Monday, March 30, 2009

Simple Pleasures and Apple Turnovers

Good morning! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I was able to have a little alone time Sunday afternoon. Here are a few pictures of what I enjoyed...


Bleeding heart
I was worried my Bleeding Heart wasn't going to come back. It even has a tiny flower, which I didn't even noticed at first.

Flower pots


We are celebrating a birthday this week...Daisy turns one.

And I'm happy to report she no longer fits in our water garden!

She does love playing in the hose though. She's a good girl, a wonderful family pet and she even keeps our feet warm at night. :0)

Apple turnovers
And lastly, a plate of homemade Apple Turnovers. Thank you for the recipe, Gina!

Apple Turnovers
I hope you all have a great start to your week!


Tina Leigh said...

Where is the ice cream for those turnovers!!! Looks like Spring has arrived at your house Kelli!
Mama came last week. Me, her & Little Package went on a tour of old Savannah. It was so much fun. We went to a tea house in the afternoon but could not get waited on. I was so disappointed! Anyway I thought of you & Revee having tea together all the time....thought Mama & I could get just ONE up on ya...but I guess not! love ya!

Anonymous said...

Yummmm, the apple turnovers caught my eye quickly ;D I heart pastries!

Anonymous said...

Sunday is my favourite day of the week. Looks like yours was well spent!

Ali @ A Cosy Life

Terri said...

Those turnovers look delicious! You look like you had a lovely day.

Judy said...

Oh my Daisy has gotten so big...just like our Sadie. I'm glad she's worked out well for you. I still haven't made those turnovers I'm really going to find the time, yours look so yummy.

suzeeez said...

All great pictures and those apple turnovers look yummy,I want one.
:o) Sue

Stacey said...

Happy Birthday Daisy. I know your family has truly fallen in love with her. Those apple turnovers look amazing!

Mary Anne said...

Yum! The turnovers look delicious. I love your sweet pictures of Daisy;-) Pets are wonderful. I posted a funny story about our cat recently at Marigold Manor. Stop by and visit if you get a moment;-)

Have a lovely day.


Mary Anne

akawest said...

Happy Birthday to Daisy. My mom recently adopted a puppy, whom she named Daisy!

I am about to pour some coffee. After looking at your apple turnovers, my usual breakfast of a rice cake and peanut butter is not as appealing. Those turnovers look delicious.

picketfencemom said...

I LOVE the picture of Daisy in the water garden! LOL I will so have to try the Apple Turnovers! My grandma always made fried apple pies and every time I eat them, they bring back such good memories of her!
Glad you had such a nice weekend, and I pray you'll have a delightful week as well!

LadySnow said...

Those apple turnovers look delicious!

Heather said...

Daisy is the cutest thing ever! so snuggle worthy!

Kathy said...

What great pictures. Daisy is a love I'll bet. And those turnovers do look yummy. Looks like you had a perfect day.

Heather said...

mmmmmm I will have to find a recipe for those turnovers. They look yummy!!

Nancy M. said...

What a wonderful time well spent.
I love the pictures and especially the lovely turnovers. Have a wonderful week.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Daisy is one already! A year went by sooo fast! It looks like you are enjoying the simple pleasures of Spring!! Hope you are having a beautiful day today!!

The Raggedy Girl said...

The Apple Turnovers look so yummy!
Daisy is one sweet looking puppy.
The rose is amazing, love the color.

Have An Amazing Monday
from Roberta Anne-the Raggedy Girl

Anonymous said...

Had to chuckle about Daisy keeping your feet warm at night. Be careful! Our Golden Retriever was raised on the bed as a puppy (by previous owners). He's not nearly so little now (he's huge) and still thinks he can take his HALF of our Cal King bed out of the MIDDLE!

So glad your Sunday afternoon was lovely.

Cherrie said...

Beautiful pictures!

Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday, Miss Daisy! Lovely pictures...sometimes a little time alone for an afternoon is just the perfect thing!

Lora @ my blessed life said...

Happy Birthday, Daisy!! Wish I could share on of your apple turnovers right now:)

TJ said...

Oh those turnovers look fabulous! I made blueberry muffins this weekend, and they are all gone!

I cannot wait for our weather to warm up and my garden begins to come to life like yours.

Yay for Daisy's first birthday!

Jessica said...

I especially enjoyed seeing your spring pictures since today I woke up to a blustery snow storm!

All the best to you.

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

Just found your blog through Like Merchant Ships ... love it! I'm also a Canadian in Texas (who homeschools) ... can't wait to read more of your posts.

Ashley ~ said...

Happy Birthday to Daisy*!!! Those apple turnovers look delish*! I'm wondering if Daisy got one for her one year birthday* (smile) _Ashley*

Simply Heart And Home said...


The apple turnovers look so good! I'm glad you like them!

Happy Birthday Daisy! My Miss Matilda Bear's birthday is April 24th. :)


Katie S. said...

Happy Birthday Daisy! (you, gotta love the silly pup's.)

Jodi said...

The turnovers look delicious and your spring and Easter decorations are beautiful!

Alice said...

Daisy is so sweet looking! I'm sure she is a wonderful pet! She really looked cute romping through your little fish pond - oops!

Sharon said...

Iwill be heading north this week and after being in Fl. for 6 weeks I hope like you did I can work in my yard. The appleturnovers look so good. I may have to go home work in the yard and bake to.

Gena said...

What a lovely weekend! I have such a soft spot for that puppy. Our Golden is almost 5 now and I remember her "baby" days. That little wet faced doggy picture is adorable!

GlorV1 said...

Oh man those apple turnovers look so delish. Can you mail me some please, huh, pretty please.:) I especially love Daisy. She is divine and I do mean that. One year old and looking just so grand. Oh, do take good care of her, because you can see, she loves you much. I love family pets. Take care.

Pink Slippers said...

I was out of town for last week's show & tell. What great Spring surprises you have today. And very yummy turn overs!

Donna Lynn said...

Happy Birthday to your darling dog!
The apple turnovers look so yummy.

Donna Lynn

Joyce said...

Happy Birthday Daisy and I hope Daisy had one of those delicious turnovers too!

Lori said...

Beautiful pictures.
I enjoy those simple pleasures too.

Lori said...

Forgot to mention that I've finally posted. Come by my blog when you get a chance.

Me said...

Beautiful--as always--Kelli :0)

I would love to meet in person; you have the same love for certain things that I do.

Have a blessed week. :)

Bethanie said...

Those look so good I'm gonna have to try them!

joyh82 said...

Aww...Happy Bday sweet puppy!
Those turnovers look awesome too.

The Liberty Belle said...

Hi Kelli! I really enjoyed the photographs and have to say those turnovers look perfect in every way. They should be on the cover of a magazine!

Ms. Tee said...

Awww, your sweet puppy is so cute and has grown so much! :) And those apple turnovers look amazing. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos!

Denise said...

Lovely photos! Cute puppy! Those turnovers look so scrumptious! I WILL try the recipe!

Jackie said...

What wonderful pictures of your garden.

Mmmm, apple turnovers. I agree with Tina, where is the ice cream.

God bless.

Julie Ann said...

What a wonderful website! I live in Arizona and am a homemaker, love the Lord and homeschool my daughter, age 14. I have 4 sons all grown up now, two being in the military.

I have 40lbs of Pink Lady apples and have been baking like crazy. I am looking for a recipe for Apple Turnovers but so far everything on line is with the already made pastry. I want to do everything by scratch. Is your lovely recipe of Apple Turnovers by scratch and if so, could you pass that on to me.

Thanks so much!!
Trusting the Lord with all my heart,
Julie Ann