Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.
Hello everyone! Today, I am sharing my late June/early July gardens. I've been watering every day, to try and keep everything alive.
Daisy loves the water fountain.
A view of the Fairy and Herb Garden from the back porch.
I have various flowers and rosemary, dill, thyme, oregano, parsley, sage and lemon balm.
In the backyard, we have a small area between the house and fence that I call our Secret Garden. Last week, I planted morning glories to climb up the arch.
Hopefully the Jasmine will grow quickly and cover the fence posts.
Thank you for taking a look around our gardens. We are hosting a BBQ this weekend, so we'll be busy with cleaning, cooking, and lots of fun. Happy 4th of July!
Remember, that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden. Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate.
If you would like to join in, please leave your exact show and tell blog post link, along with your first name only (this makes the list easier to read). If your link has been removed from Mr. Linky, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting, or e-mail me with any questions.
What lovely spaces you've created!!
m ^..^
Just so cozy and cute! I'd be in that chair reading A LOT!
Hi Kelli..this is lovely..I love it.
Happy Friday
Lots of luv,
Love the photo of Daisy enjoying a sip of cool water! Your gardens are lovey! Happy 4th - hope you have a great weekend...
Your garden looks really nice, I had less chance, for once the weather was so hot in Belgium (30°, 90 F and more) that all my plants dried out while we were on vacation for 10 days !
That is a lovely yard.
Blessings, and thanks for hosting.
barbara jean
very lovely garden.. look so cozy.. a tea in the garden would be lovely!..
Beautiful!! I love the photo of your furbaby drinking from the fountain spray. OH...and Kelli, what is the blue flowering tree plant? I so want blue in our yard and can't find anything but plumbago, and it's not a true blue.
My Show n Tell is petrified wood???!!!!
Have a great holiday weekend.
I love the fountain. Daisy looks so cute drinking from it! Your garden is so weed free! I love the trellis on the fence. The arbor going to look great with the Morning Glory. Your white table set is so pretty! I want a set back, last year the Oak trees fell and crushed mine. I want a secret garden, where I can I hide! lol I bought a fence to replace my four feet fence in front, well I bought a six foot fence, without realizing it, It was on sale and I was so excited! lol Hubby does not want to put it up. He stood one piece up. I loved it No one can see me in the front yard. You can still see the Highway from the road. I about two acres off the road. Maybe we can cut it or maybe I would have a secret garden. I do love yours! A great get away place, with out leaving home!
Hi Kelli.
You have put a great effort in your garden. Good job.
Hi Kelli! Your garden pictures are beautiful. Everything looks so inviting. I sure would love to be able to come and visit.
Have a happy Fourth of July. (Don't work too hard getting ready!) Love, Debbi
Love your secreat garden!
Oh so pretty as always I like the jasmine to cover the posts. Smart. I think my favorite part was seeing Daisy again. I haven't seen her in a while. Take some shots this weekend I bet you'll be eatin watermellon.
Have a great 4th.
Your gardens are looking wonderful. Love the little secret garden. Happy 4th. Hugs, Marty
I love your yard. Hope you have a great barb-b-cue and weekend.
Your Gardens are lovely. My favorite photo was of the doll getting sprinkles.
We are on water restrictions where we are. My yard is brown and dead for the most part, so I envy you being able to water every day.
I misread your statement about Show & Tell Friday and thought you were not hosting today. I posted a couple of rooms in the "new" house and I'm not sure they fit your rules so I didn't like back.
I like your garden and the porch. Is the porch covered? I like the area you call the secret garden. It will soon be lush and pretty. Show us again when the vines are established.
We have been watering also. It is very dry here. The Mosquitoes have made their presence known so I've not been spending much time on either porch.
Have a wonderful gathering for the 4th.
Mama Bear
OOPps! It was suppost to be first name only....I am so sorry!!!
Great Backyard Kelli!!!
Kelli, I am coming to see your precious garden!!!lol!! You have a gift for making your home so special.
I love when you share your garden! Everything looks so happy and healthy, I know you really enjoy it:) Have a wonderful weekend Kelli:)
Your graden is lovely! So cute how your dog gets a drink!
Your gardens are lovely. I love the picture of your dog, and the water fountain! So cute! I hope you and your loved ones have a wonderful July 4th.
Your backyard is so very pretty!
I love the card tutorial too!
Happy Fourth of July weekend!
I love your secret garden!
Thank you again for humbly sharing your creations and beautiful land scape work--working with that which the Lord has given you. :)
You have such a beautiful garden Kelli.
What a lovely garden you have !! I just found your blog ! I read you coffee stain tutorial it's so great !! I wanted to write a comment on this post but it's disabled. Sorry for my weird english as I'm a french speaker :)
Can I ask you where you found your bird's egg stamp ? I'm searching for some for years and yours is soooo beautiful ! I would like to use it to stamp on eggs'boxes my husband and I sale. We have some hens and try to make our little bio business ;-) I think it would be lovely to have our own design on our eggs boxes ! Thank you so so much ! Smooches from Belgium ! Sandrine
Your gardens are beautiful! I love the water pond. I've always wanted one.
I just found your blog and am enjoying poking around. I have a 16 y/o who is also homeschooled.
Happy 4th of July to you and yours, dear Kelli:-) I hope you're having a wonderful celebration. I just love your gardens, everything looks so beautiful. Your secret garden is my favourite:-) xoxo
Kelli...thank you so much for putting me on S & T, although, as you probably saw...that was not the post I had scheduled. I don't know why it didn't post...It said scheduled and the date and time were perfect. Oh well...
your garden space is so pretty. I love how cozy and quaint it is! I hope you are having a great weekend!
The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch with, never saying a word, and walk away feeling like that was the best conversation you've had. ~Author Unknown
Have a wonderful Fourth of July!
Wow! Your garden is amazing! Aren't you in Texas? How in the world do you keep your gardens so lush and green in this Texas heat? All my stuff is all burnt! lol!
What a lovely, peaceful area! I like the fountain -- I've never seen one quite like that.
Your garden is so pretty! I love the secret garden. I might have to copy that one! lol You've inspired me to get mine going!
Be Blessed!
Kelly, your garden spaces are beautiful. You have added outdoor rooms to your home. What a green thumb you have.
God bless.
Hi Kelli,
It's been a long time since I have commented but I come by to visit all the time!
The garden is Very pretty indeed...makes you just want to sit out there with a tall glass of lemonade with lots of ice cubes and sip and listen to the sounds and smells around you.
God Bless Ya'll
-Mrs.Monise (The Cottage Nester)
Your garden looks gorgeous !!!!
I love the pond and doesn't Daisy look super cute ???
Have a fantastic day and I hope you had a wonderful 4th of July !!
Texas is going through what we did with the rain. We had a lot of rain this past spring enough to fill our lakes which some had dropped 15 feet! I hope you guys get some rain to water your beautiful garden!
Very pretty!
I have a Daisy dog also....... I stumbled into your world via Tales from a OC Cottage...... I am also in Texas...... you have kept your flowers looking great in this heat.....
Beautiful gardens, I love how Daisy is drinking out of the fountain.
what a lovely garden area..so very pretty!
inviting you over to my 500th post give away
BEAUTIFUL!!! Love you garden!
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