Thursday, September 11, 2008

Show and Tell Friday!

Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.

Today I am sharing a Autumn candle tray that I put together last week.

The tray is actually a picture frame that I got at a yardsale.

I replaced the paper under the glass with scrapbook paper.

Arranged some harvest candles on top.

And wrapped Autumn berry and leaf garland all around.



Thank you for looking at my new candle tray and have a wonderful weekend!

Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate.

If you would like to join in, please leave your *permalink* below, along with your first name only (this makes the list easier to read). If your link has been removed from Mr. Linky, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting. Have fun!


A Hint of Home said...

Hi Kelli,
I have that same picture frame. What a clever idea. It looks great used in that way. Makes a pretty tray to set things on.

American Homemaker said...

I haven't made a tray out of a picture frame for ages. Now I wanna make one again!

Anonymous said...

How lovely, Kelli! I like the idea of the picture frame with the scrapbook paper insert. Very clever!

GranthamLynn said...

Oh my goodness how smart you are! I have a similar frame how creative!
Thanks so much for sharing. It is so pretty!
Thanks for sharing.

Mary said...


Your tray with the autumn candles is lovely. What a unique idea.

I love the picture on your header.

Charlotte said...

What a wonderful idea. That's beautiful.

Unknown said...

Hi Kelli,
Your tray looks great. I have a couple of old frames that I need to do use for something like this.

Thanks for hosting show and tell friday!

DeNiece Barnes said...

I love your table center piece Kelli, you are so created. You have inspired me so many times with my decorating. Thanks a bunch!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Well I am going to have to flatter you by copying you. What a great idea! Love it!

The Berry's Patch said...

Hi Kelli,

What a great idea to use a frame. I love the candle light. :-)

Kelli said...

The candles, the converted picture frame tray and autumn garland all look wonderful together. What a creative centre-piece!

Show and Tell Friday has taken me quite by suprise this week! Is the week over already?! :-o)

Mimi Sue said...

What a great idea. I love it it looks great. Mimi

Dalyn said...

Very pretty fall decorating!
My blog is still "The dog days of summer" themed!

Anonymous said...

I can just smell your candles, assuming they are apple or pumpkin, even cranberry scented. ; )
Pretty piece!

Anita said...

Hi Kelli!

As I can see, you are still a very busy bee, getting ready for autumn!

What a nice display! It's such a pitty that scrapbooking is almost unknown here in Germany and such pretty paper is really hard to get! I was so delighted when I found some wonderfull dollhouse wallpaper in Paris this summer! I still need to make up my mind on how I will use it for some interesting paper projects.

Have a wonderful week-end!

XoX, Anita

Barbara said...

beautiful...I love autumn...candle...colours...
Kisses Barbara

Cindi said...

What a beautiful centerpiece! Great thinking on the picture frame tray. I'm going to have rummage through all of my picture frames and see what I can come up with. Thanks for the idea!

rohanknitter said...

What a great way to reuse an old picture frame!!

Ingrid said...

Your automn decoration looks beautiful, but a little early to me ! We still wait for summer here in Belgium, lol !

Ms. Tee said...

Hi there!
I've been reading your blog for several weeks now and love it. What a great idea for your candles. Have a great weekend! :)

{oc cottage} said...

That is just so pretty!

M ^..^

Unknown said...

Great idea to use the scrapbook paper under the tray - would never have thought of that!

Anne Fannie said...

Hello Kelli, what a very clever and beautiful centerpiece you made! I bet it looks so nice on your table. Thanks for sharing and for again hosting Show and Tell Friday. I appreciate all the time and effort you put forth.
Love, Ann

Kathy said...

Love your new Autumn candle tray! You're so clever!

Baba said...

Good morning Kelli, I love the way you have used a picture frame to make this great tray for a fall arrangement with candles..I will search my old frames and see what I can come up with to decorate for Autumn... thanks for sharing.
Have a good day, Baba

Pink Princess said...

I love your show and tell's! You find the most lovely things and make fun items as well.

Hugs from Marian from the Netherlands

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! You have such a knack for making the ordinary extraordinary!

Susan said...

How inviting and delightful!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli, I've wanted to participate since I had my last blog but never could get the timing right, but I did today!

Great idea! There's so much more variety in picture frames than in trays.It looks really lovely!


Sondra said...

What a great idea for a pretty picture frame! I think I will have to try that. I have been offline for awhile and am so excited to be back for S&T.

Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

The frame itself is beautiful but add your talented hands and it's turned into something amazing!

Have a fantastic Friday Kelli :)

Katy said...

What a fantastic idea Kelli! I never would have thought to use a frame as a tray!!!! Thank you for sharing! It is beautiful! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli, Very, very pretty post. I think I might have to copy this one too. Thanks again for all you do.
:-) Debbi

Terri said...


You seriously ooze creativity! I slapped a couple of candles on a class tray and added a few leaves for my autumn display - LOL! You definitely have a gift. :-)

Carrie said...

Great idea to use the picture frame as a tray...beautiful candle display!

Kerri said...

What a great idea! That is a beautiful center piece. I wish I had your creativity, but I have your blog to consult when my decorating ideas get the thumbs down from my family. I love that wreath I bought and can't wait to put some fall leaves on it. Have a great weekend, and if you are going to be affected by Ike stay safe.
Love Kerri

The Hamilton's said...

