to their necks in grass so deep;
While birds do sing with all their might,
As though they felt the earth in flight.
- William Henry Davies


  1. This is our first time in YEARS we have tried tomatoes...and in pots. But they are fruit yet, only flowers. I have such a black thumb!! Oh, boy, all your plants look so good. What are you doing especially for your tomatoes?

  2. I really enjoyed seeing your plants and 'maters and berreies! What fun!

    So glad to hear hubby liked the new look in your bedroom. I sometimes expect my hubby to show emotion over such things too and have been disappointed in the past when he didn't. I just had to learn men respond differently!

  3. Your plants look really good! I am so envious of people with a green thumb. I think my problem is lack of patience with the whole process. I am working on that! You inspire me!

  4. Hahaha, you made me laugh but you are right, men are too shy to show there excitement.... ;-)) My hubby never jumps up and down neither....

    Wow, your tomatoes are quite big already! My tomatoe plants are still in my coldframe - waiting to be planted within the next few days.

    Creeping thyme is a wonderful herb, I have it, too! And I am so delighted to see the little clay pots in your herb border! ;-)))

    Have a wonderful day, Kelli!

  5. I love the poem ~spending my day with nature!~ loved hearing your story about the trillium when you commented at my enchanted woods post!
    Kelli what a lovely full garden you have and Your little ~pot marker~ so cute!!A little of Anitas's garden..I must make a few!hugs NG

  6. Anonymous5:36 AM

    I love it when you recite poetry to us. That is so lovely. Your gardens are lush and healthy. I cannot believe how big your tomatoes are already. I LOVE a tomato sandwich :)

    Good to hear that Phillip is enjoying the new bedroom. A change of scenery is so fun.

    I'll see you tomorrow for show and tell.

  7. I'm afraid I'll sound a bit like Little Red Riding Hood, but... what big tomatoes you have! They look gorgeous! Your whole garden is looking beautiful. I so enjoyed your poem [you know how I love poetry ;o)] And don't you just love that phrase swizzle sticks. :o)

  8. The garden is looking lovely. That wisteria has taken right off! If the tomatoes don't turn red, just fry them up green, southern style! MMM

    The backporch lemonade looks refreshing. I like the pig swizzle too!

  9. Your plants are lovely; I love the raspberries. Your children learn so many wonderful things at home. Blessings!

  10. Kelli, how do you keep the dill so beautiful, I lost count of how many vases of dill I have bought at the market! They die quickly. thanks!

  11. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Your pictures are so pretty!! They remind me of Better Homes and Gardens!! :-) I liked the bedroom re-do, too, especially your new window treatments.

  12. Dinner outside is so much fun. I love all the photos of your garden. I can't believe you have such big green tomatoes! If they dont' turn red, be sure to fry them up anyway!

  13. Your garden looks lovely, enjoy!

  14. Your tomatoes look about the same size as ours! Your garden is looking wonderful and green :)
    I hope I can keep the squirrels away. Maybe they'd like to go live with your wild bunny???

  15. The photos are exactly what I imagine when I read Beatrix Potter's "Petter Rabbit" to my son. Simply beautiful.

    I've just started to appreciate gardening, and it's photos like these that inspire me to get outside.

  16. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Kelli, I always love looking at your pictures. They are always fabulous. I am glad your hubby liked the room.
    Your garden looks so fun.

  17. I love seeing your gardens! I want to get some creeping thyme, I really like how yours looks! Use Miracle Grow for tomatoes. It works great for us. Huge, juicy, ripe, red tomatoes. Ok, now I'm hungry!

  18. Wow, your garden has really grown since the last pictures you posted. It looks so pretty. I still haven't planted any tomatoes this year - ours didn't do well at all last year. I'm thinking about trying to plant them in a bale of pinestraw. I saw Paula Deen do this on one of her shows.

    Also, as for husbands and their responses - one of our favorite things to do around here is change something and see just how long it takes my hubby to notice. It can literally take weeks, and then, he doesn't really notice anything different until we point it out. Men are funny.

  19. Hey Kelli! Just catching up a bit after a few day hiatus.

    Your plants look lovely. I can really see how much of a haven your backyard is! I can't wait to see your wisteria in full bloom!

    Also-love the new bedroom look! it looks FANTASTIC! I can't BELIEVE you spend just a bit over $100.00 on ALL those things! that is CRAZINESS! I thought *I* was queen of frugal-but I could learn a lesson or two from you!

    have a happy Thursday!

  20. Lovely back yard area. I love the creeping thyme by the water.

  21. Everything is growing so nicely! I have not gotten our garden in yet...not sure if we will, but I am determined to grow a few things, like lettuce and a few herbs in containers...I've never grown lettuce in a container so we'll see how that goes!

  22. Beautiful post, inspiring!

  23. Everything looks so lush and green! We have just had some rain too and I am wishing I had more planted to take advantage of it, but I've still got time - I hope!

    Our Dreamer is in charge of lemonade - she make the recipe on the Real Lemon bottle and she is loving having that 'responsibility' all to herself this summer! Mmmm!

  24. I enjoyed all the pictures:)

    Kelli, when I worked as a waitress, I served that drink all the time, but it was called an Arnold Palmer--don't know who that guy is, but the drink was good (giggles)


  25. The lemonade looks delicious. Your plants look great. I am crossing my fingers on my tomatoes too!

  26. I love the way your bedroom turned out, Kelli. It's restful looking.
    I enjoyed your pictures of the things growing in your garden. Everything is looking good, and I can't believe you already have tomatoes!! Ours are growing, but no sign of fruit yet.

  27. Everything looks so pretty and green, Kelli!! Thank you for sharing it with us!

    Mrs. U

  28. Omigosh, I can't believe you have tomatoes already...we can't plant ours until the end of June or they won't survive! The flowers you have, the fruit, the plants...ooooh I'm so green with envy!! hehe Everything looks beautiful dear Kelli and that lemonade looks pretty darn good too:-) xoxo

  29. That lemonade/tea looks delicious. I am going to try that. I'm thirsty now.

    I love to shop at Walmart and Target. You can find most anything at either of those places.

    Thanks for sharing all of the photos of your plants. They are all so pretty.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.