Saturday, January 26, 2008

Five Senses Weekend

Hello everyone! My dad is in town for a visit and we are having a fun time together. I haven't done one of my friend Sandra's Five Senses Weekend in awhile, so here are some pictures that Phillip took from our Saturday.
Grandpa and kids
We headed out to a nature park this morning. There were ducks to feed, woods to explore and lots of squirrels to watch.

One of my new year's goals is to do a monthly nature study. Phillip took plenty of pictures and we will get out our drawing pencils later this week and copy some of them.

~Smell: Crisp air and dried leaves.

~See: We call this park the "Squirrel Park" since there are so many of these critters running around. We took along some peanuts for them to eat.

Phillip got a great shot of this Tricolored Heron.

~Touch: I didn't touch this slimy slug, but Grace didn't seem to mind!

~Hear: The sound of feet running and jumping.

Duck Feet
Duck feet too!

Taste: A favorite breakfast of toast and honey.

This bumblebee honey jar is a new find. Isn't he cute?!

One more thing: PBS Masterpiece Theatre is presenting the complete collection of Jane Austen movies every Sunday evening, for the next few months. Mansfield Park will be showing tomorrow. Thank you for reading about our weekend!


Anonymous said...

Oh it looks like you had a lovely time! What a beautiful park that is. Thanks for sharing :)

Rose of Sharon said...

Sounds like a perfect day!

:0) Sharon

Betty said...

You got some great pictures, Kelli.
I enjoyed visiting your tonight, and I hope you enjoy the time with your Dad.

Michelle said...

Hi Kelli;)It looks like a lovely place to go to on a Saturday,the duck photo is great!
Thanks for the blog visit & your lovely comments on McKenna she does love art class!!!

Missy said...

so lovely! what a beautiful day!


rohanknitter said...

Looks like a great outing, and you got some great pictures! (love the duck feet)
Looks warm there, too! My parents went to Texas for the month of January, I'm sure they're enjoying it more than being here!

Mary said...


The photos are magnifient and I love your new honey jar with the bee.

Thanks for sharing. I'm glad you had a great visit.


Just Mom said...

Your post is making me want spring. We've still got quite a bit of snow on the ground.

BTW ... I LOVE Jane Austen and have been watching the PBS specials.

Quinne said...

Hi Kelli :) What a neat idea, the five senses wknd! That would be lots of fun to do with my sweeties... I'll let you know if we try it. Love, Q

Mary said...

What a neat idea....we sometimes aren't aware of all 5 senses day to day, but tend to concentrate on sight and hearing.

dot said...

Phillip took some great pictures! EEkkkk on that slug in Grace's hand.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your pictures, it looks like you had a wonderful weekend with your Dad. I especially love the picture of the Heron.

Anonymous said...

Lovely! Do enjoy your visit.

Kathi said...

Your day out looks so fun. Your tea set and honey pot are so lovely. Thanks for the tip about Jane Austen movies. Can't wait.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful outing you had! I love your honey jar!

Sandra said...

That's my kind of weekend Kelli :)

Thank you for the reminder of Mansfield Park, I can NOT wait to watch it tonight :)


Beth said...

I was so excited when they started that Austen series. You would have thought I had NEVER seen any versions EVER! I'm grateful to have Tivo. Too bad I cannot record from it!

ellen b. said...

What a great idea to remember a day through your five senses! Love it...
We watched Persuasion and Northanger Abby last night with my parents. (We taped the PBS series but hadn't watched them yet.) We'll be taping tonight as well. Such good viewing pleasure for me...

Needled Mom said...

Kelli, your photos are just fabulous. What kind of camera do you use? I LOVE the bumblebee honey jar. That is a real find.

j said...

Wonderful post! - Jennifer

Nora Lee said...

What a neat post. We all need to take time to take in everything around us.

Have a great week.


Anonymous said...

thank you Kel. it means so much to me for your thoughts and prayers. Hope you had a wonderful time with your family.

Anonymous said...

Great post! I just watched Mansfield Park and i loved it, the entire series has been wonderful! I am recording them on our DVR then to CD as they come on to watch again later. :-)

Marci said...

It sure looks like you had a good time. It is TOO cold around here to do that. =) Today it is 8 degrees, but supposed to get up to 44. We shall see.

TJ said...

Looks like fun, except for the slug. Ewwww, Grace is one brave girl. I have a friend that loves to catch bugs when we are camping and the kids think it is so cool. Hopefully Grace will continue to be ok with the bugs, and someday all the kids will think she's the cool mom too.