Friday, April 27, 2007

"Show and Tell Friday"

Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!" Do you have a something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, a new antique find, an old love letter. Use your imagination and dig through those old boxes in your closet if you have to! Feel free to share pictures and if there's a story behind your special something, that's even better!

If you would like to join in, all you have to do is post your "Show and Tell" on your blog, copy the post link, come over here and add it to Mr. Linky.

My "show and tell" is a doll house known as Daisy Cottage. Fortunately, it doesn't still look like this! I bought it at a yard sale in 2005 for $20.00. I was going through my doll house phase so who knows what I was thinking!

Half of the shingles had already been removed so I got to busy taking off the rest. The ones on the front refused to come off and I thought about sanding them, but I'm just not that patient! Time for Plan B.

I decided to "paint" on some shingles and the lumps of leftover wood and glue helped to give it that rustic look. ;0) I also gave it a fresh coat of yellow paint and painted small daisies on the trim and shutters.

I will freely admit to stealing borrowing the idea of painting the tree, bushes and...

...Wisteria on the sides.

For the wallpaper in each room I used scrapbook paper.

I got cottage style furniture on Ebay.

The bathroom furniture came with the dollhouse.

If you look closely you will see a pie cooling on the stove.

Now all we need is a family to move in!


Unknown said...

Too adorable for words! My waht I would have done to have had this in my possession as a little girl! I loved making houses for my Barbie's etc. I enlarged the photo of your little kitchen and could see the pie on the stove. All the furniture looks so well made!

Boxwood Cottage said...

Kelli this is so lolvely! You did a wonderful job on your doll house! This is a great show & tell! I love it! Carol xox

Anonymous said...

What a sweet treasure. Do your girls play with it or is it just for show?

My mom (turning 70) has 2 dollhouses she built from scratch. They are huge though, and take up her sitting room. And she won't let me play with them :(

Susan said...

What a great job you did. My husband and I built our first granddaughter a doll house from scratch (a kit). It took us 3 years!!! When the second granddaughter was born (as we were finishing the project) we informed the parents we would NOT be building a 2nd doll house. This was one of those "I did that ONCE"!!!

Rebecca said...

This post makes me sick.

Sick with envy , that is. :-)

Two years ago I got a BEAUTIFUL (but deliapidated!) dollhouse from freecycle. It looked just like yours-half the singles off, a LAYER of dust, etc.

When we moved Matt got frustrated with me when we unpacked the basement and found all sorts of unfinished projects.

The dollhouse, chairs that needed mending and recaning, etc. etc. etc.

We could only fit so much in the moving van and he wanted to use it for things we actually needed-not to 'transport junk' as he called it. (How DARE he! hehehe) So...

I knew with Andrew on his way and the move and such, that I wouldn't have time to get to the dollhouse in the time that I wanted to---so....I gave it away to my sister in law. She is also very crafty and has no doubt, made it lovely when I couldn't. I also threw out all the chairs except two.

But-seeing your dollhouse makes me *WISH* I had kept mine. Oh how I WISH, now!

What a lovely 'home makeover'!! I absolutely LOVE the painted wisteria. SO lovely! You did a great GREAT job! Now-you DEFINATELY need a family!

Angelena said...

You done a wonderful job on the dollhouse.


Trella said...

How lovely! You did a great job. I guess no one plays with it since it doesn't have a family yet:)

This reminds me of my doll house I got when I was little. My nanny and paran built it for me. My paran did all the wood work, and my aunt went and bought all the wallpaper and carpet to match the furniture that the rest of the family bought. It had little flower beds on the outside of the windows, a chimney, etc. I received the wonderful gift for one of my birthdays.

When we moved a few years later my dad threw it all away. My mom and I were going to put it in a glass case. My dad just assumed I was to old for it.

LBP said...

I love you doll house! It is so adorable. I wish I had a place to put a doll house, but alas! My house runneth over now.

Thanks for sharing.


Anonymous said...

What a lovely doll house! You did a great job restoring it!

Have a great weekend!

Emily said...

I love your cute dollhouse! Even as an adult, I think I could spend lots of time with a dollhouse. I can't wait for Little Rabbit to be old enough for one!


Carole Burant said...

Ooooh I'll move into it:-) What a fantastic job you did restoring that doll house, it's beautiful!! When I was at the antique mall the other day on our trip, I came upon a doll house made of metal that was almost exactly like the one I had as a child...I wish I could have bought it but it was a bit too expensive for me to afford. Love your idea of using scrapbooking paper as the are just so briliant! hehe Love it! xoxo

Jodi said...

A darling little doll house, and such a bargain! And I never fail to be impressed with your painting skills, Kelli! What a gift you have!

Tracy said...

What a lovely house for a searching family. Perhaps a young couple will discover it soon. I LOVE how you restored this. The painting on the outside is so charming. I also adore the yellow and black plaid couch. You are so talented!

Lori said...

I like the post about your doll house. You did a fabulous job of fixing it up. Very neat!

I like this show and tell idea. It is fun!

I've posted about my grandma's dishes that each of us grandchildren received after she passed away.

Marci said...

You did a wonderful job. There is lots of details there. Do the girls play with it?

Kelli said...

Hello everyone!
Rebecca, how sad about your dollhouse, hopefully another one will come along someday!

Yes, the girls are allowed to play with it. Emily likes to take her Polly Pocket dolls over for a visit. :0)

Momma Roar said...

I love what you've done with the place!! (giggle)

Sharon said...

Kelli, you did a great job!! Have you been practicing Donna Dewberry?

If I could fit into it, I'd live there. LOL!

Candy said...

Thats so sweet! :)

Rebecca said...

