Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Roast Chicken and Blueberry Cake

Last week friends of ours had a new baby, so we took them a gift and dinner.

Roast chicken
I made roasted chicken and vegetables. I coated everything with a little olive oil and sprinkled on a spice and herb packet. I don't remember the exact name, but I found it near the dry gravy mixes.

Blueberry cake
For dessert, I tried a new recipe: Blueberry Oatmeal Cake. I made one for us too, and it was delicious!

I hope your week is going well. School is keeping us busy and the girls and I are getting haircuts this afternoon. Talk to you soon!

Update:  We did not end up getting haircuts.  We got a flat tire instead!  Thankfully, Phillip's brother was able to pick him up, drive to where the girls and I were, and change the tire.  Peanut butter cookies were mentioned as a thank you, so I'll be baking this afternoon!


Julieann said...

Kelli, I just posted on my blog that I was making roasted chicken too--How funny!

You are such a nice friend, I am sure the family appreciated the dinner very much, I know I would have!

I bet having you as a teacher is awesome. You must make learning so much fun with your creativity:)

Happy Wednesday.


Glenda/MidSouth said...

I bet they appreciated what you did. Looks so good.

Carole Burant said...

Congratulations to your friends on the birth of their baby:-) No doubt they very much appreciated the gift and dinner you brought them!! Everything looked so good.

Between school and the other activities you will all certainly be very busy but it's so much fun learning:-) xoxo

Mrs. Preston said...

Thats such a loving thing to do!

This looks so deliciouse, thank you for all your wonderful recipes Kelly! ;)


JD/ Jill said...

Recipe looks wonderful thank you for sharing. The flat tire sounds like something would happen to me...I always have to have a plan B ready with everything I do (sometimes even a plan c or

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh that looks so good. It is not quite cool enough here for roast chicken. I am hoping that it will be on Friday.

Susan said...

The meal you fixed looks awesome - congratulations to your friends!

Peanut butter cookies are a common "payment" around our house for favors done too! ;)

Linda C said...

The roasted chicken and veggies looks yummy. Thanks for sharing the recipe both! I know the family with the new baby were blessed by your thoughtfulness.

Sorry to hear about the flat tire. My daughter had a flat tire last week in our car-luckily it happened just up the street from us. So glad you got help too:)

Have a great rest of the day:)

Linda C

Anonymous said...

Everything looks so yummy! I can't wait to try the blueberry cake! YUM!

Nancy M. said...

looks so good! thanks for sharing.-nancy

Anonymous said...

HI Kelli! Oh, this looks so good. Can I come over for leftovers? Do you have any leftovers? :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Cindy said...

My word, it looks delicious! I love the picture you made, I am sure they did too.

Mindy said...

Note to self - make Kelli's roast chicken this weekend! Yum!

Signing Out said...

Everything looks so yummy! I think I will roast some chicken and veggies next week, as the weather is supposed to cool off here.


Marie said...

What a nice, thoughtful gift for a new mother and family. All the food looks so delicious!

Colleen said...

There is no better gift than a home cooked meal. I love to make a nice dinner and deliver it to my daughters and their families just as a reminder that I love them and still love preparing meals for them. Your roasted chicken and veggies looks great and the cake looks delicious. In fact I am printing the recipe and making it for us. Thanks for sharing!

Tina Leigh said...

Well that is terrible...the flat tire & missing haircuts!! It happens tho. The food looks woderful!!

Love Bears All Things said...

Don't you love the feeling you get when you do something like this for someone. The food looks delicious. Did you bake the chicken and veggies or use your crockpot.
Sorry about the car trouble but isn't it nice to have family around to call on when you need them.
Mama Bear

Jennifer said...

The blueberry oatmeal cake looks devine! Will be trying that one this week!! Hope you are looking forward to a great weekend!

Jackie said...

Oh yum, I love roast chicken and just don't make it often enough. I am going to try your blueberry cake as soon as I get a day off of work.

God bless.

GlorV1 said...

That is so nice of you Kelli. That chicken looks delish. I'm sure your friends were very appreciative. Take care. You are a good gir.

Candy said...

All is well that ends well. Cookies make everything better. What a blessings I know that meal will be for the new parents.
Blessings on you!

joyh82 said...

Looks delicious, especially the cake. I cake almost smell it ;)

The Red Brick Farmhouse said...

What a sweetheart you are, Kelli! I can't wait to try the blueberry recipe
