Saturday, August 23, 2008

Weekend Chit~Chat

Good Morning! My friend, Julianne asked if I could believe how many entries there were for my giveaway. No, I really can't. I am very surprised and overwhelmed by all of the wonderfully kind comments. Thank you so much and I'd especially like to thank you for your friendship!

I used to select a winner and am excited to announce that TJ from Just Another Day at the Kihn's is the lucky duck. Congratulations, TJ! Thank you again, to everyone who joined in. I wish I could send you all a little something!

It was cool and rainy every day this week, which was a nice break from our usual August weather.



Morning Glory
All of the morning glories closed up.

Morning Glory
But showed their faces as soon as the rain stopped.

Morning Glory

Morning Glory

This is the last sunflower in my garden.



I also wanted to show you how big Daisy has gotten! She is almost 5 months old now.

She loved all the rain we had this week.

She also loved the mud puddles in the back yard.

Please let me in!

I hope you all have a great weekend. We will be going to Phillip's family's house to celebrate his mom's birthday.


Happy@Home said...

Hi Kelli,

Congratulations to TJ on being the winner of your giveaway.

We could use some of the rain you are getting as we are still in a severe drought. All of your flowers are gorgeous especially that daisy :-)

Have a great weekend,

Kelli@SassySouthernMom said...

Hey Kelli,

Love the pictures from your garden. I have to know, what type of digital camera do you have? I seem to have lost mine...Your pictures are spectacular! Thanks for sharing!

Enjoy your weekend,

Jen said...

What great pictures. I enjoy coming by to see you.

GranthamLynn said...

Dawng...well maybe next time but I'll send my congrats. to the winner.
My Daisy isn't so excited about the rain I was outside in the steady drizzle turned my back and she was gone. To the front door under the porch! My how Daisy has grown. We have to get the girls together to play!
I am writing about Daisy later today come back once your done with the office organizing and seeing your mom in love.
BTW one ? is your dear hubby helping? Most times I have to do stuff like that w/o mine. He never throughs anything away!
Have a fun and Blessed day
Hugs and Smiles,
Sherry and Daisy

Katy said...

Congrats to TJ! :)

Oh..Daisy is just tooooo cute! I love her! :) I love her sweet! :)

The flower pics are gorgeous! :)
I hope you have a great weekend Kelli! :)

Anonymous said...

Your pictures are so pretty today!!
Have a good weekend

Nancy M. said...

Your pictures are beautiful today of your raindrop flowers and cute pup!
have a wonderful weekend.

Kerri said...

I couldn't believe all the entries you had for your give away either. TJ is so lucky! :) Our weather has warmed up and is beautiful. Rain is on the way for us too. Your flowers are beautiful and Daisy is getting so big. She is so cute too. How can you resist those big brown eyes?
Love Kerri

Charlotte said...

Oh, that rain sounds w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l. Wish we had a little of it. All the flower pictures are beautiful. Nice pictures of Daisy too.

Anonymous said...

What awesome photos. Daisy is a cutie! So much emotion in her face, esp when she had to come in from the rain. We could use some rain-send it along please.
I think Morning glories are one of my favorite flowers, esp the blue.

Sharon said...

Congratulations to TJ! :)

Daisy is so adorable! I love the looks on her face. You can almost tell what she is thinking. :)

LadySnow said...

Those flowers are beautiful...we too are having much nicer weather then we typically get in August. :D

TJ said...

Oh my goodness! You just made my morning Kelli! I have even more reason to get the house all picked up today.

Daisy really is growing. She is adorable. I really love the pond too. We keep discussing putting one in.

Thanks again! Have a good time with family this weekend. - TJ

~Laurie said...

I love the sunflowers! They are beautiful! Love the pups too!

Arlene G said...

Beautiful pictures...cant believe how big Daisy is now!

Sue Seibert said...

Hi, Kelli. Love the photo. Love the rain here in Texas, too.

I have tried to post twice to Show and Tell and my link is removed. I re-read the instructions, and I still don't see what I am doing wrong.


Joanne Kennedy said...

Awww Daisy is so cute! I just love her! She looks so sweet.


Lindsay-ann said...

The close up pictures of your flowers are amazing. I love your pond and fish. Glad you had some rain to cool everything down. Daisy is adorable.
Have a good weekend.

Unknown said...

Wonderful photos. What a blessing the rain can be sometimes.

Daisy is adorable, how could anyone refuse those puppy eyes. He is even more adorable wet, but then it isn't my floor he is going to mess up!

dot said...

I love your pictures! We have the blue morning glories here also and I was out taking pictures of them this morning. I've noticed that you are making your photos larger but did you also get a new camera?

Eleanor said...

