Monday, April 23, 2007

~This and That~

Thank you for your comments about our picnic and for sharing your plans for the week with me. Tracy asked for instructions on how to make the paper boats we sailed at the lake. Here you can see one in our water garden. It reminds me of "Scuffy the Tugboat" and how he needed more room to sail!

Tracy, if you know how to make a basic paper boat (fold a piece of paper in half, fold down the corners into triangles, then fold the bottom flaps up) these instructions will show you how to turn it into something more fancy. The instructions are from "Curious George learns how to ride a bike" book. Click on the picture for a larger view.

After our school work was finished today, I made a batch of Chocolate Chip Cookies. I saw the ones Christie made and had to try her recipe. I have only ever used the recipe off the back of the chocolate chip bag but we all agreed these were much better!! My pie safe is full, along with my freezer. I always say I'm going to freeze some in case we have unexpected guests but they never seem to last that long! Thank you for the recipe, Christie!

Speaking of cookies, I just have to share these pictures of my little niece, Keira....

"What is this that Mommy and Daddy left out?"

Caught ya!

What's better than one cookie? Three!


Don't worry, she didn't really eat all the cookies and she was a good girl and brushed her teeth afterwards. :0)

Isn't she the cutest thing?!


Karen said...

What a cutie-pie she is!
I've seen this post about cookies, and Jodi's post about cookies, and Christie's post about cookies, and I'm gaining weight as I write!
I've never made boats like this before, but I need to show these to Ashley so she can make them for Austin! Thanks for sharing directions.

Tracy said...

Oh Kelli! You are the sweetest thing! Thank you so much for indulging me! I'll have to try some soon. I'll let you know how it goes!

Lori said...

Cute pictures of your niece.

Tracy said...

Wow! I was just telling my husband how kind you ae, when he informed me that HE knew how, and proceeded to show me! He did indeed! What a wonderful man I married!

Christie Belle said...

Oh, I am so glad y'all liked them! The paper boats are really neat, we'll have to try that one with little Austin. Your niece is a cutie patootie:)

Susie said...

She is a cuteness in one sweet package.
My grandsons love choc chip cookies and I always use the toll house recipe. Do you have a link to the recipe you tried?
Those little sailboats look like a fun project to make

Kelli said...

Tracy, I'm so glad your husband knows how to make them!

Sue, if you click on Christie's name it will take you right to the recipe! said...

Can't wait to make a paper sail boat for my fairy grandbaby!

Thanks for visiting, yes, it is too bad I am not in the puppy biz, everyone wants her!

Jennifer said...

How precious!

I know you could just eat her up :o)

Anita said...

Keira is such a cute girl, yes indeed!

Oh, we made a lot of paper boats when I was younger. ;-))

Guess what, it's raining outside! We did not have any rain for weeks and it was the hottest April since years. The garden really needs it! ... And my seeds as well!

XOX, Anita

Cris said...

She's adorable! That's one of the things we used to do as kid, the paper boat. Now, it makes me think that I have not made many for my kids... Have a nice week!

Henny Penny said...

The cutest thing, indeed!

LadySnow said...

I am going to have to try and make a boat with my two oldest. Thank you for "visiting" my blog and the well wishes for my son.

Marci said...

SHe is adorable. I love them when they are around that age.

Trella said...

What a cutie! I am going to have to try those cookies, although I really shouldn't.

Tammy said...

Yes, she is...a little lovey!!!

Sue Seibert said...

How precious she is. Sounds like you guys had fun making the cookies, too...a great way to learn measurement and you get a reward afterward.

Hope all is well.

Angelena said...

She is too cute!! The sailboats look like fun. We will have to make some to take to the pond with us! Thanks

Sharon said...

She is so cute!! She's a girl after my own heart, (I love Oreos!)
I also refuse to buy them or I'd be as big as the side of my house! ;-)

Amber said...

I will have to make those boats and float them in our pond...of course, once the rain clears away! I am going to try those cookies too b/c I always make the toll house ones!

Anonymous said...

Oh, those pictures of your little niece are priceless. What a sweet little oreo eating darling. She is starting out well ... getting her basic food groups in :)

Gena said...

She is so cute! We love Oreos at our house, too.

Those boats are pretty neat. I'll have to make those with the girls. We love to play in the water.

Ash said...

Oh how precious is she? Very very cute.
I love Christie's cookies, aren't they wonderful?

Sharon said...

A darling little girl and a choclate chip cookie......who could ask for more?

Ziggywigs said...

Wow that paper boat took me back to my kindergarten days and floating boats with my dad on water in puddles! Thank you for made me smile. I really enjoyed reading your blog.

Unknown said...

Your cookies look delightful! and that baby is a doll!

Rachel said...

She is too cute!

smileymamaT said...

aww! who doesn't love Oreos? Nice choc-chip cookies, you always have such a pretty presentation! I like to arrange fresh cookies to look nice, but sadly, it doesn't last more than a day over here!

Tina Leigh said...

OH my she is too cute & makes me want oreos!! However those chocolate chips cookies look good too! JUst pass the milk please!!!

Anonymous said...

OOooh, thank you for sharing this with us, can't wait to get to folding boats.


Sandra said...

She's adorable, I LOVE the smile on her face when she got caught LOL

I'm going to try your paperboats with Nicholas this weekend, I think he'll love that :)

Have a great day,

Jodi said...

Keira is a baby with excellent taste I can see ~ zeroing right in on those Oreos - lol!

Regarding cookies - lol - ours never, never last as long as I think they will!

Carole Burant said...

Hi Kelli:-) I'm back from my trip and trying to play catch up with everyone! I've just read all of your posts that I had missed....just know that I will participate in your next Show & Tell this Friday:-) I had been so looking forward to that and missed the first one..darn! lol Your little niece is just precious...and she knows a good cookie when she sees one! lol xoxo

Creative Life Studio said...

Your niece is darling and I love the swan pictures from the previous post. I have been wondering... do you use a particular curriculum for your homeschooling or a mix or do you unschool? Maybe you could post about that sometime. :)