Thursday, August 23, 2007

Chicken a la Queen

Message from Grace: Thank you for all the nice comments about my bubble blower and rice krispies!! The rice krispies are already gone. :0)

Good morning! I saw this recipe over my my mother-in-law's blog and since I love mushrooms I decided to give it a try. The list of ingredients is simple but the sauce ends up being nice and rich!

Chicken a la Queen


4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
Montreal Chicken Seasoning, to taste ( I used a couple of teaspoons)
1/4 cup green bell pepper, diced
2/3 cup chicken broth
1/2 lb. mushrooms, chopped (I used 1 cup)
1/2 cup chopped onions
1 tsp thyme


1. In a large skillet heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil on medium-high. Add chicken breasts and sprinkle with Montreal seasoning. Saute 5 -6 minutes per side.

2. Add bell pepper, and saute a few more minutes until chicken is cooked through and peppers are tender-crisp. I cut the chicken up into smaller pieces so it would cook faster.

Remove from skillet, set aside, and keep warm.

3. In the same skillet, add broth and bring to a boil, scraping up browned bits from pan bottom.

4. Add mushrooms, onion, and thyme; reduce heat to medium-low, cover and simmer about 5 minutes.

5. Raise heat to medium and cook uncovered for 5 more minutes, until sauce is reduced.

6. Spoon mushroom/onion sauce over chicken and serve!

This would great served over rice or buttered noodles. We had boring old spinach salad with ours. ;0)

I noticed something scary while taking this picture. White berry tea. Fortunately, there were no spills!

Have a great Thursday!


Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

Looks delicious!

Kelly @ Growing.Learning.Playing. said...

This looks so yummy, Kelli! I'm going to have to try it soon, with the mushrooms on the side (Hubby doesn't like mushrooms, but I do). Thanks for sharing!

Susan P. said...

Kelli, I just LOVE the name of this dish. I would have to make it just for the name! I was even happier to note that after reading the recipe it is one I'm going to definitely be trying because it sounds delish! Your table looks absolutely beautiful~ do you mind sharing where you got that beautiful tablecloth? I've been looking for something similiar and haven't had any luck.

Pen of Jen said...

Everything looks marvelous, beautiful and yummy!

LBP said...

Yum! Can I come over for supper?

My husband and son love mushrooms and they would love this.



Anonymous said...

That's looks so good that I think I can smell it.

Lulu said...

wow, it looks delich!
i love mushrooms...

Susie said...

Looks yummy :)
I didn't know your MIL had a blog..
Cute recipe name too :)

Anonymous said...

That looks so delish! I'm almost embarassed to ask this as I'm from Canada, but what exactly is Montreal Chicken Seasoning?

~*Marie*~ said...

Ah, YUM! Looks delish! I love rice krispy treats, and this recipe looks so yummy I am going to HAVE to try it this to the market to get chicken!!!

someone else said...

Oh my word, that's sounds divine! I'm printing this one to try.

Jen said...

Sounds wonderful...I will have to try this. I have actually tried several of your recipes...the Amish Bread was divine!

Tammy said...

Yum! I am need of more dinner ideas...and love the name, too! :)

Anonymous said...

I don't know how you did it, the no spils, I mean.
Your dishes always look so good!

Anonymous said...

Yum! Thanks for sharing...

dot said...

Kelli, that looks good enough to eat!

candy said...

Can NOT wait to try this!!!!!
Thank you Kelli!!

theups said...

Hi Kelli!!
This recipe sounds SOOO delicous!! So does the peanut butter cookie recipe!! I think I need to make both and SOON!!

And please thank your sweet girl for sharing all about making Rice Krispies! She did a fantastic job!

Mrs. U

Paula said...

Kelli, that looks wonderful! I have never heard of Montreal Chicken seasoning, but maybe I could make a substitution?


Mindy said...

Looks like a hearty recipe for me to try! Yummy!!

Alice said...

I love mushrooms so I'll definitely be trying your recipe. Your tablesetting looks lovely too.

Laurie said...

This looks so good and easy too ~ just the type of recipe I like!

Wurzerl said...

Chicken a la Queen! It looks so marvelous an yummy. And I know now exactly, what I will cook at Sunday.
Thanks Wurzerl

Julieann said...

Your dinner, looks so yummy!!! I will have to wait to try it though, I can't have any onions or bell peppers while I am nursing.


Anonymous said...

There are so many awesome recipes to choose from on these differant blogs.
Who needs a cook book?!

Momma Roar said...

Yes, that looks delicious!

... said...

too bad i don't like mushrooms. don't take it personally. i miss out on a lot of what-i've-been-told yummy recipes. i'll just go back to eating my rice krispie treats =]

Sandra said...

This recipes looks soooo good Kelli, thank you for sharing :)

Glad there were no accidents with th red tea and the white tablecloth LOL


Jenn4Him said...

So inviting! So neat! There is no place like home is just the right title for your blog.

Lena said...

Hi Kelli,
This recipe looks so good! Thank you to your and your MIL.
I love the prairie dolls and quilts that your grandmother made. I would treasure those forever.
Thank you for the sweet welcome back. I always enjoy my visits to your place too. I still think you're the sweetest blogger in all of Blogville!

Ruth said...

That looks and sounds wonderful!!

Kim said...

This looks yummy. This might make it onto my menu plan for next week. ;) Thanks for sharing....

Cris said...

I love your mother-in-law's food blog!

kris said...

miam! it looks delicious!