Friday, May 18, 2007

Happy Birthday to my Husband!

Today is Phillip's birthday!! I started his morning off right by giving him a couple of chocolate bars. :0) He met is brother and Dad for lunch and this evening he is watching a movie with a couple of friends. Later this weekend we will celebrate with his family and I will make him a coconut cake...his favorite.

Here are just a few reasons why he deserves the best birthday ever...

1. He takes most of the pictures for my blog and never complains.

2. He puts up with my yellow kitchen.

4. He listens to my knock-knock jokes. Sometimes he even laughs!

3. And last but not least, he has put up with me for almost 13 years. ;0)

Happy Birthday Phillip!


Tracy said...

A very happy birthday to you Phillip. We all appreciate the photos that you take for Kelli. May you have a blessed year.

Heather @ Marine Corps Nomads said...

Happy Birthday!! I hope you had a wonderful day.

Janice said...

I hope your dh has a wonderful birthday! I loved reading your reasons for him deserving a wonderful birthday....really made me smile! :o)

Susie said...

Happy Birthday to Phillip!
Hope it was a wonderful day!!

Anita said...

Happy Birthday to your husband, Kelli!

And you forgot quoting one reason:

He's the father of your wonderful kids!

Have a great week-end Kelli - and I am looking forward to admiring your coconut cake you will bake for the family birthday party. I very much hope you will share some cake photos over here!

Oh, I did not know that it's usually Philip who takes the photos for your blog! A big Thanks to him!

Enjoy your day!

Hugs, Anita

Henny Penny said...

~HaPpY BiRtHdAy!~

Hoping your Phillip has a lovely day!

Momma Roar said...

Wishing Phillip a very happy day!!

Trella said...

Happy Birthday to Phillip, and I love reading this post:) Very sweet!

Susan said...

Where's a picture?!!! Even though he takes the pictures for your blog!! Nice tribute. Mickey loves coconut cake. Will be looking for that picture.

dot said...

Happy Birthday Phillip! You sound like a great guy and I love your pictures!

Christine said...

Happy Birthday, Phillip!

Peculiar Blogs said...

Happy Birthday Phillip!

Vicky said...

Happy Birthday, Phillip! May you have many more happy birthdays with your creative and loving wife!

Amy O'Quinn said...

Happy Birthday, Phillip. And thank you for all you do to help Kelli make this blog such a great and welcoming place to visit!

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday Phillip!

Kelley said...

Happy Birthday to your dh!

Dani said...

Happy, happy birthday!

Coconut cake? Hmmm...I may need to stop by ;-)

Carole Burant said...

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Phillip
Happy Birthday to youuuuuu!

The pictures are always sooo awesome...great job:-) xox

copperswife said...

Happy birthday to Phillip!!!

Creative Life Studio said...

Very sweet. Happy Birthday, Phillip!

Kelli, I think you should post the recipe for that coconut cake if you haven't already (I'll look in your sidebar), because it sounds delicious!

Autumn said...

Happy Birthday Phillip!

Jodi said...

Happy Birthday, Phillip!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! Take a picture of yourself blowing out the candles on your birthday cake.

Lynette said...

Delurking here to say, anyone with the name of Phillip gotta be a pretty nice guy cuz that is my hubby name also & spells it the same way with 2 l's which according to dh is the only way to spell it.
Nice to meet over the internet wires.

Ruth said...

Happy 13th birthday to Phillip! It sounds like he's a keeper!! =o) I hope he had a great day.

Heather Anne said...

My hubby turns 45 on Sunday but he has yet to decide if it is German Chocolate cake or French silk pie .... he'd better decide soon!

Happy belated birthday to Phillip - he is a wonderful husband to support your blogging habit so patiently!

Betty said...

Happy Belated Birthday to Phillip!
Sorry this is late. We have been away for a few days...I'm trying to catch up with reading a few blogs....You are entered in the give away.....Betty

Christie Belle said...

I'm a little late, but Happy Birthday to your hubby! I hope y'all have/had a great birthday weekend!

Marci said...

Happy Birthday Phillip!!!

Lori said...

Happy Birthday to your husband.

Amanda said...

Happy belated birthday!

I'm sorry I didn't send wishes earlier. I'm a bit behind!

Cris said...

Happy belated birthday to Phillip!

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

Happy Belated Birthday to your dear Husband!