Monday, January 12, 2009

Simple Decorations

Thank you to all who participated in Show and Tell and your sweet comments on my winter wreath! I was able to get my Christmas decorations down and my house deep cleaned. I stayed up late Friday night and finished up a few things Saturday morning. When putting back my regular decorations I kept things simple...

Kitchen hutch

Kitchen hutch





Thank you for stopping by for a visit and I hope you have a wonderful start to your week!


  1. I love Christmas decorations but it is nice to get back to the usual decor after the holidays. The house always looks new in a way. We had some lookers at our house yesterday so I am hopeful that we will sell it soon and all the cleaning and decluttering I have done will have been worth it. Have a grand week.

  2. I love a house right after Christmas gets put away. Its always a nice feeling. I enjoy winter as well....

  3. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Hi Kelli! Beautiful pictures of your cozy, comfortable home. Hope the Winn clan has a blessed week.
    Love, Debbi

  4. It all looks so lovely! While it's fun to get festive with Christmas decorating, I always love putting it all away again and having a fresh new look in January. I especially like the three bottles by the ivy plant and your little bird friends eating seeds out of the clay pot. Very sweet! Have a good week!

  5. What a clean fresh start to the new year, it will be Valentines Day before we know it! And they already have swimsuits in the stores here, and we have tons of snow!!! haha!

    have a wonderful week!


  6. Oh goodness I got all mine down last week and was so glad...I hate when it is over but love when I do manage to get everything put up. Love your simple decor...especially the tea cute.

  7. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Very pretty. With mom sick I am still working on mine. I am down to the deep cleaning part,but I have leave to go to Louisiana soon. I feel like things here are in turmoil. I wished I could pay you to come help me =)

  8. so pretty simple is best!

  9. Your home (and simple decorations) always look so beautiful and inviting.

  10. very pretty kelli!

  11. Kelli,
    I am so glad you got everything done! Your pictures of your home look so beautiful. I esp love the little birds in last picture.
    thank you so much for sharing. Have a blessed week.

  12. I thought it was time for a "new" look in my home so I've been doing some changes. I love your pretty decorations, everything always looks so nice.

  13. So very pretty, Kelli! I'm working on getting our home back in order.

    Love, Kim

  14. Isn't it fun to get out the Christmas and enjoy the special time. Thanks for sharing yourself and for your virtual tour. I love your ideas. Your amazing.
    Have a wonderfully blessed week. And good luck with the etsy shop.

  15. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Your decorations look *wonderful*!!

  16. Christmas decorations are wonderful, but it's always nice to get everything back in order. :) It all looks very pretty! Have a good Monday!

  17. Love books!! New old - does not matter.

    Okay - so I probably posted the best and funniest post I have ever done on my riding lesson photographed! ..and don't laugh so loud that I might hear you!

    Have a great week!

  18. I like all the birds you have. Funny enough, I have a few bird houses for decorations but no birds. Enjoy your week!

  19. I always love that "clean, fresh-start" feeling that comes after that Christmas decorations come down. Your home is looking so pretty! I especially love the tea books you have!!! :)

  20. Kelli,

    Though I do love Christmas, I believe I love every day sameness all the more. Doesn't it feel good to return to it?

    I wrote today of Little Women. Which of the dear March girls are you most like?

    And for a bit of news, I am hoping to have a giveaway every month. Tomorrow I will post the particulars for January and I hope you will join us for the fun.


  21. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Beautiful. Is that dinner pattern Juno by Lenox? If so I have it also

  22. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I am IN LOVE with that bubby size stove!! Your blog is always so interesting!


  23. I finally found your blog!! I have been seeing the Show and Tell Friday banners on other blogs, and always said I need to make my way over there!! So glad I finally did!!! Your blog is wonderful!!

    Beautfiful Blessings!!~Kelly Maria

  24. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Enjoyed the pics ..i loved the little birds at the end..they looked real.thanks for sharing =)

  25. The house always feels so "empty" when Christmas comes down, but getting back to simple feels nice too.

    Your house always looks so inviting and cozy. I love the little bird statues.

  26. Simple is always the best Kelli. You always inspire me.

    Drop by my blog, there is a little something for you there.

    God bless.

