My afternoon began innocently enough. I decided to start a small sewing project. My mother-in-law gave me these pretty "everyday" dishes for Christmas. The bottom plate is a charger, used mainly for decoration. You can get metal ones that you heat up to help keep your food warm, but these ones are plastic. It shows up dark in the above picture but it is actually a deep ruby red.
I knew I had some fabric that would be perfect for napkins. This is where the trouble started. My sewing supplies were in a big mess and it was hard to find anything. (I finally found the fabric, you can see it in the first picture.) I kept pulling out projects that I had started but never finished, and that's when I thought of a great New Year's Resolution. Finish all of my UFO's!!
They say admitting you have a problem is the first step so let me show you my oldest unfinished project. It is a Christmas tree skirt that I started in 1994, the summer Phillip and I got married. Can you see the appliqued horse? I need to add a sleigh and several pine trees all along the bottom. And not on just that one side either, on all four sides! What was I thinking?!
Here are some aprons I started last year. Benjamin's "city streets" apron only needs the string added so that will be easy. Grace's vintage "days of the week" apron has been cut out and Emily's "princess tea time" fabric has the pattern traced on the back.
This horse/cowboy fabric will be perfect for a little apron for my nephew. I saved a pair of Phillip's old jeans so I could use on of the pockets for the front of the apron. I need to finish this in time for a summer birthday!
My bad habit has even rubbed off on Grace. She has 4 projects in the works and we will be working together to get them finished! Do you notice a theme with her UFO's? :0)
In addition to these smaller projects, I have several quilts to work on. I took two quilting classes a few years ago and listen to this...I signed up for the second class without even finishing the first quilt! *blush*
This is a lap size quilt is teal and green. I actually fell in love with the backing fabric first and then the helpful ladies at the quilt store helped me with fabric for the front. This quilt top is 75% finished.
The next class quilt is a queen size. I have made alot of "flying geese" squares but that is it so far. I just hope I can still make sense of the instructions!
Last but not least, is a Winnie-the-Pooh baby quilt for my sister. I am hand quilting it and it is 25% finished. I tried to finish it up last fall but I got so hot with it resting on my lap. January is the perfect month to start working on it again!
Feel free to "bug" me in the future about how my UFO's are coming along. I need all the help I can get! :0) Do you have any un-finished objects hiding in the dark corners of your closet?!
Oooh-you given me the stitch itch!
Everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) you do is so beautifully done! I love ALL the quilt projects you have started-and I just adore the idea of using a jean pocket on an apron. That is GREAT and I plan to steal that one! :-)
Please DO keep us updated on your projects because I just LOVE to see quilt progress!
I would LOVE to take a quilt class! Just LOVE it!
I, too, have several UFO's!
I just started sewing this past year. I only got to make one thing before the machine quit (it was my moms old machine). But, my mom got me a new sewing machine for Christmas. I'm excited to be able to pick it up again. And, Yes, I already have an unfinished project (not entirely my fault). I'll be glad to get it done. But, my daughter keeps bringing me stuff to *fix*. She'll say...Mom, when you get your machine out of the box will you please fix this! :) Anyway, I can't wait to see your finished projects! The tree skirt is going to be fantastic!!! And, oh, I never knew what chargers were for and was too embarassed to ask...Thanks for filling me in! ;)
What fun unfinished projects for you to be working on. I really love the quilts; especially the green one. Maybe you and I should have a UFO get-together and finish some of our projects!
I especially like your quilting UFO's, you absolutely NEED TO WORK on them because I would love to see them finished!!! ;-)))
Oh, I discovered the a wonderful quilting store in town this week! Twice a month, they organise a "Quilting Café", you can just pop in, have a cup of coffee and meet other quilters! What a lovely idea! I am thinking of going there next Monday after work. They offer classes as well! Oh, I am so thrilled these days with all my new fabrics and the QC hearts... I hope it won't end up as an UFO... :-)))
Anyway, good luck for your UFO's!
You're going to be so busy! What a lot of beautiful projects - lucky you!
Kelli, this post was great--and I think we can all relate to it in one way or another. I have been working on this afghan for my husband--I thought it would be perfect for the winter nights in Georgia, when he watches TV on the couch--but now that we moved back to California--I have yet to sart up again---the winter here in Cali is just not the same as in Georgia..LOL. Anyway, that is my UFO---I just need to pick it up again:)
I loved all the projects you shared and all the beautiful fabric, makes me want to go out and buy some new fabric---I have never quilted, but I do like to sew.
Have a great day Kelli--and get started;)
Wow, Kelli! So many wonderful, and beautiful, projects to work on!!! You'll get it all done and then we'll want to see pictures you know!
All of your UFO's (I love that BTW) are just beautiful. It looks like you have a busy January ahead of you. Your work is so lovely and I can't until you show us all of your finished projects!! Sending big hugs to you.
I admire you for at least starting all of those projects, Kelli. My big problem is not having the "gumption" to start something.
I'll be looking for updates on your progress.
