The first gift was a sweet teacup candle. See the little doily and buttons on the saucer?
I put it on my tea tray and my friend Revee and I enjoyed it while we had tea yesterday afternoon.
Kimberly filled the box with dried rose petals which I put an a small tray and set on top my my guest book (which I can never remember to have friends fill out!) in the entryway.
Last but not least, 3 lavender sachets. They go perfectly in my white and lavender bathroom! Thank you so much for the sweet and thoughtful gifts, Kimberly! I love everything!
Are you all busy running errands today or having a quiet day at home? I'm going to be doing a bit of both. We are having Phillip's family over for lunch tomorrow so I need to get a few groceries. I rented the movie "The Parent Trap" (the old version) so I want to squeeze that in somewhere.
Talk to you later!
Kelli, those are really very nice treasures! I absolutely LOVE all kind of lavender!
You may still join my Valentine's give-away heART game on my blog, don't miss the deadline! ;-)))
Have a great week-end!
"my guest book (which I can never remember to have friends fill out!)" You can just do like my mom and chase people down the front walkway with it! LOL You have GOT to be a long lost relative!
What beautiful gifts from your friend!
Today is a bit of both running and relaxing for us. My husband and I are headed to the chiropractor (which means he'll probably end up adjusting our son as well). Then pick up lunch on the way home, and hopefully relax the rest of the day (He finally caught the stomach bug that the rest of us have been battling all week. I shouldn't snicker, really I shouldn't!)
Hi Kelli, all your gifts are so lovely!!
Today, I am deep cleaning my home--I feel like I am on a never ending nesting period---plus reading the *Deep Clean* thread on the Prairie Homemaker is not helping..(LoL)
I got all my recieving blankets out, I didn't realize I had so many---I did put the pink ones back. I have to remember to buy some Dreft.
Anyway, just a nice a Saturday here.
P.S. My daughter is asking me about Build a Bear workshop--have you or any of your readers gone there?
I love the teacup candle! What a great idea.
I've seen both "The Parent Trap" movies ... the original with Hayley Mills & Brian Keith is wonderful.
What a relaxing post for me to view today as I am exhausted after having so much fun during the Valentine hEaRtS party!We were all winners in having met so many new bloggers but of course I hold my regular visitors dear to my hEaRt..that means YOu kelli!hugs
What a lovely gift box! So many nice things!! ah! I see my daughter, Corin, has beat me to the punch. I, too, forget to have people sign my guest book when they arrive; and, yes, I have been known to chase them down the walkway to have them sign before they go.
Copper works Saturdays, so it's a normal day here - laundry, homekeeping, some homeschooling. I do, though, have to run a couple of errands in town.
Dear Kelli, I love your idea {in a comment, on my Blog} of keeping a candle burning on the hearth. To help through these still cold days.
I especially love scented candles. But at the present time, neither I nor my husband can abide them. -sigh- They play havoc with our noses, during these dry Winter months. -repeat sigh- I couldn't even fully enjoy my christmas candles.
But, come warmer weather and a return of humidity, and I'll be back to them again.
I hope you got your shopping done, for tomorrow's lunch. And that you manage to squeeze in, watching the original 'Parent Trap.' I love that one, too.
Kelli, my daughter and I watched the old version on the Hallmark channel last night. I love that movie! Enjoy!
How thoughtful of your friend to do such a sweet thing. :)
What lovely goodies. How fun! I love the teacup candle.
We had errands to run this morning, but this afternoon we're at home.
Julieann, Build-a-Bear is so much fun, but can get pricey with all of the outfits and extras. You'll want to set a price limit before you go.
Oh what Prettys you got in the mail! Glad you & Revee had a good time together...wish I could meet with yall too. I finished painting the trees today..Danny & Kev finished the re-plants, I got Kev's clothes done (He always brings home plenty every weekend)and now I'm gonna go fix some supper. Hamburger steak, gravy & onions & mashed taters. I dont know what else is going with it...burr I'm cold!! Talk to ya later.
Isn't it just so wonderful and uplifting when you receive such a surprise package in the mail:-) She certainly sent you some beautiful items...that candle tea cup is just too adorable!! Enjoy your lunch with your inlaws tomorrow:-) Hugs xox
What lovely gifts you've received Kelli. They seem so perfectly chosen just for you.
I'm just back from delivering a flat of primroses to a friend for her birthday. You would love them. They are not the usual colors, but rather very old fashioned softer colors. One was a pale lavender that gently turns white as it opens so on the same plant you have both the lavender and the white. So pretty!
I love the beautiful gifts. What a sweet friend. I also like your tea cups. They remind me of my grandmother's pattern!
I hope you like the choc. chip cookies! They have been a family favorite for a long time.
Have fun tomorrow!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I was excited to see someone whose blog I read daily. Yes, the potpie was a big hit here.
I love the parent trap it is one of my favorites. Hope to see you again!
Hi Kelli,
I just hopped over from another blog, couldn't help but notice a few things we had in common (my daughter just turned 9 too, but I'm from southern US and now live in Canada), but just wanted to say, what a pretty teacup candle that is! Nice photos...I'll have to come back and catch up a bit on reading your blog... have a great day!
Such nice gifts! Love the little teacup candle!
Tea with a friend sounds like such fun. I'm off to check out her site!
That is a lovely present; your friend obviously put a lot of thought into what would make you smile.I guess that is what makes friends, friends!
Today we had our older son's winter sports day in a raging blizzard - the school chose not to cancel it, grrr. Then we were supposed to go to see my husband in hospital, but as it's an hour's drive away, and the wind was so strong, we decided not to. I ended up having a long nap, which was much needed and greatly enjoyed.
How lovely and how nice to have such sweet friends. I, too, have a guest book. And I, too, forget to have people sign it. Hope your tea was even more special with a good friend and a thoughtful gift.
The candles lookied lovely.
Very romantic and homey
God bless!
I love the wee candle!!!
Just a quick note, I made the Fruit-filled oatmeal bars on Friday, and they are already gone. They were easy and delicious. :-) Thanks!
Oh, my. I'm away for a few days and I miss SO much! :( Happy belated birthday to Grace. It looks like she had SUCH a fun day! I am jealous of her art table present! :) What a terrific idea. And she does look SO very grown up now.
The gifts you've received from your friend are lovely. I've been thinking of painting my girls' bathroom lavender too.
And in regard to your comment on my blog: While I can never be happy that anyone else gets migranes, it was comforting to hear that my occurances of them - which I find to be so odd and without rhyme or reason (ie. I would expect one on a stressful day, but they usually come when I am in a really happy mood... and then ruin that really happy mood! :) lol) - are not as unusual as they seem to be.
Blessings to you, Kelli!
Simply lovely! I can smell the lavender from here! ;o)
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