Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.
As you can see, there is a new picture for "Show and Tell Friday"! Please go HERE for the picture code to copy and paste into your post!
I have two things to show you today....
Some of you may remember this Black Hills ring that I showed on April 20, 2007. It was one of my first show and tells. Back in 1994, my brother was swimming in a lake and found this ring at the bottom of it. He gave it to me as long as I promised to give it back once he found a serious girlfriend. This past April he had been married for two years, so I figured it was about time to keep my end of the deal!
When I visited my parents on the east coast this past October, I left the ring with my mom, since my brother would be visiting at Christmas. He remembered the day at the lake and was surprised that I still had the ring! Here's the best part: He wants to me take the ring back! It is mine to keep! I will be happy to have it back safe and sound in my jewelry box.
Speaking of showing an item more than once, this little jeweled butterfly brooch is what started my love for show and tell.
I was six years old back in 1982, and my 1st grade teacher had a show and tell once a month.
I loved this butterfly brooch so much, I would bring it for every single show and tell. My poor teacher! The stones aren't real and a few are missing, but I treasure it and like to look at it once in a while as a reminder of my wonderful childhood.
Thank you for looking at my show and tell!
Show and Tell Guidelines
What is Show and Tell Friday?
Show and Tell involves showing something to an audience, and then telling them about it. Your show and tell must be something that you own, and is in your home or garden.
What items work well for Show and Tell Friday?
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
-Family heirlooms
-A collection you may have
-A piece of jewelry
-A special gift
-Gardening pictures
What doesn't work well for Show and Tell Friday?
-Posts with no photos have no "Show." Please don't use them.
-Photos of events (trips, vacations, celebrations, etc.)
-Photos of things you are selling or planning to sell.
-Photos found on the internet, graphics or screenshots. Please use photos you take yourself.
-Old photos of just people instead of things.
There is no place like home is the original home of Show and Tell Friday. Please do not host your own.
How can I participate?
Once you've got your photo(s) and your story, it's easy as 1-2-3!
1 - Publish your "Show and Tell" on your blog, including a link back to There is No Place Like Home.
2 - Copy the link (or "permalink") from your post.
3 - Add it to Mr. Linky, along with your first name only. (This will make the list easier to read.) I usually put Mr. Linky up on Friday at 12:00am Eastern time.
Those are both such great stories behind those treasures. How fun that show and tell originated in your classroom! blessings and enjoy the return of the ring.
Kelli, you were such a cute little girl! What a sweet story about the butterfly brooch! So typical of a little girl loving something and showing it weekly!
Nice brother to let you keep the ring, it's beautiful!
It's only Thursday! Did you enter some sort of time warp? LOL
Seriously, I loved your Show and Tell memories.
What cool things for your show and tell today! I can't believe your brother found that pretty ring! I love it and how wonderful that now you get to keep it forever!
I love the butterfly pin and the story behind it, so darling! I cannot believe you were just six years old in 1982, that is the year that I got married!!! You make me feel old! :0)
Hugs, Sharon
P.S. You were a darling little girl!
What a great brother. That is the sweetest thing of show and tell. They have that on Friday at my gbabies school.I find that funny how things pass on through the years.
I love both of your show and tells this week!
What fun memory of finding a pretty ring at the bottom of the lake. I wonder why your brother didn't want it back? It is very pretty. :)
That butterfly is just precious. It is so funny what strikes a kids fancy. I remember I got my mom a ring that had a fake pink stone in it. I loved that ring! I thought she would as much as I did. Now I look back and think, "mom was just leading me on!" ;-)
Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed reading your today. :)
Ps, in 1982 I was one years old.
Oh yes Kelli, I remember that story of your ring you told us back in spring last year! How wonderful that you'll get back "your" ring!
And what a special little butterfly! Oh, I am so much looking forward to seeing butterflies in my garden this year!
Have a great week-end!
Hugs, Anita
P.S.: Thanks for your mail, I am so glad to read that you are feeling better now!
Love it! So cute - and what great memories.
That's crazy he found a ring in a lake and even a beautiful one ! That's nice that you can keep it !
I just love Show and Tell. Thank you for hosting it.
We had Show and Tell in first grade as well. I always insisted on taking the same book and reading from it. My poor teacher. She probably hated that book by the end of the year!
Warm regards,
What lovely items, and such treasured memories. You were such a cute little girl.
I love the story behind "Show and Tell Friday." It is so sweet that you brought the pin each week. I'm so glad you showed it twice so more people would hear your story.
Thanks ~ Kathi
Love the pieces of jewelry, but I love the story behind them very much!!!! And your photo? It's priceless.
That was one super show n tell Kelli!!!
