Here is the "before" picture of my kitchen window.
My new ivy plant.
Pretty violets to cheer things up in winter.
This plant is called "Angel Tears."
It has the tiniest purple flowers.
My 3 year old nephew gave me this fairy for Christmas. He knows how much I love fairies. :0)
I moved my spider plant to the top of my piesafe.
Here is the "after" picture. I also added 3 candles to the middle shelf.
All lit up at night...
Thanks for looking! We have two birthday parties to go to on Sunday and maybe a little resale shopping tomorrow. :0) Do you have any fun weekend plans?
Yes I do! I'm going to go see the new Miss Potter movie with my friend Patty. I'm really looking forward to seeing it and my friend.
Your plant window looks beautiful. I grow houseplants on my closed in back porch. It's right off the kitchen and feels a little bit like a little conservatory, just not as fancy.
Having flowering plants to look at and water over the winter just seems to cheer me up. Of course the cats LoVe it when I water them because of acute hearing ability. They get up close and personal to the plant and listen to the water trickle into and down the pot!Have a good time at the B.parties!
Hi Kelli! I am very jealous that you got snow(just kidding). I do wish I would have gotten some flakes and not just icicles.
I really like your flowers in the house. I recently got a mini-rose plant to put in my living room.
Beautiful plants. I have kept several alive for over a year now...I have the black thumb, so....I can't believe they've lasted. Especially the Christmas Cactus which is about 3.
I can hear sleet, so I think the next wave of storm is upon us!!
Hi Kelli!
What a nice collection of house plants! That glass shelf where you put them on is a great idea! I especially LOVE the last "candle shot"!
My week-end plans? Well, nothing special... I'll sew at least one more crazy quilting heart, that's for sure!
Have lots of fun at the birthday parties!
I decided to green up my house too and have been buying a new houseplant (or two) every pay day. I used to have so many, but the moves have seen the better part of my collection lost, killed, or given away.
I live that angel tear plant. It's lovely.
They are so pretty, Kelli!
My favorite may be the angel tears. Unfortunately, I do NOT have a green thumb. If I even touch a plant, it seems to wilt before my eyes. My elderly neighbor once told me that I must have bad body chemistry. *Gack*
Kelli, maybe you have a little bit of a green thumb! Your window looks really nice with all the plants in it.
Ohhh you know how to please me! :-) I just love that last candle lit picture. Everything looks even more magical, in candle light. To me, anyway. :-)
Nope, no particular plans. It's still cold here, and some snow cover. Kind of just time to look out, from warm, cozy inside. Oh and finally make that Mincemeat Pie which my husband has been craving. :-)
Have a lovely weekend, Kelli.
Your kitchen window looks fabulous with all those very healthy looking plants and candles! Love the way you set it all up!! Have fun at the birthday plans here except hibernate since it's so cold! lol Hugs xox
Love the plants! Watch that aloe - they GROW! I actually just gave one to my MIL because it was taking over our study area and spiking us every time we tried to walk past it. It started the same size as the one in your window.....
This weekend we had no particular plans but we had a nice day today going out with a friend and her daughter to an indoor play area, and then celebrating my husband's birthday. Tomorrow we have a school thing to attend (yes, they are all on Sundays here, so the Dads can attend, as that is often the only day off they have!) and then we are off to buy glasses for our older boy. Not sure if that counts as a fun day or not yet.
Hmmmmmmm... a green thumb??? Maybe you aren't related after all ;-) They look beautiful though! I love the Angel Tears!
Fun plans for this weekend? Ummmm... Does a trip to Home Depot count? :-D
Hi Kelli!! Happy Saturday to you. The plants on your kitchen sill look beautiful--and whith the candles lit, look so cozy. I so wish, I had some sort of green thumb. I told me Grandma, that I am going to try tomatoes again, and that I needed her help---she said, oh tomatoes are so easy to grow...(HA!!!!)
Let me know what you get at the re-sale stores--lucky duck!!!
Hi Kelli,
Your plants looks so healthy!
Love the little fairy from your nephew..
We don't have too much going on this weekend. Some grandchildren sports and clearing clutter from the storage shed! Want to help???
Our weekends are different here because my husband works Saturdays. Saturday is just another weekday for us.
I LOVE your plants, Kelli!! I've been buying a few more plants here and there. I now have five beautiful African violets in the parlor, a Christmas cactus in the school room, along with the two plants we've had since Copper's mom's funeral.
How pretty! I have tried house plants but my thumb is not green but brown. I want to try again and maybe I will after looking at your pretty Window. Have A Blessed & Safe Weekend
You window looks so beautiful....I only wish I had a window above my kitchen sink....yeah living in military housing we don't get such niceties LOL J/K.
I've missed visiting your blog, things have been crazy and I've been sick, so I'm glad to be back, you always put a smile on my face :)
Huge hugs,
Beautiful plants! I love the little fairy tucked inside the pot - and your pie safe!
What a beautiful display of houseplants!! I just LOVE plants- inside and out!!
Fun weekend plans? Oh yes! Mr. U was asked to be a judge in a soup/stew/chili contest that our town had today. It was nice to meet new people in our community and to get to taste some really good food, too!
Mrs. U
It all looks so beautiful! I have a horrible brown thumb, but I'm working on it! :)
Oh I love all of your plants! They each have a beauty and personality of their own! And of course I love the fairy. :o) That night-time photo with the candles lit is enchanting! Candle light makes things look so peaceful and magical!
I love houseplants. My daughter always says that it looks like a flower shop in here :-)
Pretty plants! I have *one* houseplant that I've managed to keep alive and flourishing since last July! It's funny, because I have a blog post about my houseplant sitting in my drafts.
very pretty plants and you have them displayed so well.
My weekend plans are simple, stay at home and work on grandbaby quilts.
Great job with your houseplants. This time of year my fingers begin to itch for dirt so maybe a new plant for my home is the answer.
Your plants seem to be thriving, they are beautiful!!!!
I especially love the one with the candles. Very nice! I am needing to get another aloe vera plant. Mine took some kind of disease and died. So the next time I am visiting my aunt I will have her give me a slip off of hers!
What the easiest indoor plant? I've been thinking of getting one but I haven't had much luck with plants in the past.
Wow, what a difference. The candles add just a touch of romance. How lovely.
Thanks for the tip and comments!
Beautiful pics. I love house plants. The candles really set off the plants in the window
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