Here are a few pictures Phillip took this weekend...
These trees are behind my mother-in-law's house.
Frozen droplets on pretty red leaves.
It was a good day for bird watching. Our feeders were busy with our feathered friends, trying to keep warm.
A Mourning Dove all fluffed up.
There were 5 male cardinals in the trees behind my MIL's house!
A female cardinal.
The girls and Benjamin have named this Blue Jay, "Jay-Jay." He keeps everyone on their toes!
Sparrows are always hungry.
A shrill wind blew about the house
And through the pines all night:
The snowflakes whirled across the fields
And hid the fence from sight.
By dawn the drifts had blown so deep
No horse nor sleigh could go:
The dog-house and the chicken-coops
Were buried in the snow.
There was no thought of school that day;
We worked with shovels all,
And cleared a path from horse to barn;
The snow was like a wall.
I wished our house was covered up,
Like that one in the book
My Grandma showed to me one day
Beside the chimney-nook.
The story said the chimney-pot
Just showed above the snow,
And all day long the lamps were lit
Down in the house below.
~K. Pyle.
I hope you all are staying warm!
Hi Kelli!!
I am so very sorry that you are not feeling well!! I hope you feel better soon!!
How did you manage to take such lovely photos while you should be resting? Truly, they are FANTASTIC shots!!!!
Mrs. U
Hi Kelli,
I love all the winter pictures your husband took! That feeling of one's ears being plugged is certainly no fun.
Hope your cold is of short duration.
Take care of yourself.
It's really cold here too (mid 20's)
Gorgeous photos! Feel better soon!!
I hope you are feeling better soon, Kelli! Take some time to rest and keep cozy--a cup of tea, perhaps?
I admire the birds at your feeders, what great shots!
I did not (yet) see a single bird at all the feeders and birdhouses I had put in the garden in December (although there are lots of birds in our garden). I guees it's not yet cold enough ... and they prefer all the berries of our trees and bushes...
Hope you get to feeling better Kelli.
Paul(?) did a fantastic job on the bird photos! That has been very challenging for me to capture nicely on my teeny camera. And to get those cardinals and blue jay-ours out here are so shy! :-)
Oh-and I love the frozen droplets on red leaves especially!
Get better! Colds are no fun.
It's cold here, too - but no birds for us, aside from ravens and the occasional little shivering chickadees, poor things. Beautiful photos!
Phillip did a good job on the photos! Hope you start feeling better today.
Poor Kelli, a yucky cold is certainly no fun, especially with plugged up ears:( You are blessed to have such "sweeties" take care of you while you are sick:) I thoroughly enjoyed all the bird photos because I am a bird lover! Stay warm and feel better soon.
Oh what a lovely collection of photos!
Poor you feeling under the weather..but I see you have angels helping out..Yes we must stay warm however there are
~*angels in the cold*~..come see..
big hug to you feel better! NG
Those are wonderful bird photos!
OHHH, I love the puffed up bird!!!
I'm sorry to hear you have a cold... If you are not better yet, or have a stuffed up feeling still, or a yukky tummy, try this - make a standard hot lemon and honey drink but then take some fresh root ginger, a good inch or so of it. Peel and slice thickly and then drop it into your hot lemon and honey. If you cut it big then you can sort of sieve it out with your teeth as you drink! It will help immensely and it will warm you up too. The ginger will retain its potency so you can just keep topping up the same drink for a good few refills before the ginger needs to be replaced.
Hope you'll be feeling better soon!
Oh, beautiful birds. I just finihed reading A Redbird Christmas by Fannie Flag.
I alos fed the birds and now when snow has come they are very busy. I love to watch.
I am sorry that your dear family has not been well. Your birds are precious. Have a blessed day!
((Kelli)) be good to yourself and take care. Clarice
Hope you feel better soon and how nice to have toast in bed. The pictures of the birds are beautiful and I am glad that you have given them a home.......
You poor dear, you just got over being ill not long ago and now you have a cold...smarten up will ya? lol I do hope you're feeling much better real soon!! Loved all the pictures...I always enjoy bird watching and am lucky to have so many birds also come to my backyard where I can watch them from my kitchen window. It's going down to -4 F here tonight..good old Northern Canadian weather! lol Hugs xox
Kelli - we are in the same boat! I have caught the childrens' cold and am miserable - my mom is on the mend and keeping us fed and entertained, but my goodness - this is a nasty bug! Do take care of yourself and get better soon! So much for a full week of school this week! Read alouds! Strong hot tea with honey! Warm salt water gargles! Vicks in a bowl with boiling water poured over and a cozy towel to make a steam tent! Fried onion or mustard poultice - whatever it takes to kick this bug!
Beautiful! Kelli, I adore all the lovely pictures of the birds! Nature is so tranquil in it's simplicity. The little birds offer such a bright glimmer of hope on what would be a rather dismal day.
Hope you feel better soon, I will pray for a speedy recovery! :)
Oops...Sorry Phillip! :-)
Dear Kelli,
Hope you're feeling better, we must have caught the same cold!!
I love morning doves, I love the pics and I love that poem! Lets just say I love this post! LOL
It's freezing cold here in Canada also! Yap, it's winter in full meaning of the word! :-)
What lovely birds - my penpal in Alaska once sent me a card with Cardinals on it - they are so exotic compared with the wild birds in our garden - I did recognize your sparrows anyway! Hope your cold is better soon. I swear by hot chicken soup. Jennie in Wales. U.K.
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