We were at a yard sale recently and they were selling a very similar ( a little cleaner) wagon for $25.00. My mouth must have dropped open because then they suggested $20.00. I passed them up on the offer.
There is a house for sale near ours, and the owners left this dirty wagon out on their curb for garbage pickup this morning. I quickly got out of the van and put it in the trunk.
It's not perfect but a good cleaning went a long way. The wheels and handle are all on tight.
Benjamin took it for a quick test spin and then we took it to the front yard for a snack...
Sliced watermelon and lemonade. The girls had a friend over for the afternoon and we all enjoyed the cool breeze under our tree.
They each brought a doll to the mini picnic. They are waiting patiently for a wagon ride!
Off they go!
The wagon also came in handy for holding some flowers that somehow jumped into my cart at the garden center. ;0)
Thank you for looking at our new FREE wagon!!
How wonderful that you would find that wagon left abandoned...look at all the uses it has!! hehe I think having a wagon is a necessity as a child...I remember having my own little red wagon:-) xox
It's a perfect little picnic wagon, isn't it! My dear hubby still has his childhood red wagon that looks like yours and he uses it to haul things that are too heavy to carry. I say you got the best deal ever!
I love it!! And how perfect that it was also free. Every kid needs a little red wagon!!! =)
very cool wagon! kids look like they had a wonderful time using their new toy! And it's only that much better that it was a free one! :-)
i agree... every kid (or family) needs one of those red wagons. it makes me wonder what i did with my kid's. if we sold it, i'm sure it was cheaper than $20 - alot cheaper.
your pictures are great. now i'm craving watermelon ;) thanks for sharing.
What a great find.
I use our wagon all the time to haul heavy things. Plus, I can have Quintin help - he pulled the wagon out to the curb with the recyclables box on it. Then, I gave him a ride back up the driveway. A great find and you can't beat free!
Free stuff is my FAVORITE! I drive the kids crazy,well, Joe too--tee hee!, because I am always grabbing stuff off the curb!
Hey! I like to think of it as doing my bit for recycling! LOL
Enjoy your wagon!
Such a handy-dandy little wagon! I think it's a gift to 'see' potential in a discarded item, and you certainly possess that gift. I know I've told you before, but I really do admire you very much and I think you are a terrific mother and homemaker. You inspire me in so many ways!
Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave comments, even though I've been 'not so great' about getting around to my friends lately. Hopefully, when things settle down and school starts back, I can visit more often and participate in the Friday Show and Tell again on a more regular basis. We are going out of town AGAIN this weekend, so I'll be out of pocket on Friday...but hopefully the next week I'll be home.
I do appreciate your encouraging comments more than you know!
Have a wonderful day!
BTW, your new header if lovely!!
Love your wagon ~ I can't get over someone asking 25.00 for one at a yard sale ~ don't they know yard sale means cheap!
This brings back lots of happy memories of my best friend Susan and I with our wagons full of dolls sitting under a mimosa tree for hours playing. Thats what childhood is all about.
I love your new free wagon ~ you've rescued something from the trash and the kids will have a lot of fun with it. At least I know that my sister and I, as kids, spent lots of happy time riding in, and later pulling things in, ours.
I hate it when flowers misbehave like that and jump into my cart! ;o)
love, Heather
ps I love your new banner.
What a fabulous find-the old owners may want it back when they see how nicely you cleaned it up! I'm glad you "rescued" that cute little wagon from the trash and gave it the TLC it needed so your family can enjoy it. I wish that I had held on to my childhood wagon, I can think of many uses for it now.
Cute pictures! Wagons are wonderful and every child should have one. I bought myself one about 6 years ago and use it all the time. Sometimes I sit in it and Tony pulls me around the yard. LOL! Just kidding about the last part.
Too cute! You are so creative and blessed too, of course! the wagon with lemonade is charming and makes me think "summer"!
I like the new header on your blog too!
I love it! Had to show the bigger pictures to my husband.
And I so agree, every kid needs a little red wagon.
We have one that someone gave us. Kurt needs to strip and repaint it.
Perfect! The price and the wagon. A real treasure!
what a great find!
FOR FREE! that's just crazy! and wonderful!
you are right, it cleaned up beautifully. it already looks like you got your money's worth out of it :o)
What fun...
