Monday, October 13, 2008

A Simple Little House

~Simple Pleasures~


I like a simple little house
With flowers by the door,

An ample larder for my needs

And not much more in store.

Gingerbread cupcakes


I like a window toward the sun
And doors that open wide,
The trickle of a bath for birds
With feathered friends beside.



I like a tidy nook inside
Where my books and slippers lie,
A cup for tea, a magazine,
A warming hearth nearby.



I like some trinkets on the sills,
White ruffles at the panes,
The comfort of a sturdy roof
To shelter me from rains.



I like the cozy ambiance,
A place of sweet retreat
Where life unfolds along the way
And each new day's a treat!

-Virginia Borman Grimmer


I found this sweet poem in a recently thrifted Ideals magazine. Feel free to share it on your blog, along with pictures from your own simple little house!


Anonymous said...

kelli, those are really beautiful! Love it!

Ms. Tee said...

Your home is just so cozy - and what a beautiful poem! :)

Sue said...

I wondered if it was from Ideals, and lo and behold it was! Beautiful poem, indeed. So true, isn't it?

It's nice to see that a few others 'get it', too.

Lill said...

The poem was SO beautiful, and so is your home. I really enjoy my visits at your blog:) I think I will share the poem with my blog friends here in Norway, reminding them that life is good:) Take care.

Anonymous said...

*sigh* another wonderful post Kelli that makes me feel cosy and warm! just lovely. All those things make a house a real home dont they?

Kathy said...

Lovely, Kelli!
Have a perfect week...

Kelli said...

Kelli, I really enjoyed this post. Your photographs & styling are a constant source of inspiration. I'd love to join in the fun, but we're packing to leave on a two week holiday. I guess I can't complain! :-o)
Have a wonderful week!

Anonymous said...

Nothing so cozy in my house, I guess I kepp looking at your pics instead!

Anonymous said...

That poem is wonderful! Thank you for sharing it with me.


Terri said...

I love the poem and the pictures. :-)

Sharon said...

I have a few of those Ideals magazines I found while thrifting and love them!

Your house is so lovely and cozy. :)

Pink Princess said...

Thanks for the lovely poem and the ever so lovely pictures!
I "envy" you, your house is SO lovely and inviting.

Love and hugs from Marian
PS I am going to use the poem soon, thanks again

Adrienne said...

Oh, can I come to your house and enjoy the candlelight? I've added several candles around our house that are so nice in these Fall evenings. They add such a sweet, soft glow. Your photos and photostyling are just wonderful. I enjoyed every little corner of your home and yard, especially the big sunflower. ~Adrienne~

Anonymous said...

This is a very beautiful poem. thank you to share it with us

Suzann said...

Love the poem AND the photos. Thank you for sharing.

Arlene G said...

I love that poem. The lady who wrote it must be a soul mate!

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

What a nice poem, Kelli...thank you for sharing it with all of us. Loved your pictures, too!

Karen said...

Your home is so lovingly cared for and it just shines through in your posts. I would love to visit and soak up the peacefulness of your home. You have a very lucky family, Kelli!

Mrs. H. said...

What a sweet thought, Kelli, to share the idea and poem. You are such a dear person. I hope to find time to post it on my blog soon. I love Ideals! I have the Thanksgiving addition from the library on my shelf right now. :-)

Heather said...

very nice post! i love how you have the perfect pictures to go with the poem. very inviting indeed!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli! I wish I could tell you in person what a blessing you are to me. I think I am old enough to be your mother but I am learning so much from you. Somewhere in the Bible it says that the older women are supposed to go along side the younger women and teach them. You are the one teaching me about beauty in the simple things. Thank-you for that.

Hope you and your family have a blessed week. :-)


Jen said...

It all looks so comfy. I wished you lived closer.

Judy said...

Lovely post. Your pictures and the poem are beautiful. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Katy said...

Beautiful photos and I loved the poem!!! Loved this post Kelli! Thanks!! I hope you have a wonderful day! :)

Kim H. said...

Your pictures always warm my heart... I'm so glad that I get to look at something new almost every morning - it just makes me feel good to start out a new day!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet poem -- I love it. And the lovely pictures illustrate it so nicely.

Deb said...

What a wonderful way to start the day! Thanks so much for sharing!

