I tried a new recipe tonight. Mrs. Wilt shared a delicious looking Stromboli awhile back and I've been wanting to try it.
I looked for frozen bread dough at my store but they only sold the value pack (5 loaves) so I'm including the recipe for the homemade dough I made.
2 cups flour
2 tablespoons oil
1 tsp. sugar
1/8 tsp. salt
1 pkg. yeast
3/4 cup warm water.
Combine warm water and yeast, stir and let sit for 5-10 minutes until bubbly. In a large bowl, mix flour, sugar and salt. When yeast is ready, add oil and stir. Add mixture to the dry ingredients and blend well. Knead for 2-3 minutes. Put dough in oiled bowl, cover with a towel and let rise until double in size, about 1 hour.
Roll dough 1/4 inch thick and layer roughly 3-4 cups of meat and 2 cups of cheese. I used thinly sliced turkey sandwich meat..probably 2 cups worth and 2 cups of shredded cheese. Roll up tightly and seal the edges. Bake at 350 for 30-45 minutes.
I also spread a thin layer of this four cheese sauce on the dough before layering the meat and cheese and served it as a hot dipping sauce for the finished stromboli.
Everyone really liked it and Benjamin said, "Mom, I don't like your stromboli, I LOVE it!" :0)
Also on the menu was a Cherry Pie in honor of President's Day yesterday. When George Washington was a little boy of 6 years old, he accidentally cut down one of his father's cherry trees. His father was very angry but George confessed and all was forgiven.
I need to work a bit on my lattice crust. I tried to weave the strips of dough but they got too hot from the filling and kept falling apart. Grace made me stop trying so into the oven it went half latticed!
Cherry Pie
1 1/2 cups sugar
1/2 cup flour
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. almond extract
2 tablespoons butter, cut into small pieces
1 16oz. cans of pie cherries, NOT cherry pie filling (look for pitted cherries, packed in water)
Pastry for double pie crust
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. In saucepan, combine sugar, flour, cinnamon and undrained cherries. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until mixture thickens and boils (about 7 minutes). Remove from heat and stir in almond extract.
Pour mixture into a 9-inch unpacked pie shell. Dot with butter. Cover with top crust and seal edges and crimp. If a lattice crust is not used, put one or several vents in the crust. BAke at 400F for 30-35 minutes or until crust is brown.
You can also serve it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream!
So, there you have it, panic, stromboli and cherry pie!!!
Mmmm. Your cherry pie looks gorgeous! I haven't had cherry pie in a long time and I continually STRUGGLE with crusts. Maybe the next time I'm at a restaurant...
Glad to hear your blog is safe and sound! :) I'm sure there would be many long faces if you "disappeared."
Hi Mrs. Pivec! I have always strugged with piecrusts too, so I have my friend Mr. Pillsbury make them for me. ;0)
Yum! That stromboli looks so good! So does that pie for that matter.
Mr. Pillsbury makes my crusts as well, but I really do want to learn to make a good crust from scratch. I've printed out a couple of recipes to try...
Kelli hi! from Australia,
this is my very first time at your blog and how interesting it hs been too.
I have enjoyed your baked goods recipes and simply must borrow your cheesecake recipe s I do not make a good cheesecake at all.
I am sure I will enjoy many return visits to your blog as it is filled with all the comforts of home and the love of a family just those things I am passionate about.
blessings to you.
Hi Kelli,
I'm very happy you're back. I think I would panic if that happened to me. LOL!
Your cherry pie looks great to me. I don't have a lot of luck with lattice, either, but it is always eaten. I've never been a big fan of stromboli, as it usually dries out too much when I cook it. I like your idea of adding sauce. I'll have to try that.
In regard to your question,
I started working with Alaina on laundry when she was about Grace's age. She would help me sort, and decide what temp. to wash in, etc. By age 10 she was doing it all on her own. I started doing this with the older girls because Ashley was 10 when I had Alaina, and I needed help with all the laundry. I didn't learn until I was about 18, and I decided that they could learn to do it much younger! ;-)
The meal looks wonderful! Such a great idea to have Cherry Pie on Presidents Day. Your blog looks great. Welcome to the "new blogger" lol.
