Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.
Hello! Today, I'm sharing a little kitchen project I've been working on. The above area is where our microwave would normally go, but since we don't use it very often, I replaced it with glass canisters awhile back. As you can see, they were empty and not looking so great.
I cleaned out the area, but was faced with too much yellow!
I added a large grapevine wreath to try and fill up the space.
Next came the large freshly filled canisters: flour, white sugar, brown sugar, oats, powdered sugar, graham cracker crumbs, and cocoa.
Then the small jars: baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and nutmeg.
I also added oil, vanilla, toothpicks and small bowls.
And of course, measuring cups and spoons.
All finished!
Thank you for looking at my new baking pantry! Also, thank you to all who join in for show and tell. I always enjoy seeing what you share. Have a wonderful weekend!
Remember, that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden. Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate.
If you would like to join in, please leave your exact show and tell blog post link, along with your first name only (this makes the list easier to read). If your link has been removed from Mr. Linky, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting, or e-mail me with any questions.
Everything looks pretty and efficient! Thanks for being our hostess for the fun Show and Tell Friday!!!
Very smart and very handy! I like the nice touch with the grapevine wreath.
Love your mini-pantry. I'm with you; my microwave is a waste of space and not conducive to my take your time, old-fashioned life style!
Kelli, Who has more fun playing house then you? Your little baking nook is looking good.
Love , Debbi
I would rather empty my whole kitchen then get rid of my microwave, lol ! I use it for baking and grilling also as an oven. But you did a wonderful job with filling in the empty space so nicely. Looks great !
I totally love this little redo of that space! it looks so charming.
It all looks so neat and functional! Good idea the wreath behind.....
I love the 'country' style. But I can't believe that you don't use your microwave often. I sure do...I cook huge meals, divide them, and freeze them...then, take out what the two of us need and defrost/cook in the microwave. LOLOLOL
My Show n Tell is the last of my Autumn decoration. Come by if you can...I'll love having you visit.
Love love love it!
So creative! So organized. Are you able to keep it neat and organized? I always start well and end up getting unorganized.
Looks great! I like the wreath in the background. Good idea. Jean
Great idea....it pays to think outside the box and change things up!
Isn't it fun to "fluff" thing up? I love it and the cupboard looks great!
Enjoy your weekend!
Hi Kelli! I really like how organized this looks. Don't you love those glass jars. I use them for everything. When you get a chance come over and see...I actually did my post today on decorating a glass jar for fall. When fall is over I will use it like you are using yours! Big smile.
Great job, girlie! I love it. I need to make a wonderful coffee station in my kitchen. Way to maximize your space.
Your baking pantry idea is so cute. What a good way to use up the empty hole. I really like the glass canisters.
I like what you did here. I think I would have just left it with the larger cannisters, though. I like that you put your spices in jars instead of leaving them in the packaging. I know that Michaels has small jars that are inexpensive. I keep my dry ingredients in glass cannisters, too. I haven't a place for them in the kitchen so they're in the pantry. I might consider some rearranging so that I can bring them in. Oh, and I like the yellow paint inside the cabinet.
Mama Bear
You did a great job with that space. Very functional and pretty!
Love the baking pantry. I am really wanting to organize my dry goods in my pantry. Where did you find the large jars?
Kelli, this is such a great idea! I have an old time kitchen using my Hoosier, tin pie safe, two glass pie safe and a few other old pieces. Only counters are the cabinet at the sink. I have a walk in pantry, in need of some help. lol I'm thinking about cleaning out the Hoosier bottom and NOW you have given me a great idea! I was going to add the oil, ect. I have the spices in top. Cook books on bottom, I have too many so they are going to the library, I just love your cinnamon jars! I love to grate my own cinnamon, and I now need those jars! lol I have the large jars and old blue mason jars that were my husband grandmothers years ago. I use to have my microwave in the Hoosier, but we got a larger one and it sit on a metal cabinet now. Thanks for the great idea, I love how yours is!
what a great idea! looks very organized and pretty.
Your baking pantry looks awesome. Great ideas!
That is a great idea, and it looks so pretty! I am thinking about what I could do in my kitchen today.
What a great use of space! I like the idea of putting everything in the glass canisters too. It really takes an ordinary item an makes it appealing to the eye!
Beautiful! I love your shelves!!