Tina Leigh said...

This was a nice post Kelli and I love all the pictures....I want to see that sun flower opened!

Just Mom said...

Can I move in to your home? No? Bummer.

Beautiful, Kelli. Simply beautiful.

Wanita said...

The poem and pictures are beautiful, Kelli. May your week be blessed.


GlorV1 said...

Well I was being lazy and not wanting to go exercise and thought I would check the blogs I visit for new posts. Your's was the first and it was all I needed to give me inspiration. Now I am over my laziness and will head out the door, go exercise, pick up some candles at the dollar store, along with colorful flowers and come home and fix my home to look cozy. Not as nice as yours but cozy. Thx for sharing Kelli, I love your blog. Have a great day.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh that is so sweet. I am going to copy it with pictures from my home. What a lovely idea. In these difficult financial times when so many of us are thinking of what we are losing, or what we don't have, it's nice to spend some time with what we do have.

Susan P. said...

One of my very favorite posts from you, Kelli!

Georgia Girl said...

Love those pics...the poem really is beautiful! My grandmother used to subscribe to Ideals. Beautiful book with so many pretty poems and pictures.

Lori said...

I love your home. Everything is beautiful and cozy.

Sandra said...

Kelli, I just loved this post! The poem is wonderful and I'm so glad you decided to share it with us. I also enjoyed the photos too...they make me say "ahhh". :o)

Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving from one Canadian to another! ;o)

Anonymous said...

Lovely poem and pictures, Kelli. Don't you just love the vintage Ideals magazines? I've gotten most of mine on Ebay. Home is what you make of it, and your blog is a lovely example of making home a pleasant place in a way that is realistic for anyone to achieve.

Pattie said...

Hi Kelli -

That is a sweet poem, made all the more special by the lovely photos of your cozy and inviting home!

marie said...

Love this post! The first photo is so pretty!
I've been enjoying your blog for a couple months ~ love to visit!

TJ said...

Your home fits just right with that poem! Beautiful!

Janet said...

Lovely poem, a nice start to the week - thank you again!

Kimberly said...

Lovely poem and home and heart!

Lindsay-ann said...

I enjoyed the beautiful poem and the equally beautiful images from your lovely home. It's as if the poem was actually written for your home kelli.

Nancy M. said...

I love that poem. I left like I was walking through your home with you.
Have a blessed week!

Carrie said...

Thank you for this beautiful poem and the special photos of your lovely home!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I love the pictures and the poem. :)

Naturegirl said...

Kelli the poem and the images are absolutely delightful! Thank you for sharing! I love the sunflower and the birdseed box!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I love that poem! Thanks for sharing it. Your photos were just beautiful too!


Anonymous said...

Oh how lovely! (o:

Anonymous said...

What a nice post!

Tori Leslie said...

That's simply lovely, enjoyed reading and seeing it so much!
Thanks for the smile!

Cathy said...

I loved that, Kelli, just beautiful.

Carol said...

I love the beautiful pictures on your post today! Very cozy & welcoming!
Carol ~ in Oklahoma

Clare said...

Wonderful poen and wonderful pictures. Thankyou for sharing..


M.L. @ The House of Whimsy said...

WOW...great eye-candy here on this post. Thanks for sharing it with the rest of us.

Linda C said...

Wonderful and inspiring post, Kelli. Your home and the poem are beautiful and welcoming:)

Susie said...

Hi Kelli,
What a lovely post. I feel so fortunate to have many of Grandma's old Ideal magazines from the 50's & 60's. So many wonderful verses and photos.
You've illustrated this post so beautifully with little vignettes from your life.
Thanks for sharing..

YayaOrchid said...

Kelli, that poem is beautiful! And I love how you illustrated everything with your own pictures. Amazing!

Lulu said...

i love coming and visiting you..YOu always have such a nice cozy home..Love the poem also..

Lois Christensen said...

Your pictures are very beautiful and inspiring! Thanks for sharing them!

Abounding Treasures said...

The poem was delightful and the pictures of your *home* added such a cozy touch :o)

Sandra said...

Just beautiful Kelli!

Pink Slippers said...

I just love that poem and all the pictures you chose to go along with it. Your home looks like a retreat for your family from all the 'things' of the world. Safety and warmth! Wendy

Mindy said...

