Sunday, April 22, 2007

Ugly Ducklings and a Picnic

Sunday afternoon we decided to go on a picnic at the lake near our library. For the past several years there has been a pair of Swans that nest there every spring. I wanted to see if they had had their babies yet.

Can you spot them?

Three ugly duckings! I don't think they are ugly though. :0)

So soft and fluffy!!

We fed them some bread which made them happy.

We took along a picnic and lemonade.

It was more of a snack-y type lunch.

Homemade paper boats...

...ready to be sailed.

I hope you enjoyed the Swan pictures! They will come in handy for our upcoming science lessons. I decided to pick a different animal and bird to study each month. In April it will be Swans and Squirrels (since we have one that visits our birdfeeders!). We will read stories, write poems, draw pictures, etc.

We are expecting thunderstorms for the next few days so we won't be working in the garden. I'm going to try and get some sewing projects finished. What are your plans for the week?


Amanda said...

I'm desperately trying to get this quilt top finished! I'll be working on homework and that this week!

I just love swans. Like you, I don't think the babies are ugly. :)

Retroboutiques said...

How cute the baby swans are!
After a gorgeous weekend, I believe we are going to get socked with storms as I will be sewing a mother daughter set of chenille jackets.

Christie Belle said...

Awww, what precious babies. I love baby animals of all kinds. Your picnic looks like it was loads of fun. I LOVE picnics. Snack lunches are the most fun!

copperswife said...

We had pouring rains all day Sunday! Much needed so no complaints from me. Weird week ahead.... with some sort of surprise outing being planned by my husband for Tuesday!

TO BECOME said...

The swans were really pretty, I think. The picnic looked like lots of fun.
We have missionaries from Japan coming for a visit this week. We are looking forward to seeing them then on Friday we are going to visit our second son, who lives about 3 hours away. I am looking forward to the week. Thanks, connie from Texas

Rowan said...

Lovely pictures of the swans and cygnets, I love swans they are such graceful, elegant birds. Plans for the week involve first and foremost getting to the osteopath to have my back fixed, I've done something to it over the weekend and it really hurts! Other than that I plan to finish my sampler, knit a little pair of Mary Ann shoes for Kaitlyn and visit a lovely herb garden and nursery with Jules tomorrow.

Boxwood Cottage said...

Gorgeous pictures Kelli!
Oh thunderstorms, we really could do with some heavy rain overhere too. My garden is so dry, it hasn't rained here for weeks, but instead more warm and sunny weather is forecasted so I'll most probably spend my spare time in the garden.

Christine said...

What a fun outing! Your picnic lunch looks like so much fun! Blessings!

Anonymous said...

This looks like such a wonderful picnic!! And those baby swans were just adorable!! I'm glad I visited you this morning and go to see these neat pictures.

Henny Penny said...

Kelli, the pictures are absolutely lovely! Looks and sounds like a great time!

Plans this week? Trying to get this house sell ready! Ugh.

dot said...

I love picnics and it looks like yours was fun! We are trying to get our garden planted this week

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures!!

It sounds like a wonderful Sunday afternoon and makes me long for a picnic!

Anonymous said...

I loved your swan pictures! And we have a squirrel proof bird feeder. The stand where the birds sit to eat is a lever. If something too heavy sits on it, it closes off the food. It is so much fun to watch the squirrels try to figure out a way to get to the food. For the most part they leave it alone, until a new squirrel moves into the neighborhood and has to give it a try. THen, for about 20 minutes, we sit inside and laugh at him.

Trella said...

What lovely pictures:) The picnic looks wonderful.

Tracy said...

What a lovely picnic. The swans are beautiful! Do you think you could share a tutorial on the homemade boats?

Candy said...

LOVE the pictures and especially love that little blanket on your picnic basket!!!! ;)

Julieann said...

Hi Kelli:)

Loved all the pictures--and your picnic spread looked so yummy. I know how to make those little paper boats--do you know how to do the story with the paper boat and the captain's t-shirt?

My plans for this week are: I am going to have a baby..LOL--YAY!!!! So I will be prepapring for Thursday:) Have a wonderful Monday my friend:)


Lori said...

Thanks for sharing your photos with us. I did enjoy the photos of the swans.
It looks like you had a wonderful time picnicking. We love to picnic too. We had rain all day on Sunday. So we spent the day indoors.

Marci said...

Those baby swans are adorable. The lunch looks wonderful to me!!! Especially the raspberries.

I have some gift to finish painting and tonight we are having a birthday celebration for our son. He turned 23 on Saturday. He was out of town and just got back yesterday.

Amber said...

Sounds like you had a fun picnic. How neat that you are doing a different animal each month. I will have to keep that in mind.

Susie said...

Hi Kelli,
Your picnic at the park is such fun. That's one of our favorite things to do with our grandsons and sometimes just the two of us :)
How neat that there were baby swans!
Love your idea of the animal a month.
This week: birthday celebration, baseball and first Holy Commnunion.
Busy and fun, as always!

Shereen said...

Awww...those ducklings are so cute. Your picnic basket and lunch looks great. What a neat idea. Thank you so much for sharing. Thank you also for coming out of "hiding". I'm happy you left a comment, so that I was able to trace you back here. ;0)

Diane @ A Watered Garden said...

Looks like you had a wonderful family day. Thanks for sharing your pictures-they are GREAT!! We just got back into town... so I have some "catching up" to do. Also, I'm preparing for a visit from my out-of-town sister next week...yeah!!! Diane

Diane @ A Watered Garden said...

Kelli, I have a question for you. I love the heading and pictures of your blog. I was wanting to change the "picture" or graphics behind the name on my blogspot blog. Could you possibly let me know how to go about doing that?? I really stay to the basics with my template, but would like to begin branching out alittle. :-) Thanks! Diane

Sharon said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful family day and the children learned also. I love the cute little boats they sailed in the water. You always know how to make a day special for your children.

Ruth said...

I love the swan pictures....and a picnic to boot! Good for you all. It looks like it was a fun day.

Tammy said...

I loved your pic of the picnic lunch...looks yummy and like ya'll had a great day!

Open Roads Mama said...

The little birds are so beautiful! And kids look like they had fun with the paper boats. It's that summer-like weather for picnics already, eh? Can't believe it, but I'm so happy about it!!!!!

Susan said...

Your outting sounded delightful and seeing the swans and ducklings how wonderful. The paper sailboats were neat.

Tina Leigh said...

Glad you shared! Looked like good food 7 fun to me & I love the swans!!!

Jodi said...

Kelli, it looks like you had a wonderful Sunday afternoon! We went to the state park down the street from us Sunday after church and went fishing. It was sooo nice! First free day we've had in ages!

Jodi said...

Oops! Forgot to add ~ Gorgeous swans! You were such lucky *ducks* to see them! ;oD