Sunday, April 08, 2007

Our Easter

As you can see, I have a new blog topper. A special thank you to Phillip for making it for me! He was very patient while I said, "No, to the right...up a, down..ok, now to the left." ;0)
The fern is from my front flower bed. The welcome sign hangs on my front porch and the bistro table is an early Mother's Day present. Very early!

Our Easter weekend was cold. We actually had two hours of snow flurries on Saturday! That night it got down to 33F, so I covered up my plants and brought in the potted ones.

Fern was a good "watch-cat." She also thought the dirt made a good snack!

Poor Emily got an unexpected "Easter Egg." A huge bruise on her cheek. She and Grace shared the upper bunk Saturday night and during a tickling/wrestling game she hit her face on the bed rail. Fortunately, she says it doesn't hurt very much and was pleased when hardly anyone noticed it at church.

Everyone woke up to an Easter basket and some new outside toys. Hopefully it will be a bit warmer this week and they can play in the sandbox.

The string Benjamin is holding is edible grass. It feels like straw and probably tastes like it too! Not much has been eaten!

Here are the girls and Benjamin all ready for church. Grace and Emily were flower girls in a wedding 2 years ago and Emily is wearing one of the dresses. We found Grace's dress and Benjamin's shirt and the children's resale store this past week.

Grace and Emily wore their hair in a "cinnamon roll" bun, and I added a pink bow.

Here they are putting fresh flowers on the cross, at the front of our church.

After the service was the egg hunt...

It was about 45F degrees but they braved the cold!

We had lunch at Phillip's family's house. We had ham, scalloped potatoes, green beans, carrots, asparagus and rolls.

I made this lemon with butter cream lamb cake.

"Don't eat me!"

Lastly, I want to show you a real life Easter bunny. A baby rabbit has decided to live behind my Columbine flowers. The girls have named him Peter.

Off he goes, he's very camera shy!

Thank you for looking at my Easter pictures. I hope you had a wonderful day with your family!


Anonymous said...

All of these photos are SO sweet! The little cake you made is precious. And...I love your new blog header. :-)

CONNIE W said...

Kelli, I enjoyed so much reading your post and seeing all the wonderful photos. You have a lovely family. Sorry about Emily's boo-boo on her face. We had dinner today at my son's and my grandson Owen was playing and ran into a post in the dining room and got a big black & blue 'goose egg' on his eyebrow bone area, a bit ugly thing, poor little guy. We had great food (my son is an amateur chef) and time with family which was so nice. It's also cold here and we had some flurries yesterday. I'm ready for it to warm up so I can plant the herbs I bought last weekend. Your bistro table looks so inviting for some lemonade when it's warm again!

Dot said...

Kelli, I love the pictures! The cinnamon bun hair dos, the cake, everything! and the cute little rabbit!
You will have to tell us how you made that cake!

Mumintroll said...

I enjoyed reading your blog and the pictures are so sweet

Tina Leigh said...

Oh Kelli it looks like yall had a wonderful day!!!!

Henny Penny said...

What lovely pictures!

Sorry about the boo-boo Emily got. Seems like it always happens when they are having fun doesn't it?

Portrait of Peter said...

Thank you for sharing such an amazing story with beautiful photo's too. The church scene - truly wonderful and the easter egg search.

Luv the rabbit too "Peter" - I think he has found his home with you all.

Blessings and delighted you have all had such a wonderful Easter.

Kind regards


Anonymous said...

I loved your Easter pictures. Your lamb cake looks just like the one my grandmother used to make when I was a child. She had a special mold. I wonder where that ended up when she died?

I love your header, as I said before. I love it even more knowing that you guys did that yourself. Such talent!

Have a great week, Kelli.

Terri said...

Sounds like your Easter was a good one. I am glad. So many pictures!
I have been sadly neglectful of my camera lately. You are inspiring to try harder. Loved the cake, the children looked splendid, and Peter Rabbit in your very own yard; who could want for more?
God bless.

Anita said...

Hi Kelli! Happy Easter to you and your family! The kids looked very very pretty for the service yesterday! And I hope Emily's face is doing better now, poor girl!

