Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.
The first Little House book I read was "Little House on the Prairie," when I was 11 years old.
My favorite part was when Laura got delicate pink calling cards with a spray of flowers.
I have a very small calling card collection and I would love to start adding to it. My friend, Kimberly gave me several from the Victorian era.
I especially love the ones with the flaps.
They fold back to reveal the names.
Thank you for looking at my collection! Also, thank you to all who join in the fun each week. I always enjoying seeing what you share. Have a wonderful weekend!
Remember, that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden. Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate.
If you would like to join in, please leave your exact show and tell blog post link, along with your first name only (this makes the list easier to read). If your link has been removed from Mr. Linky, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting, or e-mail me with any questions.
Hi Kellis.
You have very pretty things to share with us today. Love it. Have a great weekend.
Very pretty ! I didn't know that the book was called "Little town in the prairie" they must have changed the title for the TV series.
I never saw this book here in Belgium, but of course the TV series.
I love the Laura Wilder series! I want to collect them for our little princess to read to her!
I recently reread the series. That book is one of my favorites. (I also just read a biography on Laura by William Anderson - very interesting... even though it was written for a younger audience.) :)
I love that book series...more books that I will never part with! Your collection of calling cards is lovely. What a nice practice it was to leave calling cards...now there are text messages...(sigh).
Hi Kelli,
I'm new to your blogspot but just love it and all the decorating and homeskills you share.
I found you on Lady Lydia Speaks, Lydia Sherman's website.
I love your show and tell section. So interesting and fun. Keep sharing. I'll be reading.
I love all your calling cards. "Little Town On The Prairie" was my favorite LIW book. I thought her calling card was pretty too, as well as her name. Thank you for sharing!
I love everything Victorian! And my daughter just sent me photos of a tour she took last month of Wilder's homes in Missouri where she wrote all her books. Fantastic!! [of course, like you, my daughter is an avid fan of the Little House books]
My show n tell is posted if you'd like to stop by today...it's my dining room centerpiece I made for Autumn! [with mouseover captions]
Have a lovely Friday Kelli....is it raining in your area too? Finally?!!
I have some Christmas little victorian cards I bought a while ago in a closing old library, and I whish I have more.
Thanks for sharing.
I always wanted some cards like Laura's! Thanks for sharing your collection.
These are simply lovely. I have started reading the Little House books with my oldest daughter and they are such wonderful books.
I love the book. The cards are so pretty.
Oh Kelli
I love the Little House series too, and you calling cards are wonderful. A friend of mine gave me one that I treasure.
So delicate, Kelli! Very lovely.
I have never seen these! What a beautiful collection you have begun.
I was thinking what a vacuum there'd be in my childhood without having been able to enjoy the many books and stories like the LH series. It makes me so thankful for those who took the time and effort to pen the thousands of stories for others to enjoy.
I think that's one of the reasons why I enjoy your Show & Tell so much....to hear the story behind the objects. Thanks again for hostessing.
Such beautiful cards Kelli!! Don't you love the exquisite detail of antique papers? Wishing you a wonderful weekend, xxoo, Dawn
What pretty little cards, leaving a card was such a genteel practice, now it's just emails & texts.
What a shame.
A trip to nostalgia is good now & then.
a bientot
Maggie @ Normandy Life
I read all of the books in that series, and my daughter read them, and now I have grandchildren who have received them for birthday and Christmas presents. They are wonderful books. The calling cards are so pretty....thank you for sharing yours!
Little Town on the Prairie was one of my favorite books in the series, too. And I too loved the part where Laura got calling cards. Your collection is just lovely. I have a few, but they are not as pretty or as old. Thanks for hosting!
God bless,
I love your collection! Calling cards are just so lovely. I love the ones from Victorian Trading Company. It is something that really has gone out of style! But, I love them! Anyway, thanks for sharing your collection today! :)
I never really thought about collecting calling cards. They are so pretty! Oh GIRL! I think you might have created another monster! I WANT SOME! Can't you imagine some of the pretty things you can do with them? Very feminine and pretty.
