Sunday, October 07, 2007

Moon Flowers

Today I would like to show you some recent visitors to our garden. Grace planted some Moon Flowers along our fence and they finally showed their pretty faces!

This delightful vine, also known as the Evening Glory, grows rapidly and covers itself with huge six inch creamy-white flowers.

When most flowers are going to sleep for the night, the Moon Flower is just waking up.

They begin to swirl open in late afternoon and last only until morning's light.

As if the Moon Flower is not enchanting enough, these white trumpets glow in the moonlight all night long.

Filling the warm night with a sweet fragrance.

Perfect for those romantic midnight strolls. :0)


Quinne said...

How pretty, Kelli! Have a lovely week. Love, Q

Anonymous said...

they are lovely

Anonymous said...

That flowers smell wonderfull, my grandmother had some of these in her garden. We call them "Damas de Noche" (Night Ladies).

Anonymous said...

Is this the same as Evening primrose? We have been known to sit and watch Evening Primrose and declare to each other which bloom we thought would be the first, or next to open.

THAT's entertainment!

Terri said...

Sort of the night time version of morning glories, hu? How wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I forgot to say how lovely they are, and how fascinating. Thanks.

LBP said...

Those are so pretty! I've always wondered about these when I saw them in gardening books.


Tammy said...

What pretty flowers!

Rebecca said...

they are postively gorgeous! Wow...

PS for Becky...I don't think it is the same as Evening Primrose. I believe that evening primrose is a smaller bright yellow flower. We had a bunch at our old house and even had strangers stop by to ask what they were.

... said...

these are beautiful. and once again, a flower i have no recollection of ever seeing. how could i never have seen such an interesting and pretty flower. thanks for sharing. you always inspire me to become a gardener.

Britta said...

These flowers look so fantastic, you can almost smell them.

Have a wonderful week, hugs, Britta

Anonymous said...

How pretty...
I have never seen anything like these!

dawn klinge said...

Jan Karon has a beautiful book about the moonflower called the Trellis and the Seed that you might really enjoy. They are lovely.

Mrs. Anna T said...

Very lovely. Thank you for sharing! :)

Rosie's Whimsy said...

They are gorgeous......

rohanknitter said...

That is so cool!
Thanks for sharing

*~Tamara~* said...

So pretty! Are they perennial?

Jodi said...

Oh how very lovely! Though I fear if they were in my garden I might never see them ... at midnight I'm much more likely to be zonked out than strolling. ;o)

Carole Burant said...

I've never seen a moonflower before, how very fascinating and such a beautiful flower! I can't get over how it glows in the moonlight, that is so neat!! xox

Susan said...

We have these lovely flowering vines growing in two different places in our yard. They are lovely. The only problem with them is they are so prolific that we have to pick up the droppings of the dead flowers almost every day.!!!

Mimi said...

what a beautiful flower and to think it blooms while all the rest are sleeping....

Lena said...

Lovely, and so is that pretty moon photograph too.

Creative Life Studio said...

Lovely! I've heard of them and seen photos before, but have never seen them in person. I would love to smell them. They look like they are doing very well!

Jennifer said...

Oh my! Grace has quite the green thumb! Those are beautiful. I love how their enchantment only beams in the moonlight.

My Mom always says, "nothing good happens after midnight!" I think I'll tell her to head over to Kelli's blog b/c you have proof otherwise :o)

Jenn4Him said...

I have never heard of these before! I can always count on learning something when I visit you, Kelli! Thank you!

Paula said...

What beautiful flowers!!

Disney for Boys said...

I have never heard of these before but they are are pretty! I can only imagine what they smell like!

Hope you have a wonderful week!

Ruth said...

Those are really pretty. I've never heard of them before. How neat.

Gena said...

That is one of my favorite flowers. We plant them each year on my deck and they climb and swirl all around the entire thing. If someone could bottle that fragrance and sell it, they would be rich. My children have always been fascinated by the fact that the blooms only open at night.

Gorgeous pictures!

Melissa said...

They are beautiful! Wish I could come by and sniff them!

Cris said...

Beautiful... I had never heard of them...

Cathy said...

That was so interesting, Kelli. The first flower looked like something to eat! lol What a neat little flower, glowing in the dark like that.

Anonymous said...

I had these in florida and loved them so much. haven't seen any in years. Beautiful!

Charree said...

What neat flowers and they are so beautiful! Thanks for sharing them.

Sonya said...

Lovely! I'd love to have some of these around my place.

Heather Anne said...

I enjoy moon flowers also - but they self seed readily, so you may have them showing up here and there throughout your garden - or you can try to keep them deadheaded! One summer I put little paper bags over every seed head and had plenty of seed to give away to friends and neighbours - but the paper bag thing looked a wee bit odd! Your pictures are lovely as always!

Anonymous said...

Oh, these are so pretty! Just beautiful.

Myrna said...

What an enchanting flower!

Rose of Sharon said...

Those are just beautiful!Wow!


Amy ~ (Life's Small Treasures) said...

So beautiful! Thanks for sharing

Sweet Woodruff said...

Moon Flowers are awesome. Up where we lived in Lake Kiowa a lady had a bush and shared pods with everyone. It seemed over the years, everyone had a Moon Flower plant in their yard because of her sharing. I wonder if they would like living in Florida.

Marci said...

What a beautiful flower. Great pictures.

Kelly @ Growing.Learning.Playing. said...

Those are gorgeous, Kelli. Someone gave me seeds for Moon Flowers once but I never did plant them. Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

That is so cool!!

Melissa said...

How pretty! I had a package of seeds and never planted them. I didn't know they were so pretty though.

Sandra said...

Oh Kelli, they're BEAUTIFUL :)

Just Mom said...

Simply beautiful.

Unknown said...

Very pretty :) I havent heard of those before.
I posted some fall foliage pics on my blog if you want to take a peek.
Have a great week :)

Heather K said...

they're so pretty!

LadySnow said...

OH my....those are absolutely gorgeous! :D

Janice said...

Just beautiful!! I've always wanted to plant some, and now for sure will!

Lori said...

Those flowers are so pretty.
You are right they perfect for a little romantic stroll.

smilnsigh said...

Oh how beautiful! I've never seen these and I'd certainly love to see them.


Hannah said...

ooh la la

Kari (GrannySkywalker) said...

Oh wow! I believe you have REAL moon flowers! I have Daytura's, which are commonly called moon flowers, but are something entirely different. Yours look like the real thing, though. Lucky you!

~GailnVirginia said...

Beautiful;) I had them once by my I have two seed pods that I hope to get opened and start plants for next year. Thanks for sharing, Kelli

Anita said...

Oh Kelli, I almost missed your wonderful moon flower, it's gorgous and I LOVE the picutres you took when it was already getting dark.

By the way, does it produce any seeds that you could share with me???

XoX, Anita