If you were to stop by today this is what you would see....
We are messy crafters. Here is what is left of our big "making Valentines" project last night. Emily still had to make a few this morning. She walked into the room and said, "Look at this trashed place!" My thoughts exactly. ;0)
Grace is having a little tea party with her dolls.
Emily and Benjamin are off playing in a bedroom. It appears the doll bed has been turned into a desk.
Yes, my children still leave their clothes on the floor. Grrr....
There are always dishes to wash. Actually, I've been handwashing my plates and bowls since Christmas. Our dishwasher racks have erroded away in many spots and I don't want to get rust stains on my new white dishes. I have a repair kit but haven't gotten around to glueing on 140+ little tops. Did someone say procrastonator?!
And finally the livingroom. Doesn't look so warm and cozy today!!
Well, there you have it. A bit of reality at my house!
Oh Kelli, if I didn't know better I would think you had snuck in and taken pictues of MY house! LOL
Oh but what a nice Reality! It's always nice to see that people are enjoying home and making messes that proves it! (LoL)
Have A Blessed Day Kelli! Oh and thanks for stopping by to visit me, I did leave a comment for you.
A warm and cozy home is one that a family lives and loves in. My opinion? I think that your home looks just as warm and cozy as ever. Now, I'm off to start quite a crafting mess of my own with Valentine supplies and my boys!
Don't worry about the house reality. Mine looks similar today. So much for doing little housework this weekend.
I have those moments at my house a lot with 2 little ones. I think it is good to show people that no matter what you can have messy days. Thanks for showing us!
Hey! Now I know for sure that you can be my friend! :-D I love to see people post on real life lived in houses!
I have days like that too. :) You wouldn't want to see my house today. We had company over and we are still trying to be back to normal. :)
I'm stealing Susan's line...when did you sneak into my house???!!! LOL Seriously, a 'lived in' house is a 'loved in' house, and I can tell that your home is definitely one filled with love, laughter, and happy children! Hope everyone is feeling better!
I see a warm, cozy, lived-in home. Absolutely nothing wrong with that!!
Oh dear...you've now completely shattered my illusions of you. Sigh! LOL Kelli, with 3 children in the house, your house looks quite NORMAL! lol Hugs xoxo
Looks like a lovely real-life home. If those are your messes I'd hate for you to see mine. Yours look very mild and orderly.
This is the third time today that I have tried to leave a comment so here goes again. Thank you for your sweet concern and prayers for our grandson, Drew. He is back in school and doing well. We still don't know what caused the seizures.
Enjoy your children because they will be grown and gone before you can turn around. My Mama told me that and now I know it's true.
Picketfence Mom (my daughter ) lives next door so I do have six grandchildren near.
I love the pic of the dirty dishes. I figure, the dishes will always be there later, but some moments with the kids are there only NOW, so I step back and spend some quality time...and get to the housework later. I always feel I need to explain to people stopping over..."but it was clean yesterday, it really was!!!"
hee hee
OK, I'm a lurker who found you linked into someone else's blog. I just loved the pictures of your happy, productive home. I wanted to tell you that it won't always be that way. Two of my boys are raised and gone. The third is still home, sometimes, but the mess is pretty much in his room. I have a VERY clean house now. But . . . it sure is quiet. So ~ Enjoy!
Kelli ~ love the look - it is a great reality it means your house is not a house but a home. What wonderful memories you children will have.
I use to have a blog on HSB but have moved over here. So I am hoping to post more -not justlurk all the time.
God bless,
from one Canadian to another
Kelli, thank you so much for visiting "my house". It was nice to have you. Now get out there and walk!!!
Seeing a house that people love living in is what makes it warm and cozy! *Smile*
A late, late, late Happy Birthday Kelli! And how wonderful that you are not in fact a plastic robot who keeps everything perfect all the time. No, a real live person who actually uses and enjoys and dirties up her house! But then, and this is the inspiration - she actually cleans it back up again!
We have the same Valentine mess all over our lanai floor. It's just that crafty time of year! :)
Your home looks full of love and fun family activities.
There's time enough for a nice neat house when your children are out on their own.
Oh Kelli, I am sure you still have a very cosy home - although it looks a bit messy from time to time...
♥ ♥ ♥
Home is where the heart is....
♥ ♥ ♥
I couldn't post a comment yesterday, so this is a little late. :-)
I think it's wonderful that you allow "creating" messes with your children. They will remember that for ever!
Truth be told, our homes look the same!
Nothing says "love" like a crafty home. I love crafts and always tell people to please just overlook it, as we are deep involved in a project and it is more work than not to keep putting it away and then taking it out! lol
Hope you all had fun doing the Valentines and having the tea party!
Kid mess everywhere MAKES the house MORE cozy..sloppy, but cozy! LOL
One question though. What were they playing with the desk/doll bed that required the use of the knife?
Was my Matthew there? Every game with him needs a weapon of some sort in case the Zombies or evil ninjas attack while he's working! LOL
Have a wonderful day.
LOL, Terri! Benjamin and Emily were playing some sort of game involving a princess and dragons...you never know when you may need a knife out there in the
wild! :0)
I didnt get over here the other day and I'm just now seeing these. It looks like typical family life. You are blessed.
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