Thursday, August 21, 2008

Show and Tell Friday!

Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.

Since the new school year is about to start I thought I would share some things from my childhood memory book.

My mom kept lots of papers from my 1st and 2nd grade years.

I hope this wasn't a self portrait. ;0)

Writing practice.

Sunday School promotion certificate. My mom was my teacher!

Sweet valentines.

And lastly, a picture of Mrs. Jumbo and a train.

Can you see what my mom wrote? "1st Show and Tell." Isn't that neat? Thank you for looking at my show and tell 27 years later!

Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate.

If you would like to join in, please leave your *permalink* below, along with your first name only (this makes the list easier to read). If your link has been removed from Mr. Linky, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting. Have fun!


Anonymous said...


That's so sweet!!! Thanks for sharing it with us! :)

Charlotte said...

This is so sweet. I love these "memory makers".

The Berry's Patch said...


Thanks for sharing your memories. I've saved a bunch of my kids early pictures. I just can't part with them. You never know what could happen in the future that would relate back to those pictures.

Brandee :-)

Ingrid said...

What a wonderful idea to dig this out for us ! Such sweet souvenirs ! Aren't our first "paintings" artistic ? lol

GinnyBerry said...

You have inspired me to start Show and Tell back up in my first grade classroom this year!

I do have my own first grade class picture, and I think I'll post it one of these days soon.

Thanks for sharing these! I love them!~

Little GrumpyAngel said...

I found you last week and linked without reading the guidelines. Sorry about that. I hope I got it right this time.

This is such a sweet post. How great that your Mom saved all these "memorabilias". I love that you even have your first "Show and Tell" :-)

Anita said...

Oh Kelli, how sweet that you still keep those precious childhood memories!

I still have the my very first painting that I made on my first day in Kindergarten, in 1976 (it looks quite strange...).

Time flies....

Hope you are doing fine! I am back at work since Monday, we had a great summer vacation!

XoX, Anita

DeNiece Barnes said...

Kelli don't you just love looking back at things that remind you of your childhood, I know I do. You have some preious memories. Stop by my blog and see my show and tell I think you are going to love it.


Such a cute post for "Back To School"
and I love the valentines! Wonderful
school days memories!

Anonymous said...

What sweet shares! Love seeing the little you! Your creativity was shining through then. I have a handwriting page for the late 60s, but not any artwork.

American Homemaker said...

I decided to Show & Tell this week... thanks for hosting it :)

Anonymous said...

Precious. I can't believe how much your daughters look like you! Wow!

Kathy said...

What wonderful, fun memories you have saved! I love the portrait and the Sunday school certificate.

Carrie said...

How wonderful that your mom held on to these treasures!

... said...

it's always fun to recapture part of history. thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

What a neat treasure. I would like to organize my kids stuff better!

Barbara said...

...sweet memories...
Kisses Barbara

Anonymous said...

What lovely memories - I have nothing from my childhood, but have saved various drawings and home-made gifts that my three made over the years.

Unknown said...

This is the inspitation we need to keep our kids books up to date!


Hootin Anni said...

Oh my gosh Kelli. This is so cool. Especially being able to find and share with us your 'first show n tell'. [ps, your birthday is the same day as one of my brother's]

Happy weekend.

My sewing project is posted this week for show n tell.

Christina said...

What precious memories Kelli! Thanks for sharing. :)

Anonymous said...

Morning again Kelli - if you check out my blog, there is something there for you.

GranthamLynn said...

Oh Kelli,
What a cute show and tell. I have my own very old and withering scrapbook. No acid free paper in those days! LOL.
Thanks for sharing your memory book. It is a real treasure!

Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

Good Morning Kelli,

Your works of art are priceless :). Your Mother was thinking ahead, I kept a few things from my Daughter's school days but not as much as I should have.

Have a Fantastic Friday!
Kathi :)

A Hint of Home said...

How cute is that! It's so sweet your Mom kept those papers for you. I'm sure your kids love seeing them.

Anonymous said...

This is such a nice show and tell and so fitting. I love the old valentines and the drawings are so special.

Unknown said...

I love your papers and memories! I have several drawers full of this stuff. I need to go through it all!
Thanks for posting.

Arlene G said...

Too is nice that your mom saved so many mementos for you.

Hannah said...


Pamela said...

What precious memories! I saved every piece of preschool work my daughter did and labeled each piece with the date. It certainly helped me to organize things when I started scrapbooking and placed each item lovingly on a page. I did toss the macaroni art (after photographing it, of course!).

Edi said...

That is the exact school memory book my sisters and I had!! Unfortunately I got a hold of it as a kid and it got all wrecked - so I had to transfer it to something new :(

Momma Roar said...

I love that you have your very first show and tell! So cute!

Fun to look back through with you!

Anonymous said...

Seeing these makes me wish my mom had saved papers I had done along with the school pictures and the grade cards which she did keep. The memories are priceless.

Katy said...

