Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Simple Fall Pleasures

Thank you for your comments on the corn husk dolls! I hope your week is going well. I still can't believe it's November. Partly because it's been so warm, but a cold front is coming in later this week. Today, I thought I would share some simple fall pleasures that I've been enjoying...

Pail of pumpkins
Sweet pumpkin potpourri: a gift from my mom.

So tiny!

Orange mums.

Crunchy apples, a basket of new dishcloths and pretty napkins.

New kitchen soaps.

Perfect for all the way through Christmas. If they last that long!

Potato Soup
Comforting soups bubbling away on the stove. We enjoyed Mrs. H's Potato Soup last week.

A fall banner inspired by Claudia's beautiful crafting.

Fall Banner
Thank you for stopping by for a visit. Are there any simple fall pleasures you've been enjoying lately?


  1. Love all your fall pictures. The mums are beautiful. Mimi

  2. Hi Kelli :) So pretty! I love the orange mums - they just make you stop & smile.

    I am especially enjoying the COLORS this year - so glorious! And I have found a few new wonderful recipes to try (I'll share if they are as good as they read). Oh! And we made our first pumpkin pies of the season on Monday - yum!

    Have a wonderful Weds! Love & hugs, Q

  3. What a wonderful gift from your sweet Mom. Those little pumpkins are so cute. Do they smell wonderful?

  4. Your simple photos always look SO beautiful, Kelli! Those are such nice fall pleasures...thank you for the reminder to slow down and enjoy simple things like this!

  5. I just love your fall decorating. I'm especially fond of the tiny pumpkin potpourri!

  6. Anonymous4:23 AM

    Oh Kelli - you never stop to amaze me! I just love your I borrow your mum...she sounds lovely and those things she buys you!!!

  7. One reason I like to come here is the sense of confort I have seeimng al your lovely things.Thank you.


  8. Oh everything looks so pretty.

  9. I am absolutely loving the pumpkin potpourri..I have never seen anything like it. :D

  10. Beautiful. Enjoying simple pleasure is the best.

  11. I just love Fall...thanks for your colorful posts.

  12. Kelli,
    I love your simple fall pleasures! :-) Now, you knew I was going to ask...Where did you get that dish soap???! ;-)

  13. Anonymous7:08 AM

    What a peaceful post. Makes me wanna come hang out.

  14. Just looking at your blog this morning gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. Enjoy your day!

  15. The cool crisp air and things made with pumpkin...I forget to use it after Thanksgiving....

  16. Anonymous7:18 AM

    It's all really cute, but I love the pumpkin potpourri!

    Happy Wednesday!

  17. Clearly, you are the Queen of all things Cozy! I wish your photos were scratch 'n sniff!!

    You must share where your sweet mom got the pumpkin potpourri. It's adorable.

    You truly inspire me.

  18. great pictures. your home is so lovely.

  19. Kelli, I love what you have done. Your vignettes are just beautiful. The corn husk dolls are just great. Love the banner.

  20. Kelli, your home is so beautiful. I love your many decorations!

  21. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Hi Kelli, well I had the "pleasure" of dealing with all the leaves in my front yard yesterday LOL! Actually I really did enjoy it. It's finally cold around here so it finally feels like fall. Loved all your pictures - that pumpkin potpourri is so cute!


  22. Oh my goodness, I L-O-V-E those mini pumpkins!

    Love the banner, too. I'm going to have to give it a try.

  23. Hi Kelli
    Beautiful Fall photos. I love your tin "Nature" sign and spotted one like it on a neighbours picket fence. Lovely "simple pleasures" post today.

  24. Anonymous8:07 AM

    HI Kelli! I love your pictures today. Wish we lived closer so I could come over for a cup of tea and see your fall decorations in person. I can't wait to see what you are planning to do with Christmas decorating. Bet you have some cool, comfy stuff in mind. :-)

    Hope you and your family have a wonderful Wednesday. Love, Debbi

  25. Kelli, all your Fall pleasures are so pretty....I love the banner.

  26. Beautiful post ! I have been enjoying the colors of the season and the aromas of fall such as baking; fireplace; candles....thank you for sharing.

  27. Good morning Kelli! Beautiful post...I love that kitchen hand soap. I got some in Pumpkin and I just LOVE WASHING MY HANDS! Hahaha. All your lovely displays, your home looks warm and inviting...despite the cold front!

  28. It's always so warm and homey here, thank you Kelli! The potato soup looks perfect for today! I will have to look up the recipe. Have a wonderful day.

