Sunday was Grace's 11th birthday!

Our celebrating started Saturday evening with a cookout. We invited Phillip's family, a friend from church and a couple of friends from the neighborhood.

Grace designed her own cake. It was vanilla flavored with light blue icing, pink shells, and "Webkinz" in white.

Sunday morning began with a healthy and nutritious breakfast. The birthday girl got to pick out the cereal.

Opening fun presents.

After church we went to Grace's favorite restaurant, Macaroni Grill.

It was a fun filled weekend for everyone! Thank you for taking a look and I hope you have a wonderful start to your week!
Happy Birthday to Grace! She designed a cute cake, and looks like she had a great day!
Hi Kelli, and happy birthday, Grace! That looks like one awesome cake! Congats. :)
Blessings to the birthday girl! Hope she had a great day!
Happy birthday Grace! She's a sweetie.
Happy Birthday, Grace!
Congratulations. One of my girl's was saturday. I will post about that eventually - my computor is still having tantrums.
Happy Birthday, Grace! Looks like she had a wonderful Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Grace, and many more!
Happy Birthday Grace....What a fun day!
Yes Happy Birthday Miss Grace. So noce to be back here Kelli!
Happy Birthday! She's a doll.
Happy Birthday Grace! It looks like you had a wonderful time. :)
Happy Birthday Grace. Such a lovely girl. Looks like she had a great day. Hugs, Marty
What a fun birthday!!! Love her cereal choice (my fave as well!)! Happy Birthday Grace! :)
Happy Birthday to the Birthday Girl!
Hope that she enjoyed her special day!!
Wishing you a blessed day and week ahead!
Happy belated birthday Grace! It seems the girl had a great time.
My daughter birthday will be next saturday, she'll be 21!
Happy Birthday Grace! It looks like your day was a wonderful one.
Happpy 11th birthday Grace! :-)
Happy Birthday, Grace. I loved your cake and all of your gifts. My favorite pictures are the ones of you wearing the horse sweatshirt. It is very pretty. Was that a present for you?
Hope you, your mom and the rest of the family have a happy, blessed week. Love to you all, Debbi
Happy Birthday Grace! She's so sweet, hope she enjoyed her birthday!
Happy Birthday, Grace! Bookworm will enjoy seeing your horse sweatshirt and Webkinz. :)
HAppy Birthday, Grace!
Ahh, Happy Birthday, Grace. Looks like you had a great birthday!
Happy Birthday Grace! Enjoy your fun gifts.
Happy Birthday, Grace! I looks like you had a lovely day!
I really love the 5th. photo where Grace is has opened her present and is looking at it and to the left of her is your pet family member who is watching Grace intently and is part of the family celebration. What more could you want. Happy Birthday Grace and may all you b/day's be the same.
A late "Happy Birthday" to Grace. In a few more years you will be showing us pictures of her wedding!
Grace has good taste in resturants. Macaroni Grill is one of my favorites too. Glad to hear she had a good birthday.
Yummy looking cake! My daughter now wants to collect Webkinz.
It sounds like Grace had a great birthday! Belated greetings to the birthday girl!
Happy Birthday Grace. Looks like you had a great time. To you and your family, have an awesome week. Kimberly C.
Happy birthday Grace. I'm glad you had a wonderful day.
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday to Grace!! Looks like a great time!
Well, happy birthday to Grace! Looks like you had a great day! My daughter loves Webkinz too, I'll have to show her your cake - it's awesome!
Happy Birthday Grace !!! Looks like you had a fun day.. I love Macaroni Grill too , my fav. Hope you have a wonderful week !! Thanks for sharing a special day with us..enjoyed it =) God bless.
How fun! Happy birthday to Grace!
aww, happy birthday Grace! I love her name. looks like she had a great day!
Happy Birthday Grace! Your cake is very pretty.
Oh Kelli why do they have to grow so fast! Looks like she had a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday to your beautiful young lady!
I love the Macaroni Grill. She has great taste!
