Saturday, November 24, 2007

Scenes from our Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving arrived with cold weather and even the possibility of some snow! We spent the morning watching the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade and eating snacks. I made deviled eggs, glazed meatballs and cheeseballs and crackers.

This was the first time I've ever made cheeseballs. I used cream cheese, ranch dressing mix, worcester sauce, and garlic powder.

I set out a few more Autumn decorations. Brenda at Country Romance sent me some special acorns from her home, a small silver dish and pretty doily.

She also sent me this beautiful chest which I filled with pinecones. Thank you, Brenda!

After lunch we went to Phillip's parent's home for Thanksgiving dinner. There were 17 of us and we all had a wonderful time together. The food was delicious and we had fun playing games after dinner.

Friday night everyone came over to our house for another Thanksgiving dinner. More visiting, laughing and games. Oh, and dessert. ;0)

Before several family members get on a plane to go back home, we are having a family portrait taken tomorrow afternoon. It has been wonderful to have everyone together again!

Thank you for looking at the scenes from our Thanksgiving!


dot said...

A family portrait will be really nice!

CONNIE W said...

I would like to make a stop at that wonderful looking dessert table! Yummmmm

Anonymous said...

It all looks wonderful. And I love the family portrait idea. We always take our Christmas card picture on Thanksgiving Day.

Ruth said...

That desert table looked awesome!! I'm glad you all had some great family time. I hope the family portrait turns out great.

~Babychaser~ said...

You always make everything look so nice!

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

Every thing you do always looks so lovely and inviting! You are a wonderful home maker. You have a very lucky family :)

Anonymous said...

You are very welcome..It looked lovley in your home. I love what you did with the basket. I would have never thought lol. I have been painting pinecones gold for days.
The desserts look awsome.

Heather said...

I love the acorns!! How wonderful!I am glad that your Thanksgiving was so nice.

Love, Heather

HsKubes said...

What wonderful time spent with family. Family photos are always so special to have!

~ Christina

... said...

all looks very nice and yummy. glad you had a nice day.

Jen said...

Your pies look wonderful and the table looks great. The cheeseballs look amazing....I know you had a wonderful time.

Granny Annie said...

Just as I am recovering from my Thanksgiving over indulgence you show me this spread and now I must head to the refrigerator for more leftovers! Oh how yummy everything looks.

Lori said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgving.

We too had lots of fun visiting, playing games, and laughing.

Anonymous said...

Yum, everything looked wonderful. Now let's all go for a long walk to work some of this goodness off! :)

Susie said...

Hi Kelli,
I've been on a break from blogging too, so I enjoyed catching up on your news! Your celebration for Thanksgiving looks just wonderful.
I hope your day was filled with blessings!

Britta said...

Oh my, can I have a piece of each cake and some of your cheese balls?! This looks so delicious. ;o)

Have a wonderful day, hugs Britta

nancy said...

You do such a beautiful job with your homemaking ideas and food preparation. Kelli, you are an inspiration. Thanks for sharing and letting us peek into your life. God bless you.

Kelly @ The Barefoot Mama said...

Looks like you guys had a beautiful, festive Thanksgiving! The family portrait idea is wonderful...praying for a great start to the Christmas season! :o)

Rose of Sharon said...

It looks like you had a beautiful Thanksgiving! Everything looks so pretty! Nice gifts from Brenda, you lucky girl!!

:0) Sharon

Lynne said...

Everything looks so yummy, Kelli-I'm coming over to raid your refrigerator!

Tina Leigh said...

Kelli looks like yall had a good Thanksgiving. I had to work & we have been harvesting the pecans. Maybe I will be back to blogging soon. Your blog looks wonderful. You are doing a great job. I owe you 2 letters!! How will I ever get cought up! lol Love ya!

Karen said...

Thank you for sharing your holiday pictures with us. It looks like you had a wonderful time with family! We watched the parade, too! It's tradition. ;0)

Mrs. Anna T said...

Those desserts... ohh... I'm drooling here :)

Laurie said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving ~ ooh, any of those desserts left, they look so yummy!!

TJ said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful day! I'm glad you enjoyed yourselves.

Vicky said...

What a lovely family day! And how beautifully you prepared. I have to say I let the beautifying of my house slip, because I feel that I'm the only woman in a houseful of men, etc. But when I actually do anything, they are all very appreciative of it, and you inspire me to make more effort. Thank you.