I love, love,love the Little House books. I have a set that I bought about 25 years ago. Manuella from The Pleasures Of Homemaking has the same set, and she's got me reading The Long Winter every winter now. LOL.
I loved this post. Thanks so much for sharing this. Well . . . maybe not!! I sense an antique store shopping trip in my near future!!
Have a great weekend!
Karen - Some Days Are Diamonds
I love the "Little House" books. I've saved my daughters' copies for my grandbabies to read someday.
Your calling card collection is so pretty ~ I love the idea of passing out calling cards.
Hi, Kelli:
Thanks for hosting this event. It's so much fun!
I find very pretty your collection of calling cards.
Have a great weekend,
Thank you so much for sharing Kelli! I read historical fiction, especially Anne Perry, and I never knew what a calling card looked like. Now I can picture them when I read my books.
Have a wonderful weekend!
One of my favorite books!
I love the Victorian calling cards too. There are hardback books featuring them too.
I guess I make my own 'calling cards' with the artist trading cards I do. I could see you making them also.
I love the Little House Books, too bad the kids today are into some really weird books.
What a neat collection! I had forgotten that section in the Little House books, but I remember now.
It has been FOREVER since I read the Little House books! I need to pull them out and read them again!!!
LOVE the calling cards!! So beautiful!!
Mrs. U
I have the whole set of those books and read them as a kid. My grandma even read them at one time so they were well used.
My favorite Laura book is These Happy Golden Years and I love the first few chapters, when she is teaching school, th ebest. Thank you for sharing pics of the calling cards!! So excited to see some!
Thank you so much for sharing your lovely calling cards with us today. They are so beautiful.
God bless.
We are reading the series to our girls right now. I will bookmark this site, as I would love to participate next week!
I do love the book, I never read it! It has to be wonderful! I want to find Box Car Children, my favorite book as a child.
I adore the calling cards, I never seen an old one! I have people asking form my card, since I do not work any more I do not have one. Now you have me wanting to make some as lovely as these! You should make some to sell! I love them!
I really like your calling cards and the story is just wonderful! I used to read the book and watch the TV series when I was a kid.. everyone faves! Now I am try to collect the series for my daughter.. thanks for sharing and have a great weekend!
Happy Saturday Kelli!!!
I so love The Little House books too. I thought Laura's cards were just precious.
Your collection is just beautiful.
Hi Kelli,
I too love the Little House books--they're a real fav at my house!
And those calling cards...they were so dainty, feminine and lovely!
Very, pretty!
I love the Little House books and re-read them each winter. That's a pretty collection you have started!
Mary at Mary's writing nook did a post about calling cards. A coincidence.
Mama Bear
Very pretty cards!...Christine
they are amazing! how wonderful! i have never even seen a real calling card before now! thank you for sharing them with us :)
What a pretty collection you have! I too use to have the Little House series of books. Oh, and I like your green bowl set and the pumpkin coasters too!
This is a beautiful post. Thanks for sharing it. I would like to invite you to participate in Crock Pot Wednesday at diningwithdebbie.blogspot.com. Any kind of slow cooker recipe will work. Come check it out.
Will you be doing Paper crafting Wednesday again??
barbara jean
Hi Kelllie I love your show and tell have bookmarked your site. I love Little house on the Prairie and never have known anyone that enjoyed it besides myself. I also have those victorian calling cards as well. I love that time period. Thanks for sharing.
I wish they would bring back Calling Cards, they were so very beautiful, weren't they! Imagine the smile they would bring on the recipients faces when they'd see them waiting for them:-) I love the ones you have, so very gorgeous!! xoxo
I love calling cards! I wish more people used them!
What a neat thing to colllect! Looking forward to new fall card ideas! Please take a moment to stop by my new blog that I am starting.
I am so glad you are still enjoying those!
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