My brother, Stephen is on spring break this week and decided to come to Texas for a visit. The girls and Benjamin are having lots of fun with him. He has gotten lots of requests to play outside, play games, watch movies and even burp the alphabet--you know, Uncle-y things. ;0)
Stephen made dinner for us tonight. Homemade cheese pizza and his specialty which he calls "Pizza Rustica."
He puts Italian seasoning and even a little cayenne is his crust!
A hot mozzarella cheese pizza!
Here is the "Pizza Rustica." I don't have the recipe, because evidentally it's a secret! I can tell you that there are three kinds of cheese--provolone, mozzarella, plus Italian sausage and salami.
Everything is wrapped up in the crust and baked.
It was SO good!! Even the girls and Benjamin loved it so there may be a fight over the leftovers tomorrow. :0)
We have plans to visit a few resale shops and hopefully the Natural History Museum. Later in the week, my other sister and her baby (whom I haven't met yet!) are coming for a visit also.
I hope you all are doing well. Can you believe February is almost over?!
Kelli, enjoy your family visits. A brother that cooks and plays the cool uncle, a sister visit and a brand new baby -- how very wonderful! :o)
That pizza looks so yummy. How fun for you to have your brother visiting. Enjoy your time together!!
Hey, Kelli, that pizza looks scrumptious!!! Enjoy the family visits! How terrific that you have these opportunities to share some time together! Hugs. :)
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!! That pizza looks SOOOOO good!!! Oh I wish I could have a slice :)
The Pizza Rustica looks delicious - how lucky you are to have brothers and sisters to visit you, as an only child it's a pleasure I've never had. My DH is an only child too so not even in-laws came my way.
That pizza looks awesome! *MMM*
Glad to hear you are enjoying your visit, and have yet another to come! *Smile*
Oh good heavens, that "Pizza Rustica" looks fantastic! There must be some way to bribe him, into revealing it! Must be!
Tell him that the ladies who read your blog, are calammoring for it. :-) Well, one is.
Does he deliver???? lol Gosh those pizzas look mighty good! What fun to have him visiting...and then you'll get to see your sister and new baby:-) Enjoy your time with them!! xox
Those pizzas look bad it's a secret recipe. Have fun with your family. It's so nice to have good relationships with them.
Benjamin kind of favors your brother :) I am sure the kids love having an uncle like him!
Yeum that sounds perfectly scrumptious. Have fun at the museams. I love doing things like that.
How wonderful to have your brother at your house for a week. The pizza looks delicious.
Have a great time with your brother.
The pizza looks soooooo YUMMY!
See if you can get him to share his recipe ;) It looks so delicious!
Enjoy your family visits.
My mouth is watering just looking at that yummy pizza! What fun that you have family visiting with you! I hope you have a wonderful time catching up:)
Kelli--Those pizza's look so good---you must get the recipe (giggle)Tell your brother we won't tell:)
Enjoy your time with you family
Have a wonderful Day!!
I am so glad you are getting these visits from family. I love your brother's red hair!!!
"Uncle-y things" I like that term, what is it about uncles doing things like burping the alphabet?
I hope you continue to have a wonderful time visiting with your brother, sister and new nephew/niece this week.
Yum, they both look wonderful. Makes me hungry just looking at them.
Have a wonderful time visiting with your family.
Both of those look so delicious.
I am so glad that you are enjoying some nice family time. The meals look absolutely delicious. Blessings!
How wonderful! The pizza looks delicious! Isn't it a blessing to be able to enjoy our siblings? I'm close to my sister, but I know many who aren't close at all to their brothers or sisters! My mama used to tell us when we were day you may only have each other! I've never forgotten that!
Enjoy your visit!
Oh my. He cooks? Hmmm, I bet the ladies are lining up now. (hee hee)
I know you are enjoying having him there and looking forward to having more family in.
Enjoy your time with them. I know you will.
P.s. Thank you for your prayers for our family this week. We have most assuredly felt them. :-)
Wow! The food looks fantastic. The pasta, the dessert, the pizza, and the cheese pastry! It's just about lunch time here and now I'm really hungry!
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