Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.
As you can see, there is a new picture for "Show and Tell Friday"! Please see the post below this one for the new code to copy and paste into your post!
Today I'm going to show you my kitchen window shelves.

I put the Christmas decorations away and added a few new things to hopefully cheer things up for winter.

I found these white napkins at an antique store last year.

I placed one under each flower pot.

I call this my "dreaming of spring" corner. The ivy and old keys remind me of my favorite book, The Secret Garden.

Two little birds among the ivy.

The hanging crystals catch the afternoon sun and brighten up the kitchen with little rainbows.
Thank you for looking at my show and tell!
Show and Tell Guidelines
What is Show and Tell Friday?
Show and Tell involves showing something to an audience, and then telling them about it. Your show and tell must be something that you own, and is in your home or garden.
What items work well for Show and Tell Friday?
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
-Family heirlooms
-A collection you may have
-A piece of jewelry
-A special gift
-Gardening pictures
What doesn't work well for Show and Tell Friday?
-Posts with no photos have no "Show." Please don't use them.
-Photos of events (trips, vacations, celebrations, etc.)
-Photos of things you are selling or planning to sell.
-Photos found on the internet, graphics or screenshots. Please use photos you take yourself.
-Old photos of just people instead of things.
There is no place like home is the original home of Show and Tell Friday. Please do not host your own.
How can I participate?
Once you've got your photo(s) and your story, it's easy as 1-2-3!
1 - Publish your "Show and Tell" on your blog, including a link back to There is No Place Like Home.
2 - Copy the link (or "permalink") from your post.
3 - Add it to Mr. Linky, along with your first name only. (This will make the list easier to read.) I usually put Mr. Linky up on Friday at 12:00am Eastern time.
Love your blog- good work!
Your kitchen window shelves are wonderful Kelli! I love the napkins under the pots. The birds are great. Must be a joy to look at while you work in your kitchen.
All lovely ideas! I like the crystals hanging in the window. They will probably make little rainbows too. :)
It is good to be back participating in Show and Tell. I have not been able to for three weeks now. :(
But I am here now!:) And thank you for visiting my blog during Christmas "vacation". ;-)
Kelli, the shelves look great! The napkins make it looks so fresh and dainty! The crystals are a special touch. I like the Secret Garden theme too.
Oh, what a lovely kitchen window. You are so lucky to have the nice big shelves in your window! I love everything you have done.
:0) Sharon
Oh, I am dreaming of spring when I look at those photos! I remember your glass shelves in your kitchen, I very much like this idea! And those little birds in your spring corner are so cute!
And oh my, you almost find the most wonderful things in antique stores! I admire those napkins and the shiny crystal as well!
Enjoy your day, Kelli ... and stay warm! (It's so cold around here and we have some snow!)
XoX, Anita
What a pretty place! How cheerful it must make your kitchen look. I love the napkins. I have a dozen I bought at a special price and am thinking of a way to use some as a valance -- I will have to remember this use for the rest! Love the "Dreaming of spring" corner. I really need to hold onto scenes like that through the long, gray winter. I can imagine the rainbows the crystal must send around your kitchen. It's all just lovely.
Your window shelves are beautiful! I'm inspired!
Oh Kelli, Everything looks so nice and cheery! It looks like you have a blue and yellow theme going - I am thinking in our new house that is how I am going to decorate my kitchen - with blue and white things.
Thanks for hosting S&T - it is good to be back. :)
gosh, i wish i had your knack for decorating. very cute and quaint.
I love the little birds for your touch of spring display - so creative! Thanks for sharing it with us!
Love your kitchen shelves. How pretty. My cat would have a field day up there in those plants and with those hanging crystals! :)
I love the photo of your ivy and the two 'ivory' looking birds! [looks the the shelves are glass!]
Happy day Kelli!!! Hope it treats you kindly.
Love the napkins; love the birds--I like any birdy thing!! The garden inspiration is cool too---however girl, winter just started on Dec 21 didn't it!!! We as humans love to look foward don't we!! The crystal is great too--I love the way the sun shines through different things. I moved my bottles to a window--nice to see sun shining through!
I have that same Marjolein Bastin bird box! It's so sweet.
I have always wanted a window with built in glass shelves over it! I just LOVE it Kelli! It looks BEAUTIFUL!
oh WHERE did you get the birds in your dream corner---please, please, please tell me when you get the time!!!
I love that crystal hanging in the window, that is just a great idea! I'm definitely going to have to try that. Hugs, Kelli! You always inspire the creativity in me.
Kelli, Your show and tell is making me have spring fever! I love the little vingette with the bird and flower pot!
One of my favorite books is the Secret Gardem.
Love, love, LOVE the "dreaming of spring" picture. The Secret Garden is a favorite of mine and as soon as you wrote about the keys in the pic, I could just imagine the bird in the book pecking at the key on the ground.
Thank you for that little uplifting moment today.
Your kitchen must feel like a retreat now! :)
Mrs. C
I like your "dreaming of spring". I could use a bit of spring right about now, even if I am only dreaming about it.
It's lovely. You have so many creative ideas and touches.
Looks beautiful ! Your kitchen window is lovely !
Sorry for my comment before I had an old link which always led me to the last entry !
Lovely, Kelli. As always. A visit to your home always warms my heart.
Dearest Kelli,