This was such a beautiful and inspirational post!

Kathy said...

I love this post. What a lovely poem.

Lady Katherine said...

Love the poem, thanks, the pictures were great. Very refreshing

Missy Wertz said...

Lovely poem and photos.

Jackie said...

What a beautiful poem Kelli, and the pictures match the feelings it envokes exactly.

God bless.

Kimberly said...

You left a comment about a Butternut Squash Bread recipe. I can't find it on your blog. Is it in the archives, or listed somewhere?
I baked the 9lb+ squash today and pureed it. I'm hoping to do some baking with it tomorrow.

Linda said... the poem and all the wonderful pictures of your cozy home.....hugs, Linda

A happy heart at home said...

A lovely post!


Christine said...

Can I join you today?...pretty please... I love the pictures!

Something Nice and Pretty said...

Loved your post especially the pic with the candles all lit in the window.:) Looks just so cozy!

Trixi said...

Kelli, me too. I would love to do this but it may be a few days. I do much better at commenting than posting. I love your pictures.

Bovey Belle said...

What stunning photos - especially the nighttime one of your window with candles lit. Lovely poem too.

cryssi said...

Lovely..So nice and relaxing. And the poem is so wonderful. Thanks for sharing!


Megan said...

I love your pictures!!! Expecially the little bitds!!! And I might just steal the poem and do my own simple house. As soon as I get it picture worthy! Thanks for sharing.

Kelly said...

I enjoy those same things!!! Don't ya wish we all just lived in one little blogger communtiy haha! I think you would be an awesome neighbor!


Juanita said...

I just gave you an award over at my blog. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate all the inspiring ideas you have given me as a newbie to the blogging world. Have a blessed day!

Lady Pamela said...

What a beautiful poem. Your photos could easily be made into a book.
Hope you had a good Thanksgiving yesterday.

Simply Heart And Home said...


So lovely. Your home is so inviting and cozy. Thank you for the invitation to share the poem. I do believe I will!



Anonymous said...

That was beautiful Kelli...thank you. :)

Anonymous said...

Kelli, I absolutely LOVE the worn look to your doormat! I know you open your home all the time to others, and your doormat gives testimony to all the feet that have crossed the threshhold of your lovely home and received your wonderful hospitality. Don't replace that welcome mat...EVER! It's message is beautiful! I, for one, have gleaned a lot from you in the area of hospitality, and hardly a week goes by that we do not share a meal with someone at our table now. What a wonderful way to serve others! Thank you! ~Kelly in MN

Elizabeth said...


I'm so glad that I stopped by. That poem expresses my very heart's desires. Are all of those beautiful pictures from your home? I love them.

Thank you for saying we can share the poem.

The Tiquehunters Wife said...

So very lovely--I enjoyed the beautiful pictures of your home and the sweet and dear poem!
Blessings to You!
Claudia O.

Jane said...


I don't know you but I love your website. I don't know how you have time to do all you do and then take pictures of it and blog it! I am 55 and have been working for several years since my husband's disability. Before that I was a stay-at-home mom. I miss being at home. I like looking at pretty things and sometimes go to shops just to look, very rarely buying anything. Your blog lets me do that too. I have tried some of your recipes and they are good.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful poem! Your home always looks so inviting! Thank you for sharing.

~ Kim

Sharri said...

I'm coming to live with you! :)

Val R said...

Oh I just love this post! You are an inspiration.

Mrs. U said...

Hi Kelli!!
Everything, as always, looks SO pretty!! Can I come vacation at your house??? :)

One day, I hope we can meet and take tea together! What a treat that would be!

Mrs. U

Lisa said...

gorgeous pictures! And the poem was lovely.

Anonymous said...

such a lovely poem. Your blog is simply wonderful. such gorgeous inviting and warm.
Wish it was fall here in New Zealand (I just love the leaves changing colour). Currently we are in spring (my next best season).
I will be visiting often. Just loved it here!
blessings Sandra nz

Farrah said...

Enjoyed your pictures!! And the poem!

gramma kk said...

Love it! My mom had Ideals in our home, so that just adds to the auhhhh feeling:) !

Mahek said...

I am so glad i discovered your blog,
It has such warmth that you can feel it when you read it...
Thanks for the efforts you take