Hello! Recently, our toaster broke and we are thinking about getting a toaster oven. Do you have one that you recommend? Or don't recommend!
Picture from art.com
*Update: Thank for you all the help with the toaster ovens! Phillip ordered one from Amazon and I'll let you know how it works out.
I know some people love their toaster ovens, but we had one and were glad when it finally broke! It cooked unevenly. We went back to a toaster.
Kelli, my boys have toaster ovens and love them. I will ask what brand they have the next time I talk to them.
I am so happy to see you back. I have missed your posts.
God bless.
I have one that my husband got me for Christmas a couple years back. It is a toaster/toaster oven combo. I love it and it serves a dual purpose thus taking up less space than two separate appliances.
I don't know much about toaster ovens but I do know I wouldn't want to be without my toaster. I love it too much. Good luck in your search for just the right one.
I miss my toaster oven. My last one caught on fire, and LBeau insisted that we replace it with a pop up toaster. However, there's just so much more you can do with a toaster oven.
I have a Sunbeam ( I think that is what it is. It is about 5 years old.) The inside comes out for cleaning. I don't use it regularly because of lack of space (tiny kitchen). It is about the size of a small microwave. I love how easy it is to clean.
Hi Kelli~
When our toaster died, youngest daughter got me a toaster over for Christmas. I really like it ~ especially for cooking for just the two of us. It takes up a lot of space on the counter but is does come in handy for that extra little something when the oven is full! It is a Black and Decker.
How neat that you are asking about this, my hubby got me a retro style Oster toaster oven a couple of years ago and I have used it here and there (to bake biscuits, chicken nuggets, etc.) until recently I went on a diet and we have started toasting sandwiches with cheddar cheese, turkey, sliced apples, and honey mustard, yum. Anyways we just love it and use it all the time now!!! ;-)
I have a Hamilton Beach from Walmart. It toasts 2 slices of bread and then it is also a toaster oven. Will brown 2 slices of bread, I luv it!
It takes forever for us to make toast in our Euro-Pro,. But I love it for everything else.
I have a Euro Pro and love it. Was a gift. However, I have a 2 slice plain old pop toaster for regular toast.
We have a KitchenAid toaster oven. It does not toast well, but I use it almost daily to bake small items such as a bag of french fries or chicken nuggets for the kids snacks and lunches. It's especially helpful during the hot summer months.
I read these interesting comments. I have a Black and Decker. It is my second one. The first I bought from a friend for about $15. We purchased an adapter so it goes up under the cabinet. I had one like it in a house we bought in PA. We cook biscuits in it every week. I also use it for rolls. Since there is just two of us, it seems silly to heat up the big oven for two pieces of bread.
I do still use my regular toaster. It cost $10 and I've had it at least 10 years. The reason I use it is because our prior toaster oven's toasting button broke. The one that makes it cut off when the toast is done. I got so used to using the toaster instead that when we got new one, I just kept on. I forgot about being able to toast poptarts in the oven until my daughter was over one day. She has recently bought a toaster oven and used the toasting cycle. Besides, on Saturday mornings, Honey Bear cooks biscuits in the toaster oven and toast in the toaster for me.
Years ago, I had a large one that was also a broiler. We used it in our cabin where there was no stove.
I wouldn't be without one.
Mama Bear
I have a Hamilton Beach Toastation. It is a toaster oven, but also a regular toaster. The toaster slot is big enough for bagels. One appliance~two jobs!
Greetings! I have to add to two cents regarding toaster ovens. I just didn't like mine at all and ended up giving it to Goodwill. I'll take a regular pop up toaster over a toaster oven any day.
I love my toaster oven, I do toast in it but also love to re-heat things that need to have some crisp to them, like left-over fries....If something happened to mine, I would have to have another one...
I can't recommend a brand,(mine is Munsey, and not sure they still have this brand) i think is about what you want and how big...mine is rather small, but just right for the 2 of us..
I love one that mounts under the cabinet. It's a priority for us. The only complaint about the Black and Decker that we bought recently is that it has a dial for a timer with no clear markings on it so that our toast is always burning if we don't stand and watch it! Now that I think about it, I could probably make my own mark on the dial and solve the problem! So.....nevermind. LOL!
We love our toaster oven! Actually we do not have a microwave and use the oven in place of it. Ours is an Oster that we got at Costco a couple years ago. THey still have them at our local Costco and they are reasonaly priced.
What I love most is that if I have a small batch of cookies or something to bake, I can throw it in there instead of warming up the whole huge oven.
No help from me...I don't like gadgets!
The Sanyo, Digital Convection Toaster Oven, SK-VF7S is one of the smallest we could find, has a crumb tray, easy to clean. It's great for the kids to cook with, too. We found it new on ebay about two years ago and like it a lot.
I got up to look at our brand name and I didn't see one. But our model is old. Hubs had it before we were married and it's only big enough for 2 pieces of toast. Would be nice to have a bigger one. Good luck in your shopping!
PS. I'm hosting a scrapbook supply giveaway if you, or anyone you know, would be interested in stopping by. :o)
Hey Kelly...haven't been here in a while..been a lot going on and haven't really been able to blog much. I so enjoy catching up with your blogs. Always feels so warm and inviting here. Love your cards too. Happy Fall. =O)
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