Hello! Thank you for your comments on my show and tell. Many of you asked about the mini glass pumpkins. I found them at Michaels in the fall decorating section.

The girls and I decided to get some donuts this morning and on the way we stopped at a yard sale. I picked up this wonderful storage unit and it was filled with craft and sewing supplies.

I put everything on my bed, so I could get a closer look.

And made a spot in the school room for the drawers. Here are just a few of the things...

Lots of buttons.

Clay and push molds.

Pressed flower paper.

Natural quilt batting.

Embroidery supplies.

Four cookie molds. The snowflake will be perfect for Christmas.

Craft scissors.

Sewing supplies.

Various tools, including pinking shears.

And last but not least, this amazing hobby knife set. It looks brand new!

Now for the crazy part: I got the storage draws *and* everything inside for $10.00! I told Phillip I won't need to go yardsaling for at least a year. ;0)
Well, I'm off to make cookies for a pool party we are going to this evening. I hope you all have a great long weekend!
What a bargain! Reading your blog was like opening a lucky packet! Love Eleanor
Now you KNOW you can't avoid a good garage sale for a year. I tell my hubby that I don't need anymore dishes either...did I tell you about the new fall ones I just got????
What a great deal you found!!
We don't have anything big planned for the weekend - I guess it'll be a good one to get caught up on rest! ;-)
Oh my goodness Kelli! What great finds :) Way to go!
you hit the jack pot!! What fun and for so little money!
Wow! What a find! I'm never that lucky. Way to go!
Wow, what an amazing find.
Girl DEAL isn't not the word for that. GREAT DEAL! Im shocked at all you got and I know you will put it to great use.
I wished I had gone to more yard sales but didnt this year...sounds like you got a great buy. Enjoy the day.
What an incredible find! Thou shalt not covet, thou shalt NOT covet ;-) Enjoy your new (to you) goodies!
Thanks for letting us know where you got the little pumpkins. I'll be heading on over to Michael's!
What a great deal you got on the storage drawers and all those supplies.
Hope you have a great weekend!
My goodness. That was the find of the year - maybe lifetime. It couldn't have happened to a nicer person. Thanks for sharing.
Wowie, zowie!! You must be floating on the clouds after that find. We had a neighborhood garage sale yesterday and today but I didn't get to shop, only work. (sniff, sniff) Oh well, at least I got some much needed purging done. Enjoy your long weekend. =)
Theresa in TX
Wow, what a blessing!
I'm sure all of us will enjoy seeing what you do with all that loot.
Every picture seemed to have more than $10 worth of stuff in it-it was a really great deal!
What a fantastic find. I am sure you will all have a fantastic time making some lovely things with all that stuff. Brilliant buy.
Hi Kelli :) Wow! I want to make a yard sale date with you! Love, love, love the pressed flower paper.
Hope that you are having a lovely Saturday! Love, Q
OH the luck of Kelli!!
Wow Kelli-that is an amazing deal...you are so lucky to find that!
Enjoy your pool party!
My goodness - that was a lucky find! What a bargain to find such a great storage unit AND all those crafty things!
Wow!! Did you ever hit the jackpot! (To use a bad metaphor...) What an amazing find!
What a bargain! Oh, Kelli, I need you to help me get my life in order! I pray God will provide me with the wisdom and patience to live as beautifully as you!
Can you fly to my house for the weekend and help me?? LOL!
Kelli...what a haul!!! You lucky girl you.
Wow, that is AMAZING!
That is totally amazing! What a blessing.
Brenda :)
What a fabulous find!
Wonderful find!
You and the girls will put much of that to good use!!!
wow, what a find! How lucky do you get? The girls must be a good luck charm, eh? Im getting a letter ready for you to put in the mail this week. Talk to you soon,
What a bargain!!!
WOW!!! What a find!!! That is sooooo fantastic! I am thrilled for you Kelli! :)
What an awesome deal! I should go garage sale-ing more!
Wow Kelli, you hit the Jackpot! Way to go...and happy crafting! I too was wondering if Micheal's was the source for the Pumpkins, thanks for sharing
Wow, you hit the JACKPOT!!
Oh my goodness! what wonderful fun. There is nothing more fun that a grab bag full of surprises. I love it. Now for more fun. Putting all those things to use. Connie
That was a great thrifty find! I know you will make good use of all those supplies.