PS-I added my link to try to participate. I don't know the rules, exactly so I don't know if I might have done it wrong. Must our show and tell be old? Because I don't think mine is. If my post doesn't fit your category, feel free to erase my link.

Kelli said...

Rebecca, show and tell can be old or new!

Corin said...

That's beautiful Kelli!

Tina Leigh said...

Oh I love that doll house !! Kelli you did a good job!! Can I have it?

Barbara H. said...

I think this is such a neat idea! Thanks for hosting it.

I love dollhouses but have never had one. Since I had all sons I hope one of them has a daughter some day that I can share things like this with. This one is just adorable.

Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts

Bethanie said...

I'm hoping to participate in this soon. Love the doll house!

Diane @ A Watered Garden said...

Kelli, You've done an "extreme makeover" on this adorable doll house! I love your creative touches with paint on the outside, and the "wallpaper" on the inside. How fun!! Diane

Rowan said...

Love your dollhouse - think I could move right in there:) I actually remembered to do it on Friday this week - things are looking up.

Dani said...

I love the dollhouse! The painted roof is great, and scrapbook paper for wall paper is an excellent idea!

copperswife said...

Your doll house is so pretty. My husband made one for Corin when she was little and we just recently dug it out of our storage barn and took it to her house.

I missed out on show & tell last Friday, but made it this week!

Patty said...

I didn't leave my name because I posted my Saturday post early due to a work schedule, but I love the idea of show and tell Friday. I hope you will do this again so I can join in.
You might be interested in the current post I have up..I took a trip to Jamestown VA..and I can SHARE those with your readers.

smilnsigh said...

I have something to show and tell... 'Victoria' magazine is to be re-launched. Isn't that marvelous news??? :-)

I got the news from others, and have made an entry.


Dawn said...

Love the cottage, Kelli...

Karen said...

Cute, cute, cute! I love that you used scrapbooking paper for wallpaper. Very original.
You are a woman of MANY talents, Kelli!

Anonymous said...

Kelli, my goodness! I have 16 comments in my box. Your Show and Tell really gets the action :)

Lynne said...

Kelli. that is the prettiest doll house I've ever seen. I wish I was small enough to live there! I would love to be able to do a project like that, but I'm afraid my kitty would think it's for him!

Rita Loca said...

I want to move in!

Gena said...

You are just so creative! I love your trees and flowers that you painted. Looking at this makes me wish that I had saved the disaster of a dollhouse that my oldest daughter and I started years and years ago.

I love your show and tell Friday!

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

Great job, Kelli! I always wanted a doll house, and even with two daughters we still didn't get one. When Ashleigh was about 12 we tried to find one of those extra large Victorian doll houses, but never did get one then either. I would still like to have one!


Abigail said...

Your dollhouse is pretty!

Susan said...

Kelli - Your idea for this Show and Tell is really interesting and blessing me. I haven't participated YET, but I will, but I've certainly enjoyed seeing the interesting items everyone shows. Thank you for coming up with such a great idea.

Autumn said...

The dollhouse is very cute. You decorated it very well. Maybe a family will move in soon...

Mommy said...

I love it! What a fun thing to do. :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)

Betty said...

Thanks for the opportunity to see so many neat collectibles and keepsakes. This is great....

I posted late because I've been out of pocket.......

Dani said...

check back late this afternoon and there should be a donut recipe that does not require a blunderbuss. ;-)
Have a wonderful weekend!

Rachel said...

Very pretty! I am impressed. :)

smileymamaT said...

oooh the little girl in me LOVES your dollhouse! What a lot of work, and it's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Kelli, thank you so much for your sweet words on my "Abby" post. I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved pet. This is so much harder than I ever thought it would be. "Just a dog" I have always said. But I no longer believe that. She's a friend and we will miss her for a long, long time.

By the way, I really love the show and tell thing. It is fun to see all the neat things everyone has. I find myself wondering, "What should I show next week?"

Amber said...

I love the doll house. You did a wonderful job. I have always wanted to do one of those but just can't find the time. I always wanted one when I was little.

homespun living said...

Great job Kelli! I wish I had thought about using scrapbooking paper when my daughter and I did her dollhouses. Your painting came out lovely. What a treasure!
I will let you know how Lark Rise to Candleford is; so far I am enjoying it. Luckily, I was able to find it at my library.

Ruth said...

You know, I never had a doll house as a child. It would have been neat to decorate and play with one. My daughter was never a doll person, so I never did one as an adult, either. Yours is beautiful!! Thanks for the pictures.

Lulu said...

beautiful doll house..I love show and tell friday...I'm glad i found your blog..

Shelley said...

That is so darling!!! What a treasure you have.

Lena said...

What a wonderfully charming little house you've created Kelli! I especially like the garden you've painted and the scrapbook paper as wallpaper is a clever idea.

Sue Seibert said...

Oh, Kelli, what a wonderful doll house. It's beautiful. Never had one, but I had a friend with one, and I loved it. Great Show and Tell.

Henny Penny said...

I'm a little late, but I made it!

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

Kelli, your dollhouse turned out beautiful! I just love dollhouses. I had a really neat metal one when I was a child, but I no longer have it. I hope that one day I'll find one again. Thanks for the Friday Show and them...I just hope I can remember and will be able to participate!

One Lily said...

I love your little house.
It makes me want to get out the one my oldest daughter built for me.
Very sweet~

Anonymous said...

Kelli, I missed the cottage, first time around. It is adorable. That's the kind I did. My best friend gave me the partially constructed kit she had bought. We used stucco for the outside. I love your painting of the trees and bushes on the sides.

Anonymous said...

I have had my husband make over 3 doll houses for my mother. It got me started on my current art craft, which is making miniature doll characters....I love doing it! Your doll house is very lovely, what fun it must be for you to decorate!
