Sunday, April 29, 2007

~Scenes From Our Weekend~

Hello everyone! As you can see the Texas wildflowers are in full bloom right now!

Bluebonnets, Daisies, Indian Paintbrushes...

Our Saturday started with a trip to the Farmer's Market. Fresh red romaine and Buttercrunch lettuce ...

Also, some local honey...perfect for toast!

At a local resale store I found this cardboard cupboard for $1.00! The artwork is done by Marjolein Basten, one of my favorite artists.

I tucked it into a corner on the patio.

There are envelopes and shelves inside for seed packets and mini gardening tools.

Saturday afternoon I got out some fabric scraps for a little sewing.

I made these mini strawberry pincushions while watching the new Charlotte's Web movie.

I added mini beads and pearls to a few of them...

I hope you enjoyed these scenes from our weekend. Tuesday is "May Day" so I will be back soon with some fun ways to celebrate it. Have a great week!


Lila Rostenberg said...

I love the little cupboard with the art work and storage compartments! those strawberries area also delightful!

CONNIE W said...

Those strawberries are too cute! The fabrics you used are perfect!

dot said...

Sounds like ya'll had a good weekend. I love the wildflowers!

Ruth said...

I LOVE those strawberries. I wish I could do stuff like that! The wildflowers are really neat, too. It looks like you had a very nice weekend!

Carole Burant said...

Oh Kelli, those strawberry pincushions are absolutely adorable!! I've always loved Marjolein Basten's art and I recognized that little cupboard as one of hers right away:-) What a great find!! So enjoyed all your pictures! xox

Anonymous said...

First off Kelli, thanks for your love.

That little cupboard is adorable. And Marjorien Basten is one of my favorites too. What a bargain!

I love your little strawberry pincushions. Please tell me you had a pattern. I couldn't stand to think that you are THAT talented to just whip it up. They are indeed precious.

My favorite picture is your little girl (I assume but perhaps I am wrote?) crouching among the flowers. That is so sweet.

I am glad you had such a lovely weekend. I need to rent that Charlotte's Web movie. We are Dakota Fanning fans here, the Butler and me.

Happy Monday!

Susan said...

Thanks for sharing. Loved it all. That cupboard for $1.00!!! The little strawberries are so cute, especially with the beads. I hope someday to see your Texas bluebells in full bloom.

Jodi said...

Oh, wildflowers ~ so pretty. In our old town, we always took long walks down our country road to pick wildflowers. I'm not sure where we'll go to see them this year!

Your $1.00 cabinet is just too adorable; you get the best bargains! And those strawberry pincushions are darling! Sounds like you had a great weekend! :o)

Tracy said...

Love the cupboard, beautiful wildflowers, adorable pincushions...
You make EVERY day so appealing!
Many blessings to you!

Momma Roar said...

I love the strawberries - too cute! I liked where you 'tucked' your cupboard! Have a great week, Kelli!

Barbara H. said...

Those little strawberry pincushions are so cute! And I love the cardboard cupboard.

Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts

Henny Penny said...

Basten is great! What a find! Vera Mouse has always been my favorite!

Love the pictures from your weekend!

Marci said...

That cupboard is adorable. What a deal. Your pin cushions are really cute.

The wildflowers are just starting here.

Amber said...

That little cardboard cupboard looks like it was made for that area. Perfect! I love the strawberry pincushions...perfect for spring!

Lori said...

Thanks for sharing the photos.

I love the first ones with all of the Texas flowers. Those photos are so pretty.
I love your cardboard storage cupboard find. What a great deal. What a great way to organize you gardening supplies.
I'm one to be very organized too.
I also love the strawberries that you made. You are very talented sewing. I wish I was.

Anonymous said...

how fun kelli, your cupboard is so adorable----but I think the strawberry pincushions are fabulous!
You wouldn't want to make oh say three or four of thm for a gal who doesn't know how to sew would ya???


Corin said...

Great finds Kelli!

Those are adorable pin cushions!

homespun living said...

Oh Kelli, I love the pincushions~so cute! The Marjolein Basten cupboard is wonderful; I just love her artwork. Sounds like a great weekend.

Janice said...

What treats for the eyes! From your lovely strawberry cushions to the wildflowers, to the treasures from shopping! A wonderful post...

Dani said...

What a cute cupboard!

It looks like you had a fun weekend; the wildflowers are beautiful!

Trella said...

Thanks for sharing your weekend with us. It all looks wonderful. I love the cupboard, and the strawberries are too cute!

Susan P. said...

I just loved seeing the pictures from your weekend. The wildflowers are so lovely. Marjorien B. does the most beautiful artwork. I am always drawn to her greeting cards and I have a wheelbarrow on my porch that she painted. The cupboard is such a great find and your strawberry pin cushions are adorable:o)

Mindy said...

The strawberry pincushions are adorable!! I always enjoy my visits with you...the photos are wonderful! Have a blessed day Kelli!

Just Mom said...

You have a knack for adding beauty to our lives. Thanks. :-D

theups said...

The flowers are soo pretty. I'm sure they are breathtaking in person!!

And the strawberries!! WOW!! Yours are cuter than Martha's!! No joke!! :)

Mrs. U

Mrs. Darling said...

Goodness youve been busy.

Looks like you had a lovely weekend!

Betty said...

I like all of your crafts and the precious little cupboard, a great find.....
The wildflowers are lovely......

Heather Anne said...

Kelli - so much fun! thanks for sharing the link to the pattern from Martha - I am printing it off and going to search through my fat quarters tomorrow to make a pint or so for our local strawberry festival! The kids love to decorate the house in honor of our town's facination with strawberries, but finding cute decorations is often hard! We'll follow your lead and maek some of our own!

Lulu said...

i love the cupboard, so pretty...The strawberries are so pretty..

Open Roads Mama said...

the strawberries are adorable!

Kelley said...

Oh Kelli, what sweet pincushions!
They are precious!

Our farmer's market is on Thursday and we buy makings for a very fresh
chicken salad that is to die for...
I also go to get wonderful flowers from a very sweet lady there!

Cris said...

I love the cupboard! I do wood painting (tole painting, decoupage etc.) and that is adorable! Your pincushions look prettier than Martha's, the fabric colors you picked are beautiful!

Diane @ A Watered Garden said...

Thanks for sharing your pictures!! I really liked your handmade strawberries! Blessings, Diane

Amy ~ (Life's Small Treasures) said...

Found your blog from another one I frequent, and I just wanted to say I love these pincushions! They are very cute, and they look very easy to make!