Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Whispers of Blue

There was a little surprise waiting for us this morning. Can you spot it?

~Whispers of Blue~

Nature's trumpets, morning glories greet the day with happiness.

"In its first radiance I have seen
The sun! - why tarry then till comes the night?
I go my way, content that I have been
Part of the morning light!"
-Florence Earle Coates, The Morning Glory


Jodi said...

Lovely Morning Glory with a very lovely name!

retha said...

Thank you for visiting!

A good idea to put pictures like that. Hope there will be many more soon.

Just Mom said...


smilnsigh said...

Oh thank you for the photos of the lovely Morning Glory. I didn't plant any this year, and I miss them.


someone else said...

Oh Kelli, what a beautiful bloom!

Gena said...

That is a beautiful bloom! I love that shade of blue.

Anonymous said...

I have NEVER seen a blue morning glory...

dot said...

mKelli, it looks so pretty on your fence! I love blue flowers.

dot said...

Excuse that little "m". It just jumped in there all by itself!

Mimi said...

such a refreshing name for such a beautiful flower...
I always loved the morning glories... because they made the morning feel so fresh when I was a young girl on my walk to school

Karen said...

Very pretty! I planted BLUE morning glories and I got PURPLE ones! Go figure. ;0) Yours are very healthy looking.

Anonymous said...

How sweet! You pictures are beautiful. I love morning glories. And poetry!!!

Kari (GrannySkywalker) said...

Ooooh, pretty!

Anonymous said...

How beautiful! I love those!
God bless :)

Naturegirl said...

I suppose Coates and I both see the sunshine in morning glories!! How glorious is that flower!! My heart skips a beat each morning I go into the garden and a blossom greets me!!
Kelli my vine is no way as full as yours! I planted it late summer as I was determined to have one and I must admit it is wrapping around everything in sight! It's worth it!
Happy morning with our glories!!
hugs NG

Heather Anne said...

Mr. Neighbour next door would be quite envious! He has been 'fussing' all summer over his lagging morning glories and their pathetic performance. Usually they climb up his lamp post and make the most glorious showing, but this year, it has not been so! He is 90 and wooried that he won't see many more morning glories, so I understand his fussing. I'll print a picture of yours, if I may and take it over wth the next batch of cookies! He'll smile, I'm sure!

HsKubes said...

What a beauty to be greeted by in the morning. ;o)

~ Christina

Julieann said...

So pretty--the color is awesome!!!


candy said...


Terri said...

I just love morning glories!

Paula said...

Very pretty--I love the morning glories that are shades of blue!!

Momma Roar said...

It's lovely!!

LBP said...

Beautiful morning glory! I love these flowers.

Lori said...


Jenn4Him said...

That has to be my favorite shade of bluish-purple, periwinkle! So pretty!

CONNIE W said...

Morning Glories always take me back to my childhood. And they're so pretty.

Paula said...

Love the progression - makes me think I'm the one walking up to it! Lovely flower. Hope you'll share photos when the vine is loaded with blooms!!

Jennifer said...

How sweet! I love morning glories, they are beautiful when they grace a fence or climb a trellis.

Hope you have a wonderful day!

Julie said...

Oh several people have posted on these amazing Morning Glories and yours are so beautiful!

Jen said...

Just beautiful. I didnt see it at first...but it is so pretty.

Marci said...

Beautiful series of pictures!!!!

Cherish the Home said...


... said...

how beautiful. what a way for the day to be greeted.

Front Porch Society said...

Beautiful flowers!! :) What a great surprise to wake up to! :)

Christie Belle said...

What a beautiful flower and a stunning shade of blue, what a nice thing to wake up and find.

Sharon said...

A good morning to you and may you have all the glory of a wonderful day. A beautiful flower to greet you. You and the little ones have a wonderful home school year my friend.

Lena said...

I love blue morning glories! I didn't plant any this year. I wish I had. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photographs with me.

Tammy said...

Don't forget to come by my place for your prize!

Julie said...


Thanks to you and to Nature Girl for the beautiful morning glories. Too bad they bloom so late in the season.

I also liked the poem.


Ladybug said...

We have these growing up our front porch and I just love them!

Alice said...

How beautiful to see your morning glory!

Anonymous said...

I love morning glories, too. You've inspired me to get planting! One of my earliest memories is walking out to the back fence with my mom to see the morning glories in the morning. I called them "morning gloves." I've been partial ever since. :)

Family W said...

How cool! Great pictures too. :)

Myrna said...

You always find the loveliest sights to share in pictures--and the poetry to match. Thank you!

Cathy said...

Beautiful, I love morning glories.