Rean Day
oops, I forgot to add that she is now 11. I'm impressed that you have already taught Grace how to sew! Alaina and I would love to see pictures of the pillow cases sometime!
Yummy...everything looks so scrumptious. I am glad that your blogger troubles are over.Blessings!
Yummy! Put the coffee on, I'm on my way!
Good morning Kelli:-) Glad you managed to get into your blog finally! lol I finally switched a few weeks ago and to tell you the truth, haven't had any problems at all...just don't "customize" and your blog will stay as it always is. Once you customize, then everything changes and you lose all your links....some people love it though. I just prefer my blog the way it is! lol I do love the faster way of uploading and publishing now though. Oh boy, your stromboli and cherry pie look delish...I've seen recipes for stromboli but have never tried making it! Hugs xoxo
Don't customize? Kelli, not customize? Ha! She has seasonal blog design, which isn't exactly a standard Blogger feature. :-)
Kelli--I so know the panic you went through switching blogs----I can't even tell you switched, you did a great job--mine on the other hand was visually a mess..(LOL)
I saw the stromboli at Mrs. Wilt's too--but the mayo stumped me, my husband is not a fan of mayo--I love the idea of the sauce you used--I am going to steal your idea;o)
Silly girl, I would not have even noticed the crust on your pie, until you said something--it still looks beautiful. At the .99 cents store they had huge bags of granny smith apples, so I grabbed two--I am going to make an apple pie this week--I will show you my pie when I am done, I make Martha's Mile High Apple pie:)
Have a wonderful Wednesday my friend!!
I'm glad your blog is okay - Phillip is such a hero!! The pie looks very yummy. :)
Oh my goodness....you are amazing!!
I wish I lived near you so I could visit you and possibly stay for supper!!!! :)
Looks so good!!
Kelli I dont know what your yacking about...there aint nuthin wrong with that pie or crust! It looks really good & I dont even like cherrie pie! Danny would say there was only one thing wrong with that pie & that would be...."WHERE'S THE ICE CREAM"!!!
all looks yummy Kelli. I am sure your family has felt lots of joy from having a mom/wife that takes such good care of them
The stromboli looks sooooo good!!! Your pie is beautiful, too; cherry pie is Copper's favorite!
I'm so sorry about the trouble you had with your blog!!! I'm glad your husband was able to save the day for you!
A mini stuffed lamb!? Can I see it while you work on it? :D
I love the fact that you celebrated President's Day with a cherry pie. :-)
Yummy! That looks like a delicious way to celebrate Presidents' Day! I'm so glad your hubby was able to fix your blog. :o)
Ohhhh, you are now in the New Blogger!!!! Well, sorry it was a forced move. But still, I think you'll like it, after a while.
Yummy looking pie, especially. Yes, that's me. Zero right in on dessert!!!
I think I just gained 10 pounds! *Grin*
Your pie looks wonderful! (and I must admit I strongly rely on Mr. Pilsbury myself.) I can bake, but pie crusts are not my strong suit.
Glad you are changed over to the "new" blogger and are none the worse for wear.
So glad you saved your blog! And reading & seeing your yummy foods makes my mouth water!
Your dinner sure looked great. I can't wait till I am home and can plan a meal again. We had turkey sandwiches and chicken noodle soup. I did roast a turkey on Monday since I was home from school. The whole time we were eating it Monday night I was thinking, "I can't wait to have a turkey sandwich." Love those leftovers! Have a great day.
Cherry pie is one of my favorites and yours looks delicious as does the stromboli.
Both recipes look delicious! The Stromboli with the cheese sauce is a must to try, especially if Benjamin loved it! lol
Glad you got through the catastrophe of switching over to the new blogger. Thank You, for your sweet comments about the new baby!
Your cherry pie looks delicious!
Blogger can be a bit of a pain at times. When I switched I just closed my eyes and pushed the button. I feel like I always need to tweak it!
The recipes look delicious. Cherry pie is my favorite.
The pie looks yummy! I ahve never made a lattice top pie before but I am going to have to give it a try.
Kelli, I just tried your stromboli and it was delicious! The entire family loved it! Thank you!
Cathy :)
You stromboli looks delicious. I have been making stromboli for years and my recipe has a beaten egg wash over the top, before baking. It give a nice finish and my husband says it doesn't taste as good without it.
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