Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Homemade Cards ~ Paper Crafting Thursday!

The winners of last week's paper crafting are Emily and Jillian. Please email me your addresses and I'll get your prizes in the mail!

This week's card project is very simple and is perfect for large patterned scrapbook paper.

You will need:
-Blank 6 1/2" x 5" notecard
-6 1/4" x 4 3/4" rectangle of scrapbook paper
-Approx. 2" circle of scrapbook paper or cardstock. You can cut it with decorative scissors or use a paper punch.
-20" ribbon

Cover blank notecard with scrapbook paper.

I shaded the edges of the scalloped circle with a foam ink pad.

Just quickly rub the edges, as shown.

Cut a small slit in card fold with craft knife.

Stamp or add a sticker to scalloped circle and punch a small hole. Thread ribbon through slit and then through tag. Secure with knot.

I also added a tiny pearl gem.

Send to a friend!

~More Homemade Cards~

We have another birthday at our house today. Benjamin is now 8 years old and we have a fun day planned with new toys, pudding cups with neighborhood friends, pizza for dinner and a gummy worm and oreo cake. I'll share pictures soon!

A few more things I've made recently...



Items can be found in my Etsy Shop! Thank you for stopping by for a visit!

Paper Craft Fun: Post any kind of paper craft (card, bookmark, tag, banner, journal, etc.) on your blog between now and next week and come sign Mr. Linky. Next Thursday, I will draw two of the names and the winners will receive supplies for a homemade card: blank notecard, envelope, and an assortment of scrapbook paper, stickers (or stamped images), and ribbon. Link back here in your post, so that others will know where to join in the fun, too!


American Homemaker said...

Thanks for the card supplies :)

Now I have to make a card... LOL

Terri said...

Happy Birthday, Benjamin! I love the cards, Kelli.

Tami said...

Happy Birthday Benjamin!! As always you make the cutest cards Kelli!

Have a super duper day!

The Old Parsonage said...

I couldn't wait for Thursday to come.
You're so creative!! And Happy Birthday to Benjamin!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Benjamin! He is one VERY handsome young man. And since I used to teach 3rd grade, 8 years old is about my most favorite, besides the toddler stage. He looks like one terrific young man. I hope he has a great day.

Heather said...

very cute cards! Happy Birthday to Benjamin!

Jules said...

You've got some really great ideas. Thanks for sharing them with us. THis is my first time partaking in the "Paper Crafting Thurs." I have enjoyed looking at everyone's ideas this morning. :o)

Jen said...

I love all your cards....really love the Easter are so talented.

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Just wonderful as always and a Happy Birthday to your son!


dot said...

Kelli, the cards are beautiful!
Happy Birthday to Benjamin...he gets better looking every day!

A Hint of Home said...

Happy Birthday to Benjamin! Your kids are growing up quickly.
Your cards are very pretty. I like the cloche on the Easter card. Very creative.

Susan said...

I adore your paper crafting Kelli..I have started paper crafting over the past year. It is so nice to see you again!! Hugs Susan

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli! Beautiful usual.

Happy Birthday to Benjamin. He is so cute.

Love, Debbi

Tina Leigh said...

Kelli I just dont understand how your kids keep having birthdays? It's just not right! Happy Birthday Benjamin! Handsome Fella!

Kelli have you looked at the Jan/Feb issue of Victoria? Lots of you & Revee things in there. I love that magazine. The cards are beautiful!

Tina Leigh said...

Your cards I!

The Raggedy Girl said...

I really love your cards. Too sweet!
Roberta Anne

Sharri said...

Happy Birthday Benjamin!
Wow, he's getting all grown up!

I loved the cards you made, so cute! The Easter one is adorable!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to Benjamin!

The cards are all lovely. Thanks for the tip about going around the edges with an ink pad. Someone else told me they used a paintbrush and ink pad, but this sounds much simpler.

Wanita said...

Happy birthday to Benjamin! Sounds like you have a fun day planned.

Thanks for the card. It's beautful!


Anonymous said...

How absolutely beautiful, Kelli! Your crafts are unique and elegant. Thank you so much for sharing all your ideas with us!
PS How is your etsy shop doing?

Anonymous said...

I love your cards! Did you use a rubber stamp on the girl a letter? It's so adorable!

Jodi said...

Beautiful cards! Happy Birthday to Benjamin. I know about that cake you're making with the Oreos and gummy worms. I think we call it Dirt Cake!

Clare said...

Wonderful styles and your creative mind is great thankyou for sharing it with us.

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful cards you have shared again.

I have to say i so love your blog.

I have shared a layout today

TestJourney said...

Oh I love all your ideas. I love the idea of covering a premade card. But I am going to try covering a real card. Let's see how it works. Maybe I can post later. Got a new camera! Yea.
Of to cut and paste!
BTW hard to get myself going notice how pretty it is outside!

Lindsay-ann said...

Hi Kelli
Thanks for sharing your beautiful cards. I love the ribbon and pearl detail.
Happy Birthday Benjamin. Hope you have a lovely day.

~~Deby said...

Beautiful cards, Kelli---

GlorV1 said...

Happy Birthday Benjamin. I love those cards. They look special. Thx for sharing.

Linda said...

So pretty, I love paper crafting, I just need more time.......and I love getting anything that someone makes, don't you?

Susan B said...

Your cards are so beautiful and creative. Happy Birthday to your son!

Southern Bears said...

I love the cards Kelli. There's always more room for inspiration.

Southern Bears said...

I love the cards Kelli. There's always more room for inspiration.

Amy said...

Happy Birthday Benjamin! I hope you had lots of fun!

Anonymous said...

Lovely and really clear instructions.

LillyB said...

The cards are gorgeous!!!!

marie said...

Kelli ~ these cards are lovely. The stamped images are so pretty!