Friday, April 02, 2010

Hot Cross Buns

Hot Cross Buns
I meant to blog this week, but things got busy around here getting ready for company. Everyone will be arriving this afternoon and I'm going to make a big pot of white chili and hot cross buns for dinner.

Hot Cross Buns
Here is the recipe if you'd like to make some, too.

Hot Cross Buns

4 1/2-5 cups all purpose flour, divided
2 pkg active dry yeast
1/2 cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1 1/4 cups milk
1/2 cup butter
2 eggs, beaten
3/4 cup currants or raisins

Egg Wash:
1 egg
1 tablespoon water

1/2 powdered sugar
1 tablespoon milk
1/4 teaspoon vanilla

1. Combine 2 cups of flour, yeast, sugar, salt and spices in bowl of electric mixer.
2. In a small saucepan, heat milk and butter until it is warm to the touch.
3. Add warm milk to flour mixture and beat on medium speed for 1 minute.
4. Add eggs and beat for another minute.
5. Stir in currants.
6. Add remaining flour to make a soft dough.
7. Turn dough out onto lightly floured surface and knead until smooth and elastic, about 5 minutes, adding additional flour as needed.
8. Place dough in greased bowl, turning over so both sides are greased.
9. Cover; let rise in warm place until doubled in size, about 1 hour.
10. Punch down dough; turn onto lightly floured surface.
11. Form dough into 2-inch round balls.
12. Place 2 inches apart on greased baking sheet.
13. Cover and let rise until doubled, 45-60 minutes.
14. Using a sharp knife, slice a cross into the top of each bun.
15. Combine egg and water in a small bowl. Brush rolls with mixture.
16. Bake at 375 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Remove from pan and cool on racks.
17. Make glaze: Mix sugar, milk and vanilla in a small bowl until smooth.
18. Spoon glaze over buns in the shape of a cross.

Hot Cross Buns

May Easter bring you a happy heart,
and may your spirit rejoice in the risen Lord!


Southern Lady said...

Enjoy your company. Have a blessed Easter! Carla

Anna said...

Those look delicious. Have a blessed Easter.

Anonymous said...

Very delicious! I always enjoy your recipes! :)

Have a blessed Easter!

Liesel said...

They look very yummy!

Michelle said...

Thanks, I've always wanted to make these!
Blessings this Easter!

beth gales said...

Yummy these look great, thanks for the recipe!

GlorV1 said...

Happy Easter Kelli! Those hot cross buns look outstanding. Enjoy your company and white chili and buns.

Clare said...

Happy Easter. Yes rejoice in the risen Lord.

Linda C said...

These look delicious, Kelli and thanks for the recipe!!

Enjoy your company and

Happy Easter!!:)
He is risen!!!

Linda C

Lady Katherine said...

These buns look so wonderful, and I sure taste so good! I always enjoy all your recipes!

Hootin Anni said...

Delicious looking Kelli!!! I just wanted to pop in and send along my wishes to your and yours, hoping your holiday weekend will be ever so peaceful.

And may I add, I really miss your Show n Tell Fridays. LOL

Arlene G said...

happy Easter Kelli!

BECKY said...

Just poppin' by to say Happy Ester to you Kelli!!

May your day be filled with love and the joy of our risen Savior!!

Your Hot Cross Buns look so yummy!!

Carole Burant said...

Happy Easter to you and yours, dear Kelli!! Having had Corey home the last few days and making my Easter dinner yesterday, today I am relaxing and catching up with my blogging friends:-)

Those Hot Cross Buns look so delicious! Ross's son Dana brought us some that he had made and they were pretty good too:-) xoxo

Jenn said...

I trust you had a blessed and happy Easter with your family and company. These look delish, and such a pretty picture!

Patty said...

Looks yummy, hope you had a fantastic Easter weekend!

Meg @ A Dash of Nutmeg said...

Those look so yummy!

I have a surprise waiting for you at my blog:

Simply Heart And Home said...


Those look delicious! Thank you for sharing your recipe!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli!Your blog is beautiful! I love the soft and lovely. :-) I'm blogging again after a long pause. I'll be stopping by to visit. :-)

Shawnee said...

Those look very delicious. I hope you had a wonderful time with your company and had a blessed Easter!!

*Ulrike* said...

Those look so yummy, wish I had the time to bake something!

Frazzled Mom said...

Great photos of what looks to be a delicious recipe!

Jenn said...

i made these, they were good, but not as "pretty" as yours. i will keep trying! lol thanks for your blog, i love it!

Outsourcing Cagayan de Oro said...

Yummy! I will try this definitely.

Accounting Software said...

That looks so good.
I can feel my stomach rumbling.

Pepa Gómez said...

Hola! Me llamo Pepa y vivo en España, me encanta todo lo que tienes en tu blog y especialmente las recetas de dulces.
Hemos hecho los bollos y nos han salido buenísimos.
Bueno, yo no hablo inglés y me ayudo de un traductor, espero que me traduzca bien y no parezca una india. Desde España, te mando muchos besos.
Hello! My name is Pepa and I live in Spain, I love everything you have on your blog and especially sweet recipes.
We made the cakes and we have gone real good.
Well, I speak English and I helped by a translator, I hope I translated it and not look like an Indian. From Spain, I send you kisses.

Melissa said...

this looks sooo yummy! thanks for sharing!

prashant said...

Those look delicious
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