Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Morning Glories

Morning Glory
Good morning! My morning glories don't care that October is right around the corner.

Morning Glory

Morning Glory

Morning Glory
This past week most of the flowers have changed to a beautiful deep purple.

Morning Glory

Morning Glory

Morning Glory
And show no signs of slowing down!

Thank you for stopping by and I hope you have a wonderful last day of September!


Cathy said...

Oh, Kelli, Gorgeous pictures and morning glories! I see there is another little night owl still up.

Just Mom said...

LOL. I was surprised when my Easter lilies started blooming.

Tammy said...

Absolutely gorgeous pictures, Kelli!

Jodi said...

What vibrant colors! Just beautiful, Kelli! :)

Anonymous said...

Ohhh how Breathtaking are those?! What an amazingly beautiful way to end September! Thanks so much for sharing your lovely photos... God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~


Grammy said...

I love you pictures of the morning glories. They some how came up for free in my garden this year. Have a great week.

Vicky said...

That first picture in particular really is GLORIOUS!

What a talented photographer you are (hub is??)

I have not commented in ages but I am still faithfully reading along and marvelling at your ability to savour the seasons as they come along.

Kerri said...

How beautiful, I wish that they were still blooming here.
Love Kerri

suzeeez said...

Your Morning glories are beautiful ! Sue

bj said...

What beautiful flowers. I need to plant some Morning Glories next spring. I saw some the other day, climbing an pretty lamp post and it was just beautiful.
love, bj

Anonymous said...

truly exquisite!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli,

Morning glories are so pretty! Beautiful pictures too! Mine have all dried up and shriveled since we haven't had a drop of rain in about 3-4 weeks :-(


Mrs. Stam said...

Those morning Glories are gorgeous!!!!

Tina said...

Oh, I love morning glories and your pics of yours are glorious!

June Cleaver in Sneakers said...

Great photos of your beautiful morning glories! There is nothing like this left in my garden. :(
But, the leaves are beginning to turn so we'll have glorious color before long.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures. I love morning glories but never seem to plant them.

Deb said...

Hi Kelli,
These are amazing photos! I love the deep rich color of the Morning Glories. My Grandmother used to have a very healthy garden of "glory" as she called it. They were beautiful to her, my Grandfather, on the other hand used to plow them up as weeds! What a funny little pair they were. Thanks for sharing!

Kathy said...

Your Morning Glories are beautiful. I've been thinking about getting some and after seeing yours it has helped me make a decision - I'm getting them.

Georgia Girl said...

Oh these are so pretty! Love your pics and just the beauty of God's creations!
Thanks for sharing and hope your have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful, Kelli!!! And, thanks for reminding me that this is the last day of September. I had no idea. (You just reminded me that I get paid today, lol).

GranthamLynn said...

Oh Kelli they ae so pretty. I was actually just thinking about Morning Glories. I finally have a lovely fence for them to climb on. I need a tutorial on planting though. I know nothing about them!
I am going to have to come over and see your yard. All the little shots are just so pretty. I especially love your pond.
I hope you have a Blessed day.
Today I have the baby here and then the vet is coming out to check on the old horse. And I have tons of fabric to wash!
Many Blessings,

LadySnow said...

Those a breathtaking!

Edith said...

Beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing.

Grandma Faith said...

Glorious morning glories! How nice to be greeted by such happy blossoms this morning. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Oh my! Those are such beautiful photos!! You are very talented! Such beautiful flowers! Hope you are enjoying a beautiful day today!

Mommy said...

Those are beautiful!!

On my homeschooling blog there are pictures of wild morning glories that we found on our nature walk.

I think they are so neat that they open up only in the morning. :)

Happy@Home said...

I love morning glories and your pictures are just beautiful.

Thanks for sharing them.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli,

I have a wonderful story about morning glories. My parents always had morning glories around the house growing up. When my father passed away three years ago I had a dream that he came to visit me. The dream was black and white...but he had come and offered me a bouquet of flowers and only one flower was in color in the bouquet and that was the morning glory. :) I remember it being so vibrant! I felt content after that dream...and happy my father had come to visit me. :)

Thank you for bringing up that memory. :)


cryssi said...

What beautiful pictures. I am sure the flowers are very pretty in person. Believe it or not, my Irises bloomed again a couple of weeks ago. Of course they are gone now but it was pretty while they lasted.


Anonymous said...

I wake my girls up by calling them Morning Glories.

They always remind me of the song:
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.
His mercies never come to an end;
They are new every morning, new every morning.
Great is Thy faithfulness, O Lord.

Lady Katherine said...

The morning glories are beautiful! Colors are lovely. On my sister's birthday,I always say Morning Glory. Her name is Gloria, but I have always called her Glory since childhood. My husband still plows up the morning glories, as weeds. I usually save a few. But they grow wild on our 10 acres. So I guess we are like Deb's grandparents!

Sharon said...

Beautiful pictures! I love morning glories. One year we planted them in front so they would grow up the front posts of our porch. It was beautiful, but very messy as the spent flowers would fall onto the concrete porch floor and I felt like I was constantly sweeping them up. We didn't put them there anymore. ;-)

Susie said...

I love how they turn from one shade to another! They are beautiful are look so summery. Hard to believe tomorrow will be Oct!

Pattie said...

Happy last day of September to you, too! Your beautiful Morning Glory photos are a wonderful way to say goodbye to the month.