Wonderful photos, Kelli! And the photos of Daisy are just a treat. Thanks for the visit. Love Eleanors

The Berry's Patch said...

Hi Kelli,

The flowers are just beautiful. And so is your Daisy. She is big at 5 months. I bet she is a good dog.

Thank you for the birthday wishes!

Brandee :-)

The Hamilton's said...

What beautiful pictures!!

And I love your dog! We have a golden retriever named Molly. She is 5 years old and is such a wonderful dog!

Tori Leslie said...

Hey congrats to the winner!!

Nice photos, family told me is was wet there, I guess it is!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the winner! (o:

I *love* it when you show pictures of Daisy--she's sooooo CUTE!

Cathy said...

lol, Don't you just love the way dogs shake after being wet. Gorgeous pictures, Kelli.

Little GrumpyAngel said...

You take the most gorgeous pictures! Wow! I love your blog and I am going to add you to my blog roll.

cryssi said...

Love the pictures, especially the morning glories. Just beautiful. Daisy is adorable! Just begging to be let Looks like my dogs when it rains.

Happy Birthday to Phillips Mom!


Terri said...

Kelli, the pictures of your flowers are stunning! What beauty you have all around you.

Jennifer Hoots said...

Daisy has to have the sweetest face on a puppy, even muddy. Have a nice weekend. I am off to Arkansas in the morning. "See" you when I get back.

Carla said...

Great shots! That puppy is wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad TJ won. She always leaves me such sweet comments. Your dog looks so cute wet and muddy.

Missy Wertz said...

Love the photos of the morning glories. I have some blooming. It is nice to look at them.

Contrats to TJ on winning!

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Congratulation to TJ! Love the beautiful flowers....Daisy looks so Cute! We are having the rain that yall had...and the tropical Fay. We need it but hope we won't Float..LOL We are in Flood watch all weekends. You have a wonderful time this weekends. Kathy

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

What beautiful sunflowers...m.

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

That sunflower is so amazing and almost as pretty as Daisy! What a cute girl she is, even with a muddy nose!

Lovely blog you have. Edward and I enjoyed ourselves here very much.

Quinne said...

Hi Kelli :) Your Daisy-girl is just a love! She is so beautiful. Miss M and Mr S will love these new pics.

Sending "hoorays" to TJ. It was a really lovely giveaway :)

Hope that you have a wonderful weekend! Love Q

Lynette said...

What pretty pictures. I am jealous of your rain, we have none here in California. Thanks for the kind comments on my blog!

Kelly @ Growing.Learning.Playing. said...

Congrats, TJ! Oh, and Kelli, I just love the pictures you take. They really brighten up my day, friend!

Lulu said...

beautiful flowers..
your doggie is so cute..

The Liberty Belle said...

Congratulations TJ! Kelli, thanks once again for hosting such a nice giveaway. Every visit I make to your wonderful blog is like opening a present to me.

Susie said...

Hi Kelli,
Congratulations to TJ! I think your weekend chit chat post is one of my favorites. Your photos are always so lovely. Can't believe how big that Daisy is getting.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Lisa Cobler said...

Wow! Your photos are beautiful!

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Kelli, Your pictures of the flowers dripping with rain drops are amazing! ~Rhonda :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to TJ on winning your giveaway.

We had rain here on Friday as well. Now the sun is out shining and the flowers look better than ever.

God bless.

Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

Good Evening Kelli,

I always know you'll put a smile on my face when I drop by for a visit, thank you! Wonderful pictures and Daisy just keeps growing and growing :).

Congratulations TJ!

Kathi :)

Jenn said...

Aren't those amazing the way they unfold? I have gotten so much joy out of watching my sunbabies, I mean flowers develop. It's awe inspiring!

Anonymous said...

Congratualtions to TJ.
Beautiful pictures and Daisy is getting so big :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to TJ !!!!

I love the flower pictures and Daisy had gotten so big !!! She looks so very cute !!
Have a wonderful day !!

Lacie said...

Hello, i have been reading your blog over the last couple of days- love it!

love your pictures you have taken of your garden- I would love to know what kind of camera you are using...


NHizName said...

Oh boo-hoo! I am so sorry I missed getting my name in the pot for the give many of the things I love! Emilie Barnes, butterflies, aprons....and I just love visiting your blog, but have been bogged down here with so much coming in from my garden to be canned and put up in our home freezer that I've had next to no time for the computer! I also had my mom here for 6 weeks with a fractured ankle...
Anyway, just wanted to pop in to see what I have been missing!
Like I said, I love your blog!!

Melissa Stover said...

what beautiful pictures!

Linda said...

Congratulation to TJ! Enjoy all the goodies. Hugs, Lidna

Missy said...

beautiful pictures! daisy is so adorable :)