Oh...that is so sweet...I love it all!!!! LOL....I was born in 81! It's so funny to see 81 written on everything! :)

Nanna said...

what sweet memories sweet show-n-tell

Schotzy said...

What great memories! How wonderful to have kept that!!

Rose of Sharon said...

How darling! I love that you still have all of that!

:0) Sharon

A Hint of Home said...

Hi Kelly,
I've tried posting today like I normally do and Mr. Linky keeps removing my name. If you have any words of wisdom and can let me know I'd appreciate it.

Kellie said...

How precious Kelli!!! What neat memories to have! Thanks for sharing.

TJ said...

Thanks for sharing Kelli! These are so cool. I was thinking of school when I posted too.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

Great Show and tell today . That is so neat that you have your very first sow and tell . Thanks so much for sharing these things each Friday with us. I really look forward to them. Have a great weekend !!! Holly

Needled Mom said...

How smart of your mother to have saved all of that for you. You must really cherish those pieces.

Linda said...

Kelli, I enjoyed your memory book and how cool your first show and tell when you were little and today' was meant to be...hugs, Linda

Pattie said...

Hi Kelli -

Those photos are so sweet! How great that your Mom hung on to all of those treasures.

I have a little note that I wrote to my Dad when I was about 6 (Mom said.) In it, I tell him about losing my "toof". That always makes me smile!

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Love your blog, Kelli!

Susan said...

How wonderful that you have your first Show & Tell to share with us. It was planted in your blood a long time ago to host Show & Tell!!!

Thru Pink Curtains said...

Those were the days and children's writings always seem to be universal, we look back and are amazed at the talent and ability we had......

Anonymous said...

That is so neat that you still have all of that! Those are special memories!

I am so sorry I haven't been around for awhile! Things are just crazy here at the moment. I know in a few weeks things will settle down more! Hope you are enjoying a beautiful day today!

Sandra said...

That is so sweet Kelli, thanks for sharing :)

Mrs.T said...

How sweet! I've saved many of those items too, over the years...

Mommy said...

Awww! That is adorable that you have your old school papers saved like that. It was fun to look at them. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli!
I gave you an award in my post for the 21st. I do love your blog!

Missy Wertz said...

Kelli, that is so sweet! And to be having a heart towards God at such an early age. That is wonderful and a reflection on your parents and what they were teaching you at home.

I think it is wonderful that your mom organized and kept all these precious things.

Katie said...

So cute! I love going back to look at all my old drawings and writings that Momma saved.

I love that "Snappy" apple sticker! hahaha! I wonder if it was a Scratch 'n Sniff....

The little picture of you is adorable!

The Tiquehunters Wife said...

It's so wonderful that you have these "School Days" memories from your childhood! It is truly a precious gift that you can now share with your children! You made my day by sharing them with us too!
Blessings to You!
Claudia O.

Elizabeth said...

That is the cutest book, Kelli! Your mom was so good to keep all that and organize it for you to have later.

Hope you are doing well!
Have a great day!

Lindsay-ann said...

Loved seeing your childhood memories. They are so precious. Thanks for sharing.
Have a good weekend.

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Kelli, I finally got a post up! Sorry so late. Your keepsakes are precious. Sometime I will have to show my mother's graduation certificate from Sunday School. Must be from the 30's.

Lulu said...

awww, how precious..Its nice to have good memories..

Anonymous said...

Love this...especially the vintage Valentine cards. :-)

Kelly said...

Oh that makes me want to dig out my old school stuff!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli
I have been waiting and now I'm ready to join.
Your place is beautiful and I hope I can be a good little blogger like most of your friends and yourself.
I can't wait to participate in your show and tell Friday.
Until next week

Wanita said...

How wonderful that your mom saved so many things from your school years. I love the valentines and your first show and tell.

Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday. My week has been extremely busy, but it was good.

I hope you have a blessed weekend.

Kerri said...

How sweet to have these memories. I have some of my school work as well, and I am saving some of the kids too. Maybe some day Acelia will post her's on a "Show and Tell" :)
Love Kerri

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed seeing your memory book from first grade. I'm posting on Saturday. I hope that is alright.
Mama Bear

Anonymous said...

I love the old cards. What a fun thing to share and the memories are precious.

Anonymous said...

I didn't get to a show and tell this last Friday, but I thought this was so sweet. Obviously you've loved show and tell for a long time. :-) I have kept some of my kids' things like that, but not in an organized fashion, and unfortunately I didn't document it at the time. But I do have a folder and a box for each one.

nancy said...

Hi Kelli,
I love looking at your things from when you were a little girl. I noticed that you were in a Christian school. I couldn't get a Show and Tell together for this week, but always look anyway.

Nikki @ Saving For A Rainy Day said...

The sticker on there really took me back! I love the 80's Trend scratch and sniff stickers : )

Stephanie Reed said...

How wonderful that you have all these memories.

Connie said...

I have no idea if I'm doing this right or not, but here's my hello.
Trying again, because apparently, it didn't go through last time.