Thursday, July 16, 2009

Show and Tell Friday!

Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.

Today, I am sharing a very special doll. She was a gift to my mom, from my dad when I was born. Somehow, years later I ended up with her. Growing up, I thought she was so pretty with her extra special touches...

Pearl earrings.

Fancy hairstyle.

Pink fingernails.

And a sweet face! Thank you for looking at my show and tell and have a wonderful weekend!

Remember, that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden. Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate.

If you would like to join in, please leave your exact show and tell blog post link, along with your first name only (this makes the list easier to read). If your link has been removed from Mr. Linky, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting, or e-mail me with any questions.

Click on the green Mr. Linky down below and add your link!


Cheryl said...

I had one of those dolls when I was very little, the attention to detail always capitvated me :-) Your doll is very special and in fabulous condition!
Here is my link to my show & tell:

From the Old InkWell said...

Hi Kelli,

This is my first time to link to your show and tell party. Sorry Mr. Linky is not working for you. :=(

My link:

Mommy said...

Awwwww! She is beautiful Kelli! What a special doll to have and treasure. ♥

Not sure if the Mr. Linky is working either. Here is my link:

ItaJeff said...

Lovely doll.
Happy Friday

Lots of luv,

Shopgirl said...

I hope you are having a lovely summer,and a really sweet Friday share....Stay Cool, Mary

Christine said...

Don't you just love the big eyes on these dolls!

I have a couple that were given to me as gifts...I really need bring them out, dust them off and enjoy them. Thank you for sharing.

Linda said...

This is such a pretty doll...a wonderful remberance for a very special occassion...hugs, Linda

Bethany Hudson said...

Neat! I've never seen a doll quit like that.

Anonymous said...

Kelli, I enjoyed looking at your precious doll.

Love, Debbi

Gattina said...

I have never seen such a doll, it's really too cute !
If you prefer to have the original version of Mr. Linky which is more visible, I had asked them for my group Cats on Tuesday and they told me to just add a "2" to www. It should look like "http://www2.blenza" then it works. at least it did with my Cats on tuesday. Just give a try. the links are more visible with the original version.

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Your doll is beautiful. It is nice to have something that your dad gave your mother.
I have a doll on my post too.


Kelly said...

Oh she is so precious and delicate!
You have given her a good life!!! Enjoy your weekend my friend!
Many blessings!!


Ginger said...

She's beautiful! I love seeing unique dolls like yours.

Anonymous said...

She's a very special doll indeed and what a treasure for you to keep.

Cindy said...

Lovely doll. Such details on her.

The Old Parsonage said...

Hi Kelli

You doll is great and is in wonderful condition.

Mr Linky isn't showing up the normal way, but when I clicked on it I got a page to add my link too.

But just in case, here's my link so that I can join in the fun:

Thanks for hosting!


abnsigoslady said...

Kelli, Thanks for sharing your lovely doll. She is so...special. I love an object with a story. Laura@the mansion

Anonymous said...

Oh Kelli, she is so delicate and pretty. The gift of love she represents makes her even more beautiful.
Thanks so much for sharing...
Happy Friday!


Gee said...

Hi Kelli.

Its real pretty. You have must loved it so much. Continue to keep it. Happy friday.

Hootin Anni said...

Mine is posted....not much this week since I've been on a blogging break all week. But I managed to post some.

Beautiful doll...happy weekend, Kelli!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli! Oh, how precious! I've seen this type of doll before and this one is so special and I'm so glad you have it!
be a sweetie,
Shelia :)

Needled Mom said...

I can see why she captivated you. I'm glad you ended up with her.

Anonymous said...

This is such a fun idea! Your doll is beautiful. Thank you for sharing her with us. I hope you like my contribution to this week's Show and Tell :)

Susan B said...

Hi Kelli,
What a wonderful keepsake of when you were born. The doll is beautiful. It's so nice that you have her now. Thank you for sharing her.

Dianne said...

I remember those dolls-from the 1970s I bet! Yours is in good shape and very sweet.

Lindsey said...

I had a couple of these dolls when I was a little girl and I just LOVED them. I saw one at the thrift store the other day and have been kicking myself for not buying it. It brought back such lovely memories. I always enjoy your blog!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my sister and I used to have dolls like that. My mother didn't save anything, she was the total opposite of a pack rat so we don't have them anymore. Ours were pink. I was in love with mine too. Fun memories. =)

Theresa in TX

sonyadawn said...

She is beautiful Kelli and I'm sure has a special place of honor in your home. things like that always have a special place in our hearts too.
Have a blessed weekend

TJ said...

Your doll is in amazing condition! Thanks for sharing.

Elena said...

Ahh, she is beautiful and I love the sweet memories that you shared about her!

Marianna said...

Hi Kelli,

Are you still supplying cards to the gift shop in Plano?? If so, can you remind me of which one it is...


Lady Katherine said...

Oh, the doll is lovely as the story! What a wonderful gift to give your Mom! At your Birth! Just Love it Kelli!

Divamom said...

She's so pretty! I had some Mexican dolls that had similar faces, that my aunt brought me when she visited Mexico. I thought they had such pretty features for a doll. My mom also had one of those dolls that had the huge skirt that sat on the bed and it had a pretty face too. Thanks for sharing such a pretty doll!
Be Blessed!

Unknown said...

oh my... memory lane. My sis and I had dolls just like that. thanks for sharing a blast from the past.Mica

The Watts Family said...

Very Pretty doll thanks for sharing ~Blessings Heather

Marie said...

She is beautiful. You are so fortunate to have been the one the receive it. One of these days I am going to do show and tell Friday.

lv2scpbk said...

Beautiful doll. I don't collect dolls but my mother-in-law does.

Anonymous said...

I saw one of these on Ebay after you showed us yours. It is a lovely, very beautifully made doll.
Blessings, Sarita

teachermomof2 said...

Oh my! Ihad a collection of those dolls when I was a girl! I can remember them Nana bought them for me (and my cousins).

Thanks for the trip down memory lane! Your doll is great!