You've got some lovely pieces of jewelry along with some wonderful memories!
How nice to have such a thoughtful brother!
Show & Tell was always a hightlight of my elementary days. I'm smiling now as I think back about all the stuff I carried on the schoolbus (like giant stuffed animals) just to bring for S&T. Yes, our poor teachers. But look how they prepared us for this!
Kelli, Hi~
I am finally posting a show and tell. Belieive it or not.
Love your Black Hills gold ring and broach. I'm sure they are both treasures to you indeed.
I'm going to make your cappicino muffins this weekend.
Enjoy your weekend.
Hugs, Lori
Kelli, how wonderful of your brother to let you keep the ring! And the brooch is beautiful! I'm so glad I joined "Show and Tell"!
Kelli, you were born to host an online show & tell. If only your teacher could see you now! Both stories were very touching. Thanks.
Hi Kelli!!!! I remembered first thing this morning to do your show and tell...LOL:)
Your little brooch is just precious!!!
How sweet of your brother to let you keep the ring! And I love the story of the brooch you showed for show and tell in school! I can imagine a little girl poring over that brooch in wonder.
Such a very very sweet post! Love it! That ring is so unique and so very pretty. The butterfly and the story with is is wonderful--it is interesting to see what things we love and loved! I think each spring or summer you should wear it --ie on the first day of spring or summer---that would be coooooooooooooool --blessings!
What a lovely post! I have many of those sorts of treasures from my childhood too. It's fun to go back and look at them. Sorry my name got double posted in Mr. Linky. I also haven't figured out why there's a happy face beside it......
Happy to be back participating again. I enjoy looking at everyone's 'stuff'.
Happy New Year!
What a wonderful story about the ring...How nice of your brother to let you keep it...It's a beautiful ring but it's the story behind the ring that makes it so cool :o)
~simply stork~
I remember that ring! I'm so happy that he is giving it back to you for keeps!!!
What wonderful, wonderful stories behind these treasures, Kelli! I especially love the butterfly brooch.. it's something I too would have loved at that age.
I love Show and Tell Friday...so fun!
both pieces are very nice. isn't it funny how end up loving something. it may not be anything special to anyone but us, but for some reason it is.
i think it's neat that you've held on to the butterfly brooch all this time. it must bring back a flood of memories each time you look at it.
and the ring, too. it's beautiful. lucky you for being able to keep it.
What a wonderful brother you have...and your brooch...so sweet...I am sure that your teacher understood.
Kelli thank you so much for hosting Show and Tell. I was thinking this morning how we were probably fairly close in age, and now I know I was right. I'm just 2 years younger.
We did enjoy the chicken by the way, hubby's only complaint was that I didn't have a whole bunch of barbecue to smother the chicken in after I took it out of the crock pot. Next time I will.
Hi, lady! I love that brooch!
How nice of your brother to let you keep the ring. My mother had a butterfly pin like yours and I would often wear it to school too.
You were such a little cutie back in 1982. I was 26 then (please DON'T do the math!)
These ARE great stories. I love the little school picture. I'm so glad you still have that butterfly! What a fun thing. Looks like we both had cheap costume jewelry in mind today, for entirely different reasons. Mine have no stories!
Thanks for the fun, Kelli.
I love the story behind your butterfly brooch and lol at you keep taking it to school.
The ring is lovely too.
What a cute story! I bet your teacher thought it was cute, too.
I loved hearing the stories behind your treasures ~ I thought that was so cute how you brought the brooch to every single show and tell! When we went to see Grammy's old home place in N.Dakota we stopped off in the Black Hills and I have a black hills ring from that trip! I love mine, too:o)
I love the stories behind your treasures. The butterfly pin is very pretty and I do not blame a little girl for taking it in for show and tell every week. I would have too.
What a sweet brother you have! I love that ring, too.
Also, your butterfly pin is adorable as is the story that goes with it.
I LOVE the story about your broach, Kelli. :) I think we all have something like that that we treasure, no matter how silly it seems when you look through "adult" glasses. :D
Thanks for visiting my blog this week! :) Have a wonderful weekend!
Love the stories! The ring is neat...I remember it from before, but I love the butterfly. Reminds me of pins my grandmother had.
Hope you are doing well, Kelli!
I remember Show & Tell as a child. I used to look forward to it!
I love your jewelry pieces, the pin is so pretty !!
You have a very nice brother :)
Thank you for Show & Tell Friday !
i just signed up. I wanted to do it this week and leave a post this morning even knew what I was going to photo. But we just found out that our camera isn't compatible with the new computer. GRR. So I will have to wait till next week. This week I will just enjoy everyone else. I'll give a sneak preview I'll be posting my cookbook collection and how they are displayed. Hope everyone likes them. Blessings, Sherry. By the way love your blog and love your garden photos and the story of the toad.