TJ said...

The Lord has given us such beauty on the earth. Enjoyed the pictures.

Paula said...

Happy Tuesday to you, Kelli. :)

Anonymous said...

Thats it! I HAVE to have morning glories next year. They are beautiful and I like how they have changed with the season too.

They look so good...I hope they last and last and last...

Enjoy this lovely day.

The Hamilton's said...

Absolutely gorgeous!!

Heather said...


Your morning glories are gorgeous!!


Tina Leigh said...

They are very pretty. My neighbor has some. I just realized today was the last day of September. 5 more days and Little Package will be 1 year old!!! BOO HOO!!

A Hint of Home said...

Your camera takes such wonderful pictures. The flowers are beautiful. It's still in the 80's here and things are still blooming.

Clare said...

My garden is flowering madly and showing no sign of slow down.
Its definately getting colder but the flowers are basking in the sunshine as August was a wash out.
Wonderful pictures.


Carla said...

You captured it perfectly!

Carrie said...

Beautiful...they are such a lovely blue color.

Jennifer said...

Wow!! Your pictures are absolutely beautiful!

Kim said...

Ahh. I love Morning Glories. My mom won't let me plant any--she says they are weeds. So, I will live vicariously through this post.

Julie said...

I love the beauties of nature--we are so blessed to see it and be in wonder of it--beautiful photography. Julie

Ms. Tee said...

Your flowers and photos are absolutely gorgeous. I just love flowers! :)

Julieann said...

Your morning glories are just lovely. I was driving around yesterday and saw a whole side of someone's home filled with Morning Glories and I thought of you:)


Missy Wertz said...

lovely photos. I plan on planting more at the base of shrubs next year. That way, it will look as though I have blooms during the late summer.

Charity said...

So pretty! Thanks for sharing! :)

dot said...

How pretty they are! I love the colors.

Mindy said...

Those are such beautiful flowers and amazing pictures!

GlorV1 said...

The neighbor has some that overflow into our yard and we are grateful for that. The colors are beautiful and Kelli, those picture are just beautiful.

Hootin Anni said...

That top photo is like it's reaching to the sun! I love it.

My Wednesday blog is now posted since I'm shutting things down early...

You have a gift there from me!

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

Kelli, these are beautiful. One of my favorite flowers. Your pictures are gorgeous.

Quinne said...

Hi Kelli :) What lovely glories! This last day of September is such a special day - it was my mother's bday. Hope that you have had a nice one, too. Love, Q

Charree said...

You pictures are just gorgeous. I really like the close up. It almost looks like a light is shining from the middle of it. Have a great day!

Lois Christensen said...

Beautiful! Love that shade of purple!

Trixi said...

They are absolutely beautiful.
Thanks for sharing.

Sarah said...

Wow! I love these pictures! I have one little vine that faithfully blooms every morning on one of my bushes. Flowers are such a blessing.

Susie Homemaker said...

Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful pictures with us. They are truly stunning...your home is also so warm and inviting...your family must so appreciate everything you do!
Thanks so much for visiting again!

Warm Regards,

Unknown said...

Give me a sec. while I catch my breath................

Talk about taking my breath away those pretty blossoms "Did It"!

Thanks for sharing.

Blessings - Debbie

The Tiquehunters Wife said...

Hi Kelli!
Love the beautiful Morning glories! So very lovely to behold!
(Going to try to make a few of your cards this evening--at least start them!)
Blessings to You!
Claudia O.

Jennifer Hoots said...

Mine don't care that it is almost October either, but I am afraid with this cool down that they might start caring! I love their rich color and big blooms. I will miss them.

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Kelli, Your morning glories are so pretty! Mine are still blooming, but the vines look mighty poorly! Love your dining room decorations below! The amber cake plate is my favorite piece! ...and your shelf looks really pretty with the gold hydrangeas! Enjoyed the tour! ~Rhonda :)

Kathy said...

Oh, I adore morning glories! My mother always had them trailing along the fence in our back yard. Ah, a nice memory! Lovely post...Kathy

Mimi Sue said...

Your morning glories are just beautiful. Enjoy them. Mimi

Anonymous said...

BEAUTIFUL, Kelli! :-)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos!

Looking forward to the new Seasonal Delights- when can we expect another wonderful issue?

Kelli- you have inspired me to begin my own blog- I am newbie-- Yours is so fun, I wanted to join in.

Frazzled Mom said...

Kelli - the pictures just seem to pop off of my screen. The yellow middles glow! Great pics.

Jeanne said...

Rabbit Rabbit
Happy October First
Your journal is lovely.
I love all the beautiful photographs and all that you post.
Love Jeanne

Sarah said...

such buitaful flowers. I love nature so much.

Anonymous said...

Oh, what beautiful shades of purple! Your morning glories are lovely. Purple is my favorite color. :)
~Princess S

Lena said...

Kelli, these photos are stunning! I especially appreciate the way you've captured the quality of that beautiful light I love morning glories so much, especially these two varieties.

Kelly @ The Barefoot Mama said...

Yours are GORGEOUS! I have to take a final picture of ours before we move...and they decide to go kaput! Hopefully today! Expect a dedication post, mama! ;o)

Jenn said...

KELLI! Your photos are amazing, your glories so vibrant and striking.

Suzann said...

beautiful photographs of these lovely flowers.