So beautiful and creative!!

Dawn said...

You always share such clever ideas.
Happy Friday!!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. I always love your ideas.

Momma Roar said...

So beautiful and simple ... and creative!!!

Amy ~ (Life's Small Treasures) said...

Oh I LOVE IT! Way to think outside of the box. I may just have to copy this idea ;).

Thanks for sharing

Missy Wertz said...

Very pretty Kelli!

Mrs. Gray's Class said...

I just found your blog - what creative ideas and I love that you have a place for us to come and share. Thank you. I look forward to reading more.

One Shabby Old House said...

I'm grabbing a cup of cider because that was just cozy looking.

Lynn said...

I love how you made a tray from a picture frame. My granmother used to do that, too. Thanks.

Sandra said...

What a great idea Kelli and the result is just gorgeous :)

Heather Anne said...

Very very nice! I saw a tray very much like yours at a very fancy shop recently - the only major difference was that it had handles! I like your arrangement very much! I need to get started with fall - soon! Time to get up in the attic and drag out those boxes!

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

That is a beautiful candle centerpiece. I just love decorating for Fall...My favorite season even over Christmas...Sandy
I am all posted today

Anonymous said...

Wow, I never thought about doing something like that with a frame! How neat! :)

(I hope my S&T is acceptable :))

Carla said...

First let me say I LOVE PURPLE!!! I love the purples of autumn too! You captured this perfectly! AND that frame/tray is so do able. Thanks Kelli!

nancy said...

Oh, my goodness! That is beautiful. I love the way you used the colors, the "berry" color for the candles is such a nice touch. And your couch is gorgeous. Nice new header on your site. Gotta change mine, too!

Christina said...

So pretty Kelli! I bet those candles smell wonderful!

Have a good weekend,


Lulu said...

that turned out so pretty.

TJ said...

That is beautiful! I was thinking of all your beautiful centerpieces and trays while at Target today. I found a great square chocolate colored melamine plate on clearance. When I get home I'm going to make it the centerpiece for our dinner tomorrow night.

Thanks for the inspiration!

Lindsay-ann said...

Your autumn candle tray looks beautiful kelli.
It would look great for Christmas too. I can imagine it on my table on Christmas day.
Great idea, thanks for sharing it.

cryssi said...

Beautiful! So creative. Thank you for sharing.

threesidesofcrazy said...

That turned out awesome! It is so warm and inviting as the fall chill approaches.

Jocelyn said...

I am so excited to be a part of Show and tell Friday!

I am new to blogging, but not new to reading others fab blogs like yours! You inspire me to be more creative and grateful for Gods Blessings.


Carole Burant said...

Leave it to you to think of using a picture frame as a tray for the candles!! It's beautiful, Kelli, and you've given me an idea for a centerpiece for my coffee table:-) xoxo

Anonymous said...

Hi, Kelli! Sorry my letter is slow in coming. Lots going on here but things are settling. I'll write soon, promise!
In Him,

Julie said...

Please keep us in your prayers. The eye of Huricane Ike is headed directly over our farm. We expect a few rough days with all of our animals. I will try and keep the blog updated as best as I can.

Gone said...


You've been selected by me, to receive an award...please visit my blog for the AWARD post to pick it up!


Sharon said...

How lovely, I am so happy to have found your blog. What a pleasure to look at. I would love to join your Show and Tell Friday and will join in next week if thats okay.

Sharon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mrs. U said...

Well, my goodness!!! What a CLEVER idea!!! I LOVE this!! Kelli, it is just beautiful!!!

Mrs. U

Anonymous said...

That's beautiful, Kelli! You always have the best and most creative ideas!
You were on my mind this morning as I was reading about the hurricane making landfall. I know you're not in the worst area, but I pray all will stay well with you and yours! Do y'all expect a lot of rain still where you are?
Take care and thanks for taking the time to do the Show and Tell!
Amy O.

Needled Mom said...

Great idea. It does scream "autumn" to me. I love the idea of the paper in the frame.

GranthamLynn said...

My post is finally up. It was crazy yesterday and then last night blogger wouldn't upload my photo's.
Have a great weekend.

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

Hi Kellie, beautiful post, beautiful blog. I am amazed at you!!! Hey I wish you would come visit me. I started a flickr group for fall decorating, etc. I thought everyone has such amazing photo's and ideas for fall, what if we put them in one place! You always have great and beautiful recipes, ideas, decor, I could go on. It would be wonderful if you added some of your photo's.
I looked back at your blog posts and I'm sure you have enough pictures to light our rockets!!!!

The Tiquehunters Wife said...

Oh! Just so pretty and festive!
Blessings to you!
Claudia O.

Lori said...

Your candle tray is beautiful!!!!

Lori said...

Your candle tray is beautiful!!!!

Kayla said...

You are so creative! That's a wonderful idea that I am definitely trying!

Farrah said...

Love the glowing candles picture!!

Carolyn said...

Just surfin' the blogs and found you. I wanted to say Hi and nice blog!

Stop by and see me sometime....

Mrs. W said...

Hi Kelli, What a nice alternative to your wonderful magazine! So glad I found you again.