  27. Just adorable, Kelli! I adore the little birds on the little blue crate. :)

  28. Kelli your little vignettes are tastfully done..simply lovely..we have similar tastes in some things..the birds for sure..I have those! smiles NG

  29. How lovely. I do love Christmas decorations, but there is something so "fresh" about taking them down and putting the house back in order. When we hauled our tree outside this weekend, my husband and I both thought, "Gosh, our living room is so huge!"

  30. Kelli you never cease to amaze me. Your home is always so neatly decorated and just lovely.


  31. As always, lovely pictures. Everything looks nice "back to normal"...have a great week!

  32. Everything is so pretty! The books, the birds, the china..

  33. I love the style of your simple decorations, Kelli...

    And I am loving your home made pine cone wreath in the post below, too! Great idea!


  34. I loved all the photos. Very beautiful. I miss Christmas, but I'm geared up to decorate with my regular loved possessions.

    Take care,

  35. Kelli,

    It was interesting to note that you kept things simple when putting up previous décor. I just yesterday read an article which stated that when we redecorate after the holidays, we should put back just a few items and keep it simple. It was a decluttering article.

    Oh my goodness! I just saw your miniature cast iron stove! Where did you get it? I have long dreamed of having a real one in my home; maybe someday I will, but for now, a little one might fill the bill. :)

  36. Your after Christmas decorations are lovely and so sweetly simple. I love them like little tablescapes.
    Roberta Anne

  37. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Oh Kelli - those birdies ornament is just adorable!! was it a gift or thrift find?

  38. Your decorations look lovely and your wreath is just beautiful.

  39. Stunning in their simplicity. Thanks for sharing.

  40. I love your decorations, Kelli. Very beautiful, as usual.

  41. Simply lovely as usual Kelli!

  42. It's good to be back to normal and simplicity.
    Although, I kept my snowmen out but the rest is packed away.
    Everything at your house is very pretty.

  43. The wreath really is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.

  44. I love all your new decor Very pretty.

    I agree...I love all the Christmas decor too...but it is nice to get it put back away. I have left out all my snowman as I have quite a collection and like to have them out for another month. Then it will be onto the Valentines decor.

  45. Oh how I enjoy reading your blog and seeing the beautiful pictures. Your home looks so cozy.

  46. Everything looks so pretty and fresh, Kelli...a perfect way to start the new year. I love everything you have photographed, but that little piece in the last picture, with the birds eating seed from an overturned clay pot...ADORABLE! :-)

  47. I adore those sweet birdies! Beautiful decor, Kelli. :o)

  48. I LOVE that little stove, Kelli! I remember you showing that before; where did you get it?

  49. you have such a beautiful home..

  50. Hi Kelli!
    As always, everything is so very pretty in your home!!

    I love your teacups and saucers. Do you have many different sets??

    Mrs. U

  51. All of your vingettes are so pretty! I especially like the one with your old stove, and the books. Those birds in the last photo look real!

  52. The bird box was a gift and the cookstove belonged to my grandmother. Thank you for your sweet comments!

  53. I love your bottles and ivy photo.

    I haven't gotten my Xmas decorations down yet. It took me such a long time before I got them up! But when I do intend to have a clean, uncluttered look.

  54. I love all the little arrangements of things. Evrything looks so pretty.

  55. Very fresh & clean looking...with a hint of spring.

  56. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Wow, such warm and wonderful pictures, your home must be a cozy little spot.

  57. Kelli, God has given you such a gift!
    You are so good at putting things together and grouping them in such a cozy, lovely way!
    Did you take classes, or is this something natural for you??
    I enjoy the beauty of the vignettes of your home!

  58. I really like that little blue crate with the birds. It looks like Marjori Bastin. I have many of her ornaments, not all Christmas. I'm thinking of doing a shadow box for the wall with them displayed all year.
    Mama Bear

  59. HI!I just found your blog and I LOVE it! I am so excited to read more and even look at your recipes. I am a SAHM future Homeschooling mom in Texas also so I look forward to reading more!

  60. I agree your wreath turned out wonderful! And I love simple decorating . . . although I like extravagant too! Lol!

    That white key look familiar . . .

    Hee-hee! :-)


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.