Oh, the poor lamb cake, did it task well? I could almost hear it crying "don't eat me!".

We had an Easter egg hunting in our garden as well yesterday, with the neigbouring kids. But they were quite clever and very quickly found all my eggs - or should I better say I have not been clever enough to find the right hiding places?

How nice to have an Easter bunny in your garden!

We have a week off now after Easter and I really hope it gets a bit warmer!

Warmest wishes, Anita

Rebecca said...

Wonderful photographs! Glad to see that you had a happy Easter. The children look LOVELY in their Easter duds!

Poor Emily-I remember doing that LOTS as a child...I was such a tomboy (in dresses) and I was on the top bunk. Didn't really mix well. :-) Was this her first wearing make-up experience then?!? ;-)

PS...I SO wanted to make a lamb cake like that but had NO idea where to find the mold, I saw the picture of one on you mind sharing??? PLEASE?!?! :-)

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

Hi Kelli, your children look very nice dressed up for Easter. Love the girls' hair...very sweet!

Jodi said...

Kelli, it looks like you had a wonderful Easter Sunday! Grace and Emily look beautiful and Benjamin quite handsome. Your little lamb cake is adorable. I hope your Peter rabbit sticks around; our little bunnies moved back into the woods!

Oh, your new header looks great, too! Kudos to your hubby! :o)

Christine said...

Poor Emily. I hope she heals quickly. I adore the way you fixed the girls hair! (especially with the pink ribbon) The bunny cake is so cute! I am so glad that you had a lovely Easter. Blessings!

Lila Rostenberg said...

I like your new header with the welcome sign! Your Easter may have been chilly but I can see you have made wonderful memories!
I approve of your early Mother's day'll enjoy it once the weather warms up!

Paula said...

The new header looks wonderful!

I'm glad you had a nice Resurrection day; it was quite chilly here, too, but it was still a beautiful day.

Your little lamb cake was just adorable--too cute to eat!

Have a wonderful week! :D)

Susie said...

Looks like it was an absolutely wonderful day. Love the lamb cake and Peter rabbit in the garden.
Your new header is really nice :)

Christie Belle said...

Awww, it sounds like you guys had a wonderful Easter, I'm so glad! Your kids looked beautiful! The food sounded yummy, the cake was precious, and the bunny is just fun! It was cold here too, but I'm glad it didn't stop your fun!
Hugs, Christie
P.S. I love the new header:)

Candy said...

Kelli, love the new header. LOVE the lamb cake.
And am so sorry to hear about Emilys "egg". It sure looks sore :(
I will say a prayer for her to feel better very soon..

Congrats on your Thinking Blogger Award from Trella. I knew you would get awarded, you deserve it :)

Trella said...

I love the pictures! They are so sweet.
I hope the weather warms up so they can enjoy the sand box.
I gave you an award. Go to my blog to pick it up.

Lena said...

Kelli, this is my favorite Easter post. I love seeing the children all dressed up so beautifully. The girls hair looked pretty. A hug to Emily. I hope her bruise is gone soon, poor thing.
Your cake turned out great!
I love the new blog topper. Your bistro table looks so nice in the garden. Hopefully, your spring weather will return soon and you'll be able to enjoy it...'course it's so pretty I'm enjoying just looking at it!

Dawn said...

I loved seeing your Easter photos!!! The children looked so very festive!

Christie Belle said...

Hey there! I'm so glad it was a hit and that you all liked it:) Congrats on being nominated for the award too! It is hard picking isn't it? There are so many wonderful blogs! Yours included, I love coming to visit:)

Momma Roar said...

I love your new blog topper! Very pretty! What great pictures too - you have a beautiful family! The cake does look too cute to eat!
It looks like you had a beautiful day!

LadySnow said...

I love the new header too! I hope your daughters "egg" gets better. My little girl is always getting bruises on her forehead...I hardly notice when she has one now. :)

Amber said...

looks like you had a wonderful Easter. The cake is so cute! I just read the story about Peter Rabbit to my four year old and she loved it. I am trying to find the boxed set on ebay!

copperswife said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jenn4Him said...

