Hello! I just realized because of my blogging break earlier this month, I didn't get a chance to share some of my favorite things about October. There are four days left in the month, which is plenty of time to squeeze in a few simple pleasures, right? Click on the links for instructions and recipes.
Apple Fritters ~2007
Warm candlelight.
Handmade Cloth Napkins ~ 2007
A hot cup of tea.
Caramel Apple Cards ~ 2008
Mini pumpkins.
Pumpkin Butterscotch Cookies ~ 2008
Thank you for stopping by for a visit. I hope you have had a wonderful October, so far!
October gave a party;
The leaves by hundreds came-
The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,
And leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band.
George Cooper, October's Party
Mmmm! and oh, such beautiful autumn things! Thank you for sharing. I really like your caramel apple cards. :) Very cute! I enjoy reading your blog.
Lovely photos. very nice
I've missed seeing your beautiful photos - thanks for sharing them today! Everything looks "yummy"!
It all looks wonderful!
Did you make those apple fritters?? HMMMM. Love the caramel apple cards! cute!!
All these say Autumn and more. I've made fritters. I use pancake mix, add water and grated apple. Then drop by teaspoon in hot oil until brown, sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Mama Bear
This was a beautiful post! I may need to start baking something with apples and pumpkin!
Beautiful.... I love it all.
This post is a delight for the senses!
I enjoyed all of your October pics:) Can't believe it's almost gone! I think I'll be trying those pumpkin/butterscotch cookies soon!
Linda C
I don't know that I've ever commented over here, but I love to just pop on over and read your blog. The pictures today were just beautiful. I've not had much of a chance to decorate a home of my own yet, but your pictures stir my soul to have my own beauty to enjoy someday. Lovely, just lovely.
You certainly take such beautiful photos. I am going to have to make those pumpkin butterscotch cookies.. you have me tempted. Have a wonderful Halloween weekend!
Everything looks so beautiful! Your home is so full of love and is so warm and cozy! You are blessed!
Hugs, Sharon
You always take the most beautiful pictures, Kelli! I love this post.
October is my favorite month of the year, not too cold, not hot anymore, just right (at least where I live). Thanks for sharing your october delights!
I MUST make those cookies!
Everything looks so pretty!
I have been a lurker of your blog since April. I had it bookmarked the first time I visited. I just felt at home right then. I always look forward to your new post. You are a gifted woman. I love the things you do. Thank you for you heart of sharing....
Hi Kelli!
It is sad to see October go! I live in Ohio and the leaves are just gorgeous right now. Your pictures are beautiful! I have to tell you that I made your "Thanksgiving Tree" and my family has had so much fun with writing out the many blessings we have. I truly appreciate your blog. Take care!
God Bless,
Beautiful! Just beautiful, your photos certainly evoke every warm feeling I have ever had about fall and the coming seasons. Thank you for sharing!
We are in the middle of moving with everything in boxes...looking at all your lovely fall things makes me so anxious to get into our new home and start making it "homey" - so exciting! Your decorating certainly says "home"!
Okay - this post made my mouth water!
You are really into the October celebration...looks so good.
How funny; I am from Texas and now live in the Midwest.
The things you have in your home are lovely and you are very talented. I hope you won't mind me adding your site to my daily visits. We, too, love the apple fritters.
LOL because my eyes looked past the candlelight and right at that big bowl of caramels. YUM!
Kelli, just stopped by to see what was new. Your recipes sound delicious! Anita
Three Little Witches
One little, two little, three little witches
Fly over haystacks and fly over ditches
Fly over moonbeams without any hitches
Hey, it's Halloween night.
One little, two little, three little witches
Fly over barb wire and tore their britches
Had to go home and get some stitches
Hey, it's Halloween night!! hehe
Happy Halloween dear Kelli:-) I absolutely love all of your Autumn decorations and now I'm craving for candy corn and cookies!!! hehe xoxo
As always lovely. Love all your photo's thanks for sharing.
I hope your November is Blessed and we see lots of you.
Oh...ceekay reminded me the apple fritters look so yummy!
Hi Kelli!
So glad to see that you're "back" I came to find a recipe and saw your new post. You have such talent for making the ordinary look and feel extraordinary! I hope that you are enjoying the Autumn season (minus all the rain!)
What great pictures...you are so creative. I so love thanksgiving. Dianntha
I had a great October...but November isn't going too well. I have lost my voice.
God bless.
I had a great October...but November isn't going too well. I have lost my voice.
God bless.
Thanks for the wonderful October recipes. I have some NC mountain apples that will probably make good fritters.
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