Well, if you don't use a microwave that much (cringe here-ha), that is surely a nice way to use the space. Very pretty display.
what a great idea!
I love the idea of the wreath behind the canisters! That really sets it off.
Lovely idea, Kelli, and so beautifully done. (I must admit, though, that I would be lost without my microwave. I use it all the time, for cooking as well as for various steps in recipes.)
But since you don't use yours much, it was such a smart idea to utilize that space differently. Thanks for sharing and for hosting!
God bless,
Hi Kelly...
Well my friend...I'm just getting my post up for your Show & Tell Friday! They DO say...better late than never, right? Hehe! Thank you so much for hosting this fun filled Friday event...sure do appreciate you and all of your efforts, my friend!
Kelly, I just love your baking pantry! How very nice...to have all of your baking items together and so close at hand! Not to mention, it looks pretty too! Love all of your pretty glass jars and canisters! I think adding that pretty twiggy wreath was perfect and just what your baking pantry needed!!! Beautiful and useful!!!
Warmest wishes,
Oh, Kelli, how pretty and handy!!!
Kelli, I am so in love with what you have done to make a mini pantry. We are going to be redoing my kitchen very soon. I have openings just like yours and I would love to do mine like yours. Would you mind if I were a copy cat? I really like the doilies you have hanging down. I just love the whole thing.
You have inspired me, I have been wondering and wondering what to do with that space. Thank your for sharing your mini-pantry.
It looks great, like they were meant for that spot!
Hi Kelli!
What an absolutely inspiring homemaking post! I love it.
I couldn't think of something to share this week, hopefully next week I can play:)
You should come over and peek at the recipe I made from those Great American recipe cards--oh, it was a flop...LOL (I loved it though)
Happy Friday!
P.S. Did you ever get the recipe cards back?
Love the makeover...the yellow is perfect along with the grapevine wreath.
Also love your vintage calling cards..I have a few of those too and they are so pretty.
Happy Weekend.
Deb :)
Looks Great! May I suggest if you cannot lose the microwave space another spot that may be available for the same 're do'..most of us have that small over the stove cabinet space..often not used except to store things we promptly forget. You know the spot. How about using this for something like an asst of Glass jars you collect but don't use b/c you have so many. Just another place to show off some of the things you love.
those canisters are great..I started collecting the old ones many years ago..the first time I ever saw a friend pull them out w flour etc I said' "those are so special they deserve to be out on the counter"..since then they are easy to find reproductions and in case you break a treasured old one the new ones look great too! I'm always on the look out for the original lids..some of these held coffee, some candies..oh, btw another idea..sometimes you can make a statement by leaving the doors open[if not in the traffic path..and me? In every house I am going to find at least one cabinet that gets to sacrifice it's door to give me the "Look" I want or to show off treasures. Sorry, I stayed too long!:^)
So pretty. I cant wait to use some of your ideas for my new house!!
Kelli, I just found you, sweetpea, and adore your blog! I'm signing up for next week...that is if I can remember to do it. But I've added you to my favorites now so I can return, chickee! So nice to meet you, but I imagine you are super busy home schooling the munchkins. Lovely blog, honey.
Such a clever - and pretty - way to use that space!! Your show and tells are always so much fun!
Love your baking pantry! I wish I had room in my kitchen for one!
Enjoy your weekend and be blessed!
Kelli it looks very beautiful! I love all the elegant touches you do around your house.
Nice job! It looks great! I love clear glass canisters and just added some to my kitchen last fall when we remodeled. So great!
I love your baking pantry! Everything looks so lovely in the glass jars...the wreath is a nice touch too! Thank you for sharing it.
Kelli....I really like how you used the wreath as a background for your pantry things. I love the fact that something as useful and practical as a baking pantry can also be beautiful!
Elaine :)
Very nice Kelli. That is one terrific way to set up a baking pantry.
God bless.
I love this show and tell, what a great idea. You always have such fun things going on. I am trying to catch up, I have been a little MIA this summer. Hugs, Mary
This looks SO pretty, Kelli!!
Where did you find the small jars? They are adorable!!
Mrs. U
That's really pretty!
I like your grapevine wreath, i've never seen that as a decorating idea, it's really nice and effective too :) your little setup there looks good for getting some baking done1 ;)
I am completely smitten by your little pantry and everything in glass jars. So much prettier than the containers they come in... I would like to find some small well-sealing jars like that, will have to look around!
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