We got a sprinkling of rain in the morning instead of the several inches predicted so that was wonderful!
The morning started off with a little bird trouble. Do you remember the Mourning Dove parents that built a nest near our back patio? Well, the two babies hatched and are growing up but....
...one of them fell out of the nest and it's too little to fly back up.
Here it is resting among the plants. This morning (the 5th) one of the parents came down to feed it and I have left a message for a wild bird protection agency so we'll have to see what they suggest doing.
Anyways, back to the party. Phillip grilled up some hot dogs, cheeseburgers and chicken which was delicious.
Peach Cobbler...
A friend of ours made some homemade strawberry ice cream which was the perfect 4th of July treat!
The tradition flag cake. It has a layer of raspberry jam inside and cream cheese frosting.
We had a great time visiting, lots of talking and laughing. Around 9:30pm everyone went up the road a little to a parking lot. For the past several years the view of all the area fireworks has been pretty good but this year they were too far away. According to Benjamin they were still "awesome!"
Today will be spent tidying up and I will post a few recipes later. Thank you for looking at our 4th of July pictures!
Love seeing your wonderful celebration. Your flag cake looks delish and just slightly different from mine. Hope you get help for the baby bird :)
Sounds like fun!
looks like a yummy celebration. hope the little bird makes it. thanks for sharing.
Kelii, in Georgia, we had some birds that had babies in our hanging plant and 2 babies fell out----it was my fault, I didn't know they were in there and I watered the plant----well, my Husband picked them up and put them back in their nest and mama bird still came by and took care of them--My MIL worked for the humane society and this is what she said to do--so we did it and it was fine---hope all works out with your little doves. I do know that mama bird will take care of them if they fall out of the nest and do not get put back too. Let us know what the wild bird protection say and what happens.
I loved all the pictures and your 4th sounded so lovely.
I love your new look, Kelli! Relax.....my goal for the week-end!
It looks like you had a wonderful get together!
Looks like you had a fabulous fourth! How wonderful that the rain didn't come as it was supposed to.
How sad about the baby bird. I hope it survives. Be sure and let us know how it goes. I think that little sparrow I wrote about last week survived, but I haven't a clue how it got back to the nest. Maybe it was just learning to fly?
Looks like you had a wonderful time! That peach cobbler looks good!
Poor little bird. :-( I hope he's okay.
Looks like you had a wonderful time. The cake and ice cream looked delicious. Hope the baby bird will be ok!
Hello from Vancouver!
It looks like you had a marvelous and relaxing 4th. I'm intrigued by the flag cake - I don't think Canada has a tradition like this, does it?
Hope that your fallen bird gets back to its parents, and that you get to do more relaxing :)
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! The food!!!
And I'm so sorry for your little bird problem. Oh sighhhhhhhhh...
Sounds like a fun day and that food just made my tummy growl! lol I'm so glad it turned out into a perfect day to celebrate. As for the baby dove, you can pick up baby birds and put them back in their nests...it's an old wive's tale about not being able to pick up baby birds because the parents will abondon it. Their sense of smell is very poor and it will take a lot more than human smell to stop them from parenting:-) xox
Enjoyed the pictures!
Everything looks sooo yummy! Hope the little bird is okay.
Love your flag cake! I did something like that many years ago! Now I'm just excited to have my house clean for my guests. One day I'll get it all together!! LOL!!
Great fourth celebration! I have enjoyed reading all the reports of what families were doing to celebrate. Your cake was beautiful!
Hi Kelli!
I am glad to learn that you had a great 4th of July! All the food looks delicious, especially the traditional cake!
What about the poor dove? Did you get some advice from the agency?
Best wishes, Anita
I made a flag crustless cheesecake that looks just like your flag cake. Looks like you had a wonderful celebration.
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