Hi Kelli,
Two beautiful pieces of jewelry, and how sweet of your brother to want you to keep the ring.
Awwww those are such sweet stories. I am new to your blog, what a great idea "show and tell Friday" is. I will be sure to join in next Friday.
Kelli, I love how you took your little butterfly broach to school for Show and Tell every single week. What a precious story! Warm memories. . .I used to enjoy Show and Tell as well.
And. . .
Your ring is beautiful!
Hi Kelli, you have a sweet brother and I'm happy the ring is coming back to you.
I think your show and tell brooch is beautiful too. Two specials treasure both with happy memories. Linda
I love your show and tell and the stories behind the things that are precious to you! I have a sweet crown pin that was my grandma's and it is in pretty bad shape - missing stones and discolored glue, but I loved it as a girl and wore it to school for many a show and tell. My grandma died when I was 5 so it was a real connection to her - and it is still in my jewelry box. I'm waiting until our Dreamer learns to take care of things a bit more before I pass it down to her - since right now it is liable to end up on the floor broken!
The Word verification for this comment is:
Must be a reminder to PRAY ON!
I rarely see verifications that are so much like words, so it stood out to me.
That butterfly brooch is Beautiful and what a sweet photo of you as a child!
Sandra Evertson
Kelli, what a wonderfuld post. I love the jewellery, especially this wonderful ring!!
Hugs, Britta
Weren't you just precious! :o)
I love that ring, I remember that day back in April when you first shared it. It's such a great story, and what a great brother. He must know how much you love it.
I just love the story about you showing the butterfly brooch every week. It is so sweet.
The ring - I have a cross made by the same company it is special. Do you know the history of the man who started the designs? If you don't I will do a show and tell on my cross and add the story.
How great you get the ring back...and the brooch is so beautiful. I love the different colors in it.
Kelli I love the butterfly pin!! The ring your brother gave you is simply a treasure..thank you for sharing with us! hugs NG
what a sweet story. That is so cool you still have the ring and was willing to give it to him but.. low and behold he wants you to keep it. and the brooch is sweet. do you think your teacher really got sick of you bringing it in all the time for show & Tell. Well you story was a delightful one. have a great week. XO,
Beautiful, Kelli! :) I'm sure your teacher was just tickled with you bringing it every month. Wonderful story.
Hey Kelli,
I looked at your show and tell earlier, but didn't leave a comment. I love the butterfly!
As to Quilt Country. Yes, I go there a lot. In fact, I take quite a few classes there. In fact, I'm taking a paper piecing class there not next week but the week after (Jan 22, 23, and 24). I also rent the longarm to do the quilts I make there. Feel free to submit a review to my new website for Quilt Country if you like. :)
Oh, and if you go there, tell them you're a friend of mine. They'll know me there. ;-)
What a perfect show and tell-about your own first show and tell. I loved hearing your story and seeing your photos. Wear the ring and enjoy it now.
Kathy b
I love hearing stories of what people thought when they were kids. Your story about the butterfly broach at every show and tell is no exception!
Oh Kelli what a wonderful show and tell, then and NOW
you look so darn sweet too!!
What we treasure matters not
what it's worth is, but the joy it
brings to us.
I LOVE your butterfly pin!!
fondly, deena
What beautiful pieces and sweet stories and I'm glad you get to keep the ring!
I have to tell you that I love the new Show & Tell Banner!
Now for one more thing....you have such an amazing blog and always keep us going with the Show & Tell Fridays that I would like to pass the You Make My Day Award on to you. If you'll go to my blog http://hazelruthes.blogspot.com/ you can see what to do.
Cathy :)
How adorable! I just LOVE your blog!
How sweet of your brother to give you the ring permanently!! And I LOVE the butterful brooch! I think it's just lovely and I would have gladly listened to you talk about it at every show and tell!
Mrs. U
I love both of those stories!!
I think that Black Hills jewelry is so pretty. And the butterfly is lovely. You were an adorable little girl. :)
Hi Kelli! I am going to attempt to do Show and Tell. I can definitely do the blogging but I am a little intimidated by the linking - we'll just see what happens and hope for the best! I will continue to check in on your blog spot. I am a Christian too and blog-hopping is actually something that my daughters and I do together. I keep it G rated on my site and I can tell that you do too! Come see me sometimes - I'm new to this (first week!) and would love friendly guests to my site!
Love in Christ - Jennifer
How sweet that your brother wants you to keep the ring. Lovely picture of you at age 6! Kelli, I was 13 in 1982, heheh.
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