Such lovely pictures of Easter. I felt a little cool wearing my Easter sandals as it was 30 degrees out!

copperswife said...

What a lovely day you all had. Tell Emily that I said that shiner's a beauty! Your backyard bunny is sure cute. If you want to encourage him to stay you could buy some bunny chow and keep him fat and happy!

Lori said...

Thanks for sharing the photos of your Easter day! It looks like everyone had a fun time! Your kids look so nice all dressed up for church.

I love the picture of your Eater lamb cake. You are very creative. He almost looks to good to eat!! hehe

I also love your new blog header!

Happy Belated Easter to you!!

Christy said...

Your children looked beautiful!! I LOVE the cake-you are so creative!!

I love the blog heading also :)

It was nice to see the flower cross, my inlaws church has the same tradition and I think it looks beautiful. It is also a great teaching opportunity!!

Charree said...

I like your new topper.

The pictures are adorable. I really like the pink ribbon you added to the bun. It gave it the finishing touch.

Anonymous said... many things I wanted to comment on!
I love your new header!!!
Your kids looked beautiful, minus that little shiner.....bless her heart! She still looked gorgeous!

Your cake was darling!!!! SO cute!

Beautiful pictures!

Carole Burant said...

What a lovely Easter you all had...your children look so adorable in their Easter finery:-) Poor Emily, I'm glad to hear the bruise isn't hurting her because it sure does look painful!! My boys used to get bruises like that just before I'd be taking them to have their pictures taken professionaly! lol Your lamb cake looks soooo cute, what a lovely idea! I love your new header, just perfect...I'd love to get one of those bistro sets!! I so enjoyed all the pictures:-) xox

Karen said...

Well that is so original and I LOVE it!! It personalizes your blog beautifully! These husbands sure are patient men, aren't they?
The children looked precious in their Easter finery, and I love the stained glass in your church.
I hurt when I look at poor Emily's "egg". Hope she is feeling better.
And that adorable cake.....nobody ate him, right? Too cute to eat!

Heather @ Marine Corps Nomads said...

My goodness, so many cute pictures!! Looks like you had a wonderful Easter even with the chilly weather.

I love the new header picture!

Creative Life Studio said...

It looks like you had a wonderful day! We were very chilly here too. I love your little lamby cake! SO cute! :)

Tracy said...

What a lovely day you all had together. These days are what memories are made of, yes? Darling cake, beautiful children, fun in the yard... Precious times, indeed!
Blessings ,

Heather said...

I love your new blog header. Your children look so sweet! I am glad that your Easter was lovely! We got snow too!

love, Heather

Kelley said...

What beautiful pictures Kelli!
Sounds like you had a wonderful and blessed Easter!

Julieann said...

Hi Kelli, Your new blog look is so nice, pink is my favorite color:) Your girls hair looks so lovely in the bun. I put Alexis's hair in a bun--I have to braid it first. Little girls just look like little princesses in buns. I enjoyed all the pictures, and it sounds like you had a lovely Easter--LOVE the cake too:)


Dani said...

Your new blog header looks great!

I'm so glad you all had a wonderful Easter and I hope Emily's eye heals up quickly, ouch!

Marci said...

Very nice photos. The children looked very nice all ready for church.

Your lamb cake was so cute. you did a great job.

Thanks for sharing all the pictures, Kelli.

TO BECOME said...

The photos were just great. The girls look so sweet and your son so handsome. It seems that you all had a wonderful Easter. I am so glad. The little cake, I don't know but I think my heart would not have let me taken one bite. It was such a cute and sweet cake. connie from Texas

smilnsigh said...

Very nice new blog topper!

And thank you for letting me know what is the proper word to call it. I get mixed up on these blogging 'names'. -smile-


Calico Sky said...

simply beautiful post :)
how do you do that beautiful hair bun, cinnamon roll??

Sharon said...

Kelli, what a wonderful Easter post...I love how the children are all dressed up for easter......and I love the
It was very cold here on Easter day and I put the eggs for the hunt in the grandchildren s baskets and thet still wanted to go out side and look for eggs. Will have to remember that for next year. I love the new pictures and the heading for your blog.........good work