All I seem to be doing lately is trying to catch up with everyone! lol I've so enjoyed reading your last few posts and seeing all the wonderful pictures. I love the new Show & Tell button that Philip made for you...I didn't have time to make up a post for Show & Tell today but I will next week:-) I LOVE the way you've decorated your shelves and that little bird arrangement...perfect!! Take care my friend and here's to another wonderful year of friendship. xox
I love your little vignette of the birds, ivy and key. "The Secret Garden" is one of my favorite books too. I didn't discover it until college, but how I love it.
I think your idea of a "Dreaming of Spring" corner is wonderful and I am going to have one too!
Love it. All your flower pots and napkins do make everything look nice and cheery.
I've always loved your kitchen windows - they are full of such charm. :) BTW, love the new S&T Logo!
I love the kitchen plant windows and yours is especially nice with the antique napkins and other items. Thanks again Kelli for hosting Show & Tell and giving us a chance to see everyone's wonderful items.
I posted mine before I saw the new S&T picture. I'll change it and have the new one up by next week. By the way, the new one is lovely.
You make me want to plant a garden...or go buy some house plants.
Love your beautiful kitchen window shelves!
Kelli, Sorry I got my name on the Linky twice. Would you please remove the second one!!! Thanks.
Love your "dreaming of spring" corner, and especially the old keys. My daughter used to collect them when she was little, she too was a big fan of "The Secret Garden."
I love your windowsill! What a beautiful window!
Kelli, I love Show and Tell Fridays, and I love yours today. A lot of times when the holidays are over, the house can look so empty and kind of blah. Focusing on the plants is a wonderful way to liven it up. That is so pretty, with the napkins. So fresh looking against the green and brings out the plants' color as well.
My first "Show and Tell" is up. I love this meme! Thank you Kelli!
My post is up at http://maryt.wordpress.com
Here's the live link for my post Answers to the Questions
I love your little spring corner! That is just adorable. Thank you for showing us your beautiful window, too.
Hi Kelli :) What a very pretty window dressing! Love, Q
I love this look...I remember my grandmother's house had glass shelves in her window..in her living room...she had her plants on them...this looks so great with the napkins
love the shelves with the hanging lace...and I really love the little birds...so sweet!
~simply stork~
I'm up, FINALLY! Having trouble loading the pics on my blog... GRRR So there are a few more to go.
Love your kitchen window! My office is covered in plants, at home though it is such a battle to keep the cats out of them.
Kelli, your windows are just beautiful. What a lovely sight to see as you work in the kitchen. I'm afraid my kitchen is still quite wintry looking, but that's just how it is up here!
Oh, I love all your little birds ... in your dreaming of spring crate and amongst your ivy! :o)
I love the napkins under the pots. It is so pretty!
Hi Kelli,
I love the way you've decorated your shelves.
I'm going now to post my Show and Tell. I hope I do everything right, as I'm still feeling my way around. If I leave off something from my blog, please be sure to call it to my attention so I'll know what to do next time.
Hi Kelli, your window is so pretty. The napkins look very sweet and the birds are darling. I like your new show and tell button. :inda
I like how you have such a pretty display around your windows ! Its starting to look like Spring~
you decorate very well !!
I really like your napkins and the stitching on them. I have ever thought of using them on shelves before.
Have a great weekend.
I love how the napkins look under the pots and I think the "think spring" corner is an excellent idea!
This is an awesome site and a great idea! Someday when I figure out the whole post this, link that process I want to add.
oooo...I love all your plants and your little Spring corner. I can't wait till spring :-)
Kelli, are the shelves glass? I have been wanting to do something like that with my kitchen window but didn't want to block out so much light with wood shelves. I love the napkin...just the right touch!
They're gorgeous Kelli :)
Hope you're having a great friday night!
What a beautiful spot in your kitchen, Kel! I always love seeing your home and treasures. :o)
Have a wonderful weekend!
I really love the "dreaming of spring" theme; the napkins are a GREAT idea!!!! I really do love your blog; such a peaceful feel to it.
Just love the birds!
Oh, how pretty and sweet, Kelli!
Blessings and hugs ~
Oh, if I only had a south facing kitchen window. My north facing Alaskan kitchen is no place for a decent plant to grow! Your window is just beautiful.
Warm regards,
I do love your spring corner, what a beautiful idea.
You have a such a gorgeous home and blog Kelli :)
come over to my blog and see the three new brothers!
Pretty, pretty, pretty! I have always wanted to have glass window shelves just like yours in my kitchen. I love how you have the napkins under the pots especially.
Your window is so pretty. I like the dreaming of spring corner. Your Fern must be a very well behaved kitty, for mine would never allow my things in HIS windows.
The new show & tell picture is so lovely. I also love the way you've decorated your window. I have a similar window. You've given me some ideas. Thank you. As always, I really enjoyed your show & tell.
(I have a new google account)
I love the book Secret Garden as well. You have such beautiful things, I so enjoy looking at your pictures.
Your kitchen has a cheery look. Thanks for hosting each week.
Kathy b
Thanks for Show and Tell Friday!
What a great idea.
I love the shelves!
Hi Kelli. Thank you for sharing. I love your blog and your pretty window shelves. The garden corner with special keys is also really sweet. I can't wait until your next show and tell. I'm going to post something for the first time.
Hi Kerri thanks for sharing. I love the napkins. Beautiful blog.
I have joined your "show and tell" and accidentally added my name twice... I don't know how to delete the second entry for my name.
Can you help?
I just LOVE your site!
I Love the various food receipes too. I put you on my favorite blogs on my blog site!
Keep it rollin'!
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