Happy Birthday Grace!
The photo in the red striped shirt is the most beautiful young face so full of promise.
Roberta Anne
Grace is so beautiful..I hope she enjoyed her day...
Happy Birthday, Grace!!
Happy Birthday. Grace! 11! WOW. I love your cake. I hope you had a very special day.
Happy Birthday! It looks like you had a wonderful one. May you be blessed by our Heavenly Father with many many more! :)
Happy Birthday to your sweetie! She has great restaurant taste. Yummy!
Happy Birthday to your little girl! Starting the day off with kitkats? Love it:)
Happy Webkinz Birthday Grace
Hope you had a great day. Your cake looks delicious. Kelli, it was lovely to see your beautiful daugher enjoying her special day.
Happy Birthday, Grace. It looks like a fun celebration.
Happy Belated Birthday to Grace.
Looks like a fun day. I liked the cake and Macoroni Grille is a favorite of mine too. I love their Chicken Scallopinne.
Mama Bear
Hi Kelli,
Happy birthday Grace, great cake!
I love the name Grace. That was my grandmother's name. Happy birthday to your cute daughter.
A very happy belated birthday to Grace. She did a beautiful job designing her cake.
Happy Birthday Grace! It looks like she had a wonderful day. My girls love Webkinz, too.
Ah, Happy Birthday Grace! I love the breakfast cereal you chose! =)
Looks like she had a fabulous birthday. Happy birthday, Grace. Macaroni Grill is my favorite too. Mimi
I hope Grace's birthday was great, looks like it was! I like her cake, her own design!
Maccaroni Grill is a favorite of mine too!
Happy #11 to Grace!
She's so cute! And I loved how the dog is off to the side in the one pic gazing with adoration at "her girl". :)
Happy Birthday to a beautiful, beautiful young lady. May God bless you especially this year.Your cake and gifts are wonderful!
Sarita in Texas
Happy birthday, Grace! It looks like you had a wonderful celebration.
What a great cake she designed. You are teaching her well!
Happy Birthday Grace!
Happy Birthday Grace. What a great cake and presents!
Happy Birthday, Grace!
How neat, Kelli, that you let her design her own cake. I'll have to do that with my kiddos when they are a bit older.
It looks like it was a great birthday. She looks like such a lovely girl. :)
Happy Birthday Grace! Looks like you had a wonderful b-day with friends and family. Enjoy this year of your life.
Happy Birthday Grace!!!
She is such a pretty girl. I'm glad you all fun. Birthday wishes, a little late ~
A belated Happy Birthday to Grace!
Kelli, that cake looks so delicious! Mmm
Happy Birthday grace!!! oh she is sweet. I love her smile.
Happy Birthday Grace!
I have thought of you dear Kelli alot this week..trying to remember what you all did when you did your pioneer days awhile back....I couldnt remember and had no power to look it up.
Boy do i respect them though.....watched alot of little house on the praire dvd's and read the books.....even going to the Wilder home on spring break instead of the beach...a new respect you could say.....come read my exp...ps still no power.
What a sweet birthday girl & such a fun day! Her cake is so cute, too. Have a great week! :)
Happy Birthday to Grace. Her cake was darling and what a fun celebration weekend she had...hugs, Linda
Happy Birthday to Grace :) I can't get over how much she looks like you :)
Awwww...Happy Birthday, Grace! What a beautiful girl and that cake was adorable!
What a pretty girl! I remember being eleven! I hope her birthday was fantastic and fun. :-)
Happy Belated Birthday to Grace!! I'm so sorry I'm late with my wishes, I've just been so behind catching up with everyone. Looks and sounds like she had a wonderful birthday and I hope you kept me a slice of that delicious looking cake???? Your little girl sure is growing up, Kelli!! She's beautiful. xoxo
Happy belated birthday to Grace! My youngest is just a few weeks older than she, and is also into Webkinz. Thanks for sharing the pictures with all of us :-)
I'm behind with my google reader posts but wanted to say a belated Happy Birthday to Grace!
Happy birthday to Grace!!
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