Wow, you scored SUCH great stuff!
You hit the mother load! What a great yard sale find!!!! Good job!
Oh My Goodness, that was a STEAL!!! Enjoy all the crafting, I am kinda envious, in a good way! I would LOVE to go yard-sale-ing but they are not in the Netherlands, BOOHOO!!
Hugs from Marian
Wow Thats fantastic, I never find anything like that in England.
I have just statred reading your Blog and I love it.
Thankyou for inspiring me.
Louise x
Good morning Kelli, You were so lucky to find this deal ... I never go to garage sells... I might start looking at them now....thanks for sharing.. Hugs, Baba
wow, I give you 10$ for the warm and natural and the hoppy set!!!
Great great find! Beth
Cool!!!!! and those little carts are not cheap! and you got all those extras, I bet it was like Christmas!
Oh I wanted to mention ....I ordered the Sonlight programs for kids ( 6 and 13 )they will be here the beggining of the week!! whoohoo! I was very pleased at what is all included.
Wow, what a great find!!
Wow! What an awesome find! How fun to go through it all!
WOW!! What a great bargain! We purchased that same organizer years ago at Lowe's for $70! (Our has a hard top though) And it wasn't filled with all those great goodies!! Good for you!!
That was an insane deal! Why can't I find those yardsales around here?
Hope the pool party was fun!
OMG- *faints*
That's a deal! If I saw that I would have scooped it up too!
Lucky You *winks*
Have fun with your new goodies!
Oh my word, are you kidding me? You lucky duck you....that is just a wonderful bargain Kelli. I'm jealous LOL
Oh my goodness! what a bargain! Someone must have been sick of the rack and everything in it, wow great bargain hunter. Are you sure you're not Martha's sister? you can do just about anything Kelli :).
Have a wonderful holiday!
Kathi :)
LOVE the gold sewing scissors! That alone was worth $10!
Wow what a bargain Kelli! I love it! I love yard sales, you never know what you will find. Have fun creating new things with your finds. I can see you are going to have a ball. I can't wait to see what you come up with.
Oh wow, you really did make a great deal there, getting the cart AND all those supplies for $10!!! That's what you call being in the right place at the right time:-) Happy Labour Day weekend my friend! xoxo
Wow, Kelli! That was a 'steal' instead of a deal! ~smile~ That is amazing! Enjoy all those great things you got!!
Wow....I need to go to your garage sale area.
What an absolute steal!
Enjoy all your treasures!
Oh my goodness! You lucked out on that one! Congratulations!
Hi Kelli
What an amazing garage sale find!
The little glass pumpkins are adorable too :-)
You did get a wonderful deal! Congratulations! I've only gone garage sailing once this year. I need to go more often! :)
Thank you for telling us about Michael's. Those pumpkins are pefect!
Wow!!! Kelli!!! What an incredible, incredible deal! So many wonderful crafts supplies and materials, most look new, and the storage unit to boot! Wowweee!!! Congratulations on a great buy!
Oh my Kelli, what a bargin you got. Love the cookie molds.
God bless.
I want to come to your house and play!!!
Those pumpkins are the cutest, I love anything pumpkin!!
Have a great day,
Oh my goodness...$10.00!!!!
What a wonderful find!
Wowzer! Score! Thanks for telling where you got those pumpkin beads-I see a trip to Micheal's in my near future!
Wow!!!! What a bargain and some amazing finds!!!!
Oh my stars!!! My heart skipped a beat when I read only $10!!!!!!!! What a wonderful bargin!! And a blessing, too!!
Mrs. u
Oh, Kelli I just loved your post today! Isn't it amazing what 'finds' we can find? I get goosebumps when my kids call me with these kind of stories too.
I think that was truly a Blessing...yes, with a capital "B"...from the Giver of all good and perfect gifts.
{{hugs}} C.
What a wonderful find! $10.00??? Fabulous!
Wow - what a great find. Should bring you hours of fun!
I ran to Michael's today to get the pumpkins but they were out of them!!! I'm going to check in Phx. next weekend! I just adore them!
Wow! What an incredible bargain you found :o)
$10!!!!!!! That's got to be the find of the year. You got some fantastic things.
Don't you just love garage/yard sales!
You got so many great things for an amazing price!
LOL! I would have passed it up. The thought of trying to sort it all and find a place for everything would totally overwhelm me! Still, that's a fantastic deal!!!
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