I can't wait to see all of these when they're finished :)
It is better that you pull these out to finish than to buy new ones to add to your UFO stash. You are inspiring me to pull mine out. =) I have some white wool from my sheep, Sunshine. I want to make a blanket for my first grandbaby (my son is not even married or courting yet). I know how long it will take me though. My favorite book is called "All the Places To Love". The pictures are beautiful paintings that look real. The first one is of a woman in a quilt covered bed at home. She has just given birth and the Grandma is holding the baby up to the window. It says that the baby got wrapped in the blanket made from wool of the Grandma's very own sheep. I want to do that. =)
I have 3 UFO's. One is something I'll simply never finish: a counted crosstitch that is *tiny* and very complex and I just was in WAAAAAY over my head on that one.
The other two are do-able. One is actually the Christmas towel I was embroidering for this year, but after the Halloween one and the Thanksgiving one, I've run out of steam for that a bit.
The only other thing is some fabric I purchased that I thought could go somewhere, but now it can't, so I have to find a new use for it.
For the most part, I try really hard to finish (those UFO's *naaaaaag* me like there's no tomorrow when they're around), because I used to have too many unfinished projects and I just hate the waste.
Good luck with it all! Terrific goal for the new year!
I just don't know where you find the time for all these projects with all the other stuff you do. I am so impressed with your energy!
Well, that's a great idea! I have some UFO's lurking around! It's always so nice to get a UFO done!
oh my I have tons of those ufo's in storage around here too! I think the kids will have to be grown before I get to them!
Oh Kelli, you just had me giggling throughout this. First of all we have opposite problems. My family knows that once I start something I have to finish it and they would just love for me to put it down. lol I admire how organized you are to be able to find everything, nicely folded and with all the directions intact...very nice! I love craft projects, painting and just about anything but am weak when it comes to sewing! lol
I would like to at least reduce my stash of UFOs this year and maybe even start on some of the waiting to be started projects as well. Mine are mostly either knitting or cross-stitch but there is a patchwork doll's pram quilt I started for Jules(now26!!) that I shall try and finish for Kaitlyn. I shall need to live to be a very old lady to get through everything - some of the cross-stitch projects are large and complicated. Yes, I think this can be the year of the UFOs for me as well though I have lots of baby knitting to do too. Happy New Year Kelli!
What beautiful fabrics! Unfinished projects here? What about never started ones? *LOL*
I have a brand spanking new sewing machine that I haven't gotten to use even once! *Sigh*
I will be watching for updates! I believe I would start with the project that is nearest completion, and then go from there. *Wink*
I came across your blog via an adoption blog. I too am from Ontario (but am a long way from home!), but I can't do ANYTHING crafty at all. I can't wait to read more of your blog.
Nope I don't have any UFO's lying around...I got smart, I didn't start on anything so I don't have anything to finish! Make sense? LOL I do wish you the best of luck in finishing up all your projects...I've always envied anyone who can quilt, it's something I've never even attempted but I so love quilts!! xox
Unfortunately Kelli I do....
Lots of soap and toiletry and scented item supplies and lots of scrapbooking and paper and card crafting supplies...
I need to get busy but haven't well...
Wow you have quite the collection of UFO's! They are all wonderful ideas! I love the quilt with the green! That would show nicley on my blog background! Best of luck to you and happy quilting...take one bite at a time.Give yourself a goal date for each to be completed!hugs NG
Don't be too hard on yourself. I'll bet most of us have at least one or two half completed projects laying about.
Oh, and about the flat travelers? Try yahoo groups. I'll bet your kids really enjoy "traveling".
God bless.
"I am the master of UFO's."
Oh no you aren't! I am! -giggles-
No no, you who do so much... you and others like you, really don't fit in with UFO's. Noooo way!!! :-)
Unfinished projects abound in my craft closet - so much so that last fall I had to give away some projects to another sewing mommy because I cut them out didn't sew them and the children outgrew them before I got to it! It cut me to the quick since cutting out is my least favorite part of sewing, but alas, she has finished them and they will be nice on her children!
I have a quilt that I cannot finish and will not be able to give away since I started it for a baby we miscarried. I don't know what to do with it, but maybe by and by I will be able to move forward with it!
We have been in our house for 2 years and I still have no curtains on our bedroom windows - we have tall cedar hedges and we like to awaken to sunshine, but really I've got to get to those curtains! they are all cut out! I even have the hardware now - I waited 8 months for it to go 'one sale' - saved a big 25%!
Thanks for sharing your UFO's and I look forward to seeing the finished projects too!!! You are an inspiration!
I have that very same fan fabric, a wal-mart find for me. I love it.
You have some lovely projects and you will get them done if you set your mind to it, oh wait, I think I was talking to myself there : )
Hello everyone! It's nice to know I'm not the only one with UFO's!! I will be sure to keep you all updated on my progress!
Revee, I would love to get together with you to work on our projects! Maybe our girls would like to work on some sewing too?!
Did I hear quilt class? Is it online or in person? I NEED to learn this, this is the year. I am sick of wanting to but never doing.....LOL
I have several UFO's - I'm a cross stitcher and I have a bad habit of biting off more than I can chew...
Jenn, they were in person classes at a local quilt shop. They were wonderful and I learned so much!
I'm still working on my sister in laws quilt (her birthday present). Next is my other sister in law's quilt (her wedding present). After that, Matthew's quilt. After that, I'll finally be able to do the quilt I want to do just for Kurt and myself. :)
We should get together and quilt sometime! We can leave the children with the men! :-D
I'd hand quilt, but I have arthritis and having my hand in a closed position (like when I use a pencil) makes it flare.
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