Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.
Hello! Today I am sharing some picture of my Secret Garden. I planted Morning Glories very late in the season, but they have made it up one half of my trellis very quickly.
Some of the leaves are as big as my hand. Once the flowers bloom, they should continue until late October. I guess that is one good thing about Texas. ;0)
Right before getting our new fence a few months ago, Phillip cut down the Wisteria because we didn't want it to ruin the fence. Well, as you can see, it's back!
Every few days I would cut it back again, and did so right before going on vacation for a week. This is what happened while I was gone. So, it looks like there will be Jasmine and Wisteria climbing up the wall!
The rest of my plants are doing pretty well and we even have a bit of color here and there.
Thank you for stopping by for a visit and have a wonderful weekend!
Remember, that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden. Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate.
If you would like to join in, please leave your exact show and tell blog post link, along with your first name only (this makes the list easier to read). If your link has been removed from Mr. Linky, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting, or e-mail me with any questions.
Can I just say for a moment how jealous I am of your beautiful garden? We live in a condo and though we have lovely landscaping in a woodland area, I'm not allowed to plant in the yard, and I so wish I could! Your garden looks beautiful.
The color in your flowers is beautiful! I just have to say though, when I read about 'late October' I imagined what it would be like here in Michigan. We will have already winterized our sprinkler systems and be preparing for the long, cold winter months. Funny, the differences.
You inspire me. I wish my yard looked like that. So beautiful. I just didn't get the gene for pretty gardens..lol
Everything looks so pretty. Everything in my garden looks overgrown and neglected...because it is!
Hi Kelli.
You have a very beautiful garden. Love it so much and thanks for sharing. Happy Friday and have a nice weekend.
Hy Dear Kelly,
I just want to say you that I read the book the secret garden. It's a very very nice book. I'll love it.
I say my daughter to read it.
Kisses from France
Kelli.. you got lovely garden! so green with colourful blooms! I really love seeing your garden photos!.. have a great weekend!
I must....MUST read "The Secret Garden". I keep forgetting to look for it. And each time I come here on Show n Tell day, I remember. I'm gonna go write me a note. LOL
Beautiful, Kelli!!!
My Show n Tell is now posted. It's all about another collection and how I've decided to display them for now.
Have a great weekend, and a wonderful new week ahead.
Your garden is beautiful! i love morning glory vines (I have Grandpa Ott dark purple ones, they reseed themselves) Are the flowers moss roses? I have never seen any around here that look that good!
I love morning glories! They are beautiful....Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful weekend. lv-nancy
very pretty! i'm still loving your new fence!!
Kelli I am glad to have stop by, I really missed your Show and Tell Friday but I have really been busy this summer...But I am glad to be back. You have a wonderful garden I can just see you outside sitting there reading your favorite book and drinking lemonade, enjoy the rest of your summer.
Very Pretty....
What lovely plants and what a cozy little sitting area!
What a beautiful "secret garden". So very pretty!
That is such a pretty little garden. I love the mushroom too!
Hi Kelli!!! I am playing today, YaY!!
Your secret Garden is just lovely:) I sure wish I had a green thumb!!
Happy Friday!
How beautiful, Kelli! I so envy your gardens. I have a very brown thumb and this has not been a good year for gardening up here in any case. Too much cool, rainy weather.
Thank you for sharing, and for inspiring all of us.
God bless,
Your garden looks very inviting and ready for a visit from all of us. Wouldn't that be a surprise?
My SIL said if she wants to kill a weed or plant in the middle of a flower bed, put on gloves and put round up on the glove only and wipe it on the plant. That way it only kills the plant you touched.
Love your secret garden.... I love your blog.
I was looking to see if I could 'follow' but I couldn't find the "follow" button.
You have a lovely garden - especially for being in hot Texas. Thanks for hosting this get-together.
How pretty (and tidy!) your secret garden is looking. I have had Blogger problems and am locked out of my blog (changed my e-mail addy too late). Please visit me at: http://codlinsandcream2.blogspot.com/ which is my new blog. Jennie xx
I like your Secret Garden. Maybe you could buy one of those large Wrought Iron Trellis for these vines so all the weight would not be on the fence. I've seen some at Lowe's.
What are the little flowering plants. They look like succulents. I like the Caladium choices you have there. I think this plant is so nice because it comes in so many different varieties.
Mama Bear
Beautiful garden! Mine looks nothing like this!
Your secret garden is coming along nicely. I love the blue morning glories and bought a pot of them with about a 3 foot plant and have been enjoying it this summer. I would recommend nasturtiums to you also. I bet you could still plant them in Texas. Not only are the pretty, they are edible. I have tons of orange ones and a few specialty colors like pale yellow and white.
Hi Kelli
Your garden is lovely! Imust apologize I forgot to add a link back to here for Show and Tell.
Please stop by The Old Parsonage anytime, I love company.
Very peaceful and pretty! Looks so relaxing!
Be Blessed!
Such a lovely garden, Kelli!
I've missed stopping by here since not blogging as often this year...and miss participating in show and tell! :)
Hi Kelli!!!
Your garden is BEAUTIFUL!!! And NO WEEDS!!!! Sadly, my weeds are winning the war this year!! It's just tooo hot!!!
Thank you for taking us on a tour!!
Mrs. U
I love the mushroom especially. Is it wood or ceramic?
Kelli, your garden is beautiful. To have morning glories until October how lucky you are.
God bless.
Thanks for posting these photos of your garden, Kelli. I really enjoyed looking through them. I don't seem to have much success growing things in our yard, and when I have, they have been eaten by the local deer. That's why I really enjoy seeing pics of others' gardens.
Mary Lou
What a beautiful little corner! Good luck ridding yourself of the wisteria, though. We tried to kill one for about 5 years. All we succeeded in doing, unfortunately, was killing our lovely little lilac bush. You just can't kill those things. =)
Hi, Kelli
I am late! But I love love your secret Garden! I wish for one! I was wondering how long Morning Glories will bloom, yeah! I have some that come up and they are lovely! I usually have little wild ones, but these are pink and purple. Just on a side of the house I never see! lol I love jasmine, but still do not have any! Can't wait to see yours bloom.
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