You've truly made good use of your free wagon! I bought one at a garage sale recently that was in very used condition and planted my herbs in it.
Glad you got such a good bargain!
What a great find for you. Wahoo!
It looks great all cleaned up.
I think both Al and I had wagons like that growing up.
That must have been a diamond-studded wagon for $25! Yours is great. We always used a wagon when the boys were little...very good to have for Scout activities!
What a fun find! I love my little red wagon~as you demonstrated, they can be used for so many things.
What a wonderful find! Your kids will have more fun with that wagon!! A wagon is a timeless toy, and a wonderful too for busy moms, too!
Very good! You are so good at finding bargains!! Free is the best that there is!
Lucky you, you got it for free??!!! Wow! That's what I call real luck! And on top of this, you saved 25 $!!!
Incredible, what other people leave for the garbage pickup!
So how was the mini-picnic of the girls and Benjamin? By the way, he seems to have acted as a waiter, havn't he? ;-))
By the way, it's still rainy, cold and cloudy over here. BUT: the summer will come back to Germany THIS WEEKEND! Oh, I can't wait!!!
Hugs, Anita
Wagons are so cute! I wish we still had ours.
It looks like the girls had fun. My sister has Molly the American girl too! Is the other doll Liberty, from Vision Forum?
Kelli, I would have passed on the $20 wagon, also. Your free find cleaned up pretty good. I remember picnics with our dolls in the summer under the shade trees. Usually eating apples or apricots from our fruit trees. Your kids will really enjoy this little wagon. :)
What a perfect find, you were there at the right time! Love the way you turned it into a picnic wagon!
Ooh, what a wonderful freebie to find. I'm sure y'all will enjoy that for quite some time!
~ Christina
Free is the best!!! I am glad you got yourself a wagon. The snack looked very inviting. Maybe I will come over for a picnic!!!
Great find! And what a great job you did cleaning it up. Thanks for sharing.
I have a very similar one on my deck right now. My boys had many happy adventures with it. It is probably not safe for children to play with in its current state--some rusted holes in the bottom and a broken wheel. But it holds pots of geraniums just fine!
Everyone should have a little red wagon!
Wonderful! Those lil' wagons have so many uses! What a find!
What a great little wagon! And, you can't beat the price. It cleaned up very nicely, too. It looks like y'all certainly had a fun afternoon with it.
Aren't those wagons so expensive??? We have one now that a friend of mine left behind when they got orders to another base. I can't tell you how happy I was that I didn't have to g out and buy one LOL
I'm so glad to be back online now :)
Free + a little elbow grease = a great find!
I'm so glad for your family! There are no end to the uses of a little red wagon!
I am enjoying your blog!
I love to see all the pictures.
And...hey...You're an Anne of Green Gables fan! http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/Keri/349405/
Sometimes it is the salvaged items that become the best loved and best used...this one was the perfect find. And if that little red wagon could talk, I'm sure he'd tell you how very happy he is.
Oh I'd love to get an old red wagon and plant it with flowers. I think in would look so charming. Great find. Can't believe you passed up the $20.oo bargain LOL. :)
What a wonderfully frugal find :-)
You all cleaned her up beautifully!
I love the flowers that happened to jump into your trunk too :-) LOL
As for the recipe for the crumpets , I am afraid I dont have one, we buy them at our specialty market. I did find one though here...
How heart warming! I love seeing old things come back to life! Hey, maybe that will happen to me some day! LOL
Kelli, what a fun surprise! Isn't God good to give us little gifts like that? And, for free!
I especially like the watermelon/picnic idea. You are so creative!
I love a great rescue mission! :o)
Hi Kelli--I tried to comment yesterday, but everytime, I sat down, I had to get up..LOL.
You are so lucky---I have always wanted an authentic radio flyer:)What a treasure you have.
I have a rusty old wagon that I have plants in...next to a rusty old tricycle and a pair of rusty old skates. Sooooooo if it gets rusty, plant something in it!
1)I, too, am a "curbside shopper"
2)I LOVE little, red wagons and will not give up the one we bought for my older daughter for her first birthday.
As you've shown, they have way too many wonderful uses to *ever* be left curbside.
I'm so glad you all rescued it!:)
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