Thank you for your comments on our new family room! Yes, we are enjoying it very much. We are having a family of five over this evening and thanks to a couple of table leaves (and a piano bench for extra seats) we have room for everyone at the table. I'm making roast chicken, potatoes and carrots.
For dessert I made Mrs. H's Cream Filled Cinnamon Coffee Cake. I made a few changes: I left out the pecans, only swirled the topping on the bottom cake and made half a recipe of cream cheese frosting for the filling.
We have some Christmas baking planned for tomorrow, along with our church's Christmas Carol service and potluck. I'm most excited about my parents and brother arriving early next week. It will be our first Christmas together since 1995!
Hi Kelli, I just found your blog... And Wow, all your recipes look great! I can tell I"m going to have to come back and spend more time browsing through the various dishes.
Sounds great Kelli. Enjoy your dinner and the company. Take care and have a great weekend.
Lovely table and the cake looks most delicious! I will be praying your family has a safe jouney and that you have a wonderful time together.
Merry Christmas!
That looks and sounds fabulous. Have a great dinner!
Oh, Kelli I do love your dining room! Your family room got done in a hurry too! Wish I could get it done that fast. lol But hubby will not let anyone help well me! lol Food looks great, tell your daughter her cookies turned out great! Now you have me wondering do you have a Great Apple cider recipe. I love it. I had it homemade, but the Lady would not share the recipe. So I went back to red hots and cider. lol Or as now I have the store bought kind. The homemade one you used a sachet of ingredients and took it out. I just know as your a wonderful cook yours will taste so good! Merry Christmas
The table looks so pretty and the cake looks yummy. Have a good time this weekend.
I couldn't seem to get my eyes off that cake. You were mentioning food you had for dinner, but all I kept thinking was sticking my finger in that creme for a taste. Come check out my Sterling Silver Set Post and leave a comment; you'll be glad you did and I can't wait to hear what you have to say!
That cake looks delicious! My daughter and I will be doing some baking over the weekend to go in my sons' Christmas boxes.
Enjoy your Christmas with your family! We have lived far away from family for most of our 25 years of marriage, so I know how it is not to see them during the holidays!
You table looks lovely, and the dessert looks so yummy! I hope you had a nice dinner.
How exciting about getting together with your family for Christmas. I hope you have a wonderful time! Have a very Merry Christmas!!
It's lovely you'll be together with your family this Christmas. I live in a small town with family close by and I have spent every Christmas of my life with my Mum & Dad (until Dad passed away in '89)and 4 older sisters and their families always. When I think of it, it is probably quite rare but we have always come together every Christmas without fail, with no-one absent. This year lunch is at our house so I have 26 adults and 10 children coming! Phew - wish me luck!
Merry Christmas to you all.
Cheers - Joolz
Yum! That looks scrumptious. I hope you have a blessed Christmas, Kelli!
Hi Kelli!
Your table, menu, and cake look scrumptuous! I am so glad you will be spending the holidays with your family. It sure makes it very special. Have a very Merry Christmas!
God Bless,
how exciting...your family all together for Christmas..I'm thrilled for you...enjoy enjoy enjoy. Merry Christmas Kelli!
Looks like you got your family room done just in time to do entertaing and hosting your family.
Your table looks great and so does that cake of yours.
Have fun with your family for the holidays.
Goodness, Kelli, I was thinking about how busy you have been the past few months. Now, it has all come together just in time to celebrate the holidays with your parents and brother. I know it will be wonderful.
Your dinner table looks beautiful, the menu sounds delicious and the pic of that cake is making me drool.
You and the kids have a fun day baking. Love, Debbi
I love that cake! You seem to make everything you touch beautiful! Love the new room too! Happy Holidays!
It looks like you will have a wonderful time, and your cake looks extra yummy!
Enjoy the company. That cake looks almost too good to eat, but hey pass a fork and I will give it a try.
God bless.
The cake looks so yummy! My hubby would love it. I would love to know the recipe. Have a wonderful holiday!
Kelli, your table looks great! What a special time this Christmas will be spending it with your brother and parents. You and your family must be very excited. Your cake looks soooooo good. I'm thinking of making that for Christmas breakfast :) My son is in charge of cooking that morning so I will have to get permission from him :) Haha!
It all looks wonderful. You are one graceful, classy lady. Congrats on the new family room; it looks very nice! Great ceiling! Have a wonderful Christmas and may your lives be blessed always. ♥
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!
We made the coffee cake today. Yum! We followed the directions, but next time I'll use brown sugar for the topping and try cream cheese filling instead. Of course, even my kids loved it, so maybe I should just leave it alone.
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