    Kathi :)

  29. Your fall decorations are beautiful. Love the banner.

  30. Kelli - your home is so warm and inviting! I wish we were neighbors! I can picture us sitting together having a cup of hot tea in the Fall. And you teaching me to craft. LOL

    Seriously, I always enjoy looking at your blog posts. Thanks for sharing.


  31. Simple autumn pleasures are the best! Have a lovely day.


  32. Great pictures! Love the fall banner.

  33. The fall tag banner is really neat. I love how those can be used to decorate for any occasion.

    Have a blessed day!

  34. What fun fall things you have! I'm especially captivated by that pumpkin potpourri.

  35. I love the little pumpkins. Your house looks so cozy and nice and uncluttered. Your fall decorations are beautiful

  36. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Ooo, very cute. Where did you get the soap? And the pumpkin potpourri, how adorable is it. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  37. You always post such interesting and beautiful things. I enjoy coming to visit you. Thanks, Faith

  38. Good Day, Kelli!
    All of the autumn touches are just wonderful. You reminded me of things I want to get before the Thanksgiving holiday.
    I had forgotten Claudia's tag banner. She has a very lovely home. You would love it!
    Happy Wednesday to you...

  39. Everything is so nice. I have some of that pumpkin potpourri...I think I will put it out today!!

  40. Anonymous11:57 AM

    What cute teeny pumpkins!

    I love how you make us see simple ordinary things in new and pleasant ways.

  41. The pumpkin potpourri is so tiny and adorable! I think they are so darn cute. I like your banner too. You are very talented. You have more creative talent in your little pinky then I have in my whole body! :-)

  42. Beautiful! I am getting inspired by you. Thank you!

  43. Kelli, you are very talented in how to make a home look beautiful.

  44. We spent the morning at the farm up the road. We had the place to ourselves most of the time. We were there for hours just enjoying the sunshine, chasing chickens, feeding the piggy. It was a perfect autumn morning.

  45. So many wonderful things God has given us to enjoy.

    Thanks so much for praying for my husband during his recent heart surgery. All is going well.

  46. Everything is just so *Fallish*...:::Giggles:::

    I love everything you posted, especially those cute little pumpkins--how adorable.

    This post makes me want to spruce up my home even more--you are always such an inspiration to me:)

    Have a wonderful Wednesday.


  47. I, too, would like to know about the potpourri. But I would like to know where you got the soap.

    The name is similar to my favorite, which isn't being made anymore.

  48. I love all the little pumpkin potpourri and the soup on the stove. You always have nice things. I love all the fall colors. Take care.

  49. Such pretty stuff..And I have to know where you got the soaps and lotions at. They sound like they would smell so good..


  50. Where did your mom find that cute pumpkin potpouri?? I would love to have some of that to spread around my berries have lost their scent. If you can answer, thanks!

  51. I absolutely love your decorations! It makes me want to come home to a house like this. Soooo comforting to see all this. I LOVE that pumpkin potpourri. How cute. :)

  52. Your fall is great! I love the candy corns in the jar and the soap is great!The pumpkins are so cute!!

  53. Hi Kelli -
    Your home always looks so inviting and comfy! I love the fall decorating you've done. Most of mine is finished - I didn't do as much this year - but I keep thinking I need to add something else. Too much going on with family and dealing with a cold to figure it out right now. I'm happy with the way it looks so I think I'll just dream of what I'll do next year! Thanks for sharing your wonderful home with us.

  54. Beautiful, thanks! I linked you:

  55. Hi Kelli :)
    You have such a cozy home - it's all so pretty. I love the banner and those teeny pumpkins. And the roasted chestnut soap - I'd love to smell it!

  56. ooohhh.... where did you get the dish soap and hand potions from?

  57. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Kelli, you are so talented in home decorating! I loved all your pictures...very inspiring! I love lighting lots of cinnamon candles at this time of year and making the home cosy and inviting. :)

  58. I always enjoy coming here. Your pictures are great. I've been enjoying seeing the leaves on the ground. Not sure why but I enjoy seeing that.

  59. I love your decor! Where did you find the kitchen soap? The bottles look so elegant!

  60. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Very pretty!

  61. Anonymous12:44 AM

    all these things look lovely, very heart-warming :)

  62. What a lovely post - we just don't celebrate our autumn in the same way you celebrate your fall. I have been busy baking (we have an apple mountain from our trees!), may make some apple wine too, and my camera and I have had some lovely autumn walks.

  63. Very nice! I love the visual effect of a container full of tiny pumpkins. Are they real, I wonder?

  64. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Oooooo, where are your chestnut soaps from?


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.