Tuesday, August 21, 2007

~The Flowers~

All the names I know from nurse:

Gardener's garters, shepherd's purse,

Bachelor's buttons, Lady's smock,
and the Lady Hollyhock.

Fairy places, fairy things,
Fairy woods where the wild bee wings,

Tiny trees for tiny dames--
These must all be fairy names!

Tiny woods below whose boughs
Shady fairies weave a house,

Tiny tree-tops, rose or thyme,
Where the braver fairies climb!

Fair are grown-up people's trees,
But the fairest woods are these,

Where, if I were not so tall,
I should live for good and all.

-Poem by Robert Louis Stevenson
-Photos from my garden.


Anonymous said...

That Robert sure had a way with words and fairies. Lovely!

Jennifer said...

All of these are from your garden!? WOW, I must say that I'm envious of your beautiful plants and green grass :o) our drought has everything here in NC brown and wilting. Your flowers and plants just brighten my day!

Hope you have a great one!

Carole Burant said...

Perfect pictures to put with the poem!! I loved this post, Kelli, so much fun:-) xox

Susie said...

Loved this poem Kelli, and the pictures are delightful!

Anonymous said...

I had a few minutes to come back and browse tonight. I cannot wait to bring my 12 year old daughter back tomorrow - she has a love of all things fairy! I know what our next project will be when the weather turns cooler! :) Thanks for the inspiration.

CONNIE W said...

A peaceful post, nice and calming for this hot summer night after a busy day.

... said...

i just love your garden. and i love your photos of your garden.

Jodi said...

Kelli ~ I love the way you illustrated this poem ~ beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I have tagged you, Kelli! Stop by my blog for more details. :-)

Britta said...

Hi Kellie, thanks for visiting my blog. Wonderful pictures along with a wonderful poem. I love it. Have a great day, Britta

moreofhim said...

I really enjoyed all your pictures. They are just beautiful. I'm a homeschooling Mom, too!! I enjoyed visiting - God bless you.

Unknown said...

We believe in Fairies too!!! Just started making our big and little Fairy Garden this Summer!!! Very nice !!!


Terri said...

That was Sweet Kelli

Lori said...

Love that poem. All the flowers are so pretty. Are they yours?

Lori said...

I just caught up on your blog and read a few posts. Sorry I haven't been around much(nor posting as much). Life is crazy around here lately.
Al is putting in 13 hour days at school and I'm doing daycare.

Jenn4Him said...

Too lovely. You should be a published illustrator!

Anonymous said...

Your ability to put words and pictures together never ceases to amaze me!

candy said...


Diane @ A Watered Garden said...

Love your pics...are these ones from your yard??

Sharon said...

With the pictures and the words you could write a book. I am sure they are all from your lovely garden. You found the right picture for the words and added another good and fun post to your blog.......Sharon K

Disney for Boys said...

What sweet pictures, the poem and the garden pics were a wonderful treat! Oh and your daughters treats look fantastic too!

Paula said...

Kelli, what a wonderful poem with great pictures!!

Anita said...

Oh, your fairy garden is adorable and sooo cute & tiny!

I discovered something magical this evening when we were sitting on the new bench! A little diamond! Yes! A diamond on one of the new roses! I guess one of the garden fairies must have passed by and lost it on its way to heaven... (Well, to be honest, it was a raindrop but please keep this as a secret!) Photos will follow this Friday!

Hugs, Anita

Anita said...

Oh yes, sorry! I forgot to tell you that I really liked that poem, too!


Julie said...

I love poetry. Your garden is lovely.

Debbie said...

Such peaceful pics of your garden! It's so nice how you put them and the poem together!

Front Porch Society said...

Beautiful photos! Oh, how I wish I could just escape for a day and hide away in a small little paradise of my own - lol. I think I am reaching the point of sheer exhaustion. I am not on duty tonight so I definitely plan on heading to bed very early tonight. :) (even if it means the 16 things on my "to do list" don't get done!)

Karen said...

Love the poem and the pictures of your gardens, Kelli, and please tell Grace that I enjoyed her post very much, too!
Thank you for your prayers for us this week, too. Things are better.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to stop by and say Hi!and let you know how much I have enjoyed reading your blog.What a delight to look at and see all the lovely pics of your family and your home.You truly inspire me.I was surprised to see you live here in Texas,don't ya just love it?

Naturegirl said...

Love the fairie garden! Oh such a charming fairie land for these fairies to dance and hide !hugs NG

Julieann said...

Kelli--that was so neat, how the pictures went along with the poem:)


Heather Anne said...

This is such a lovely post - a perfect marriage of beautiful words and breathtaking pictures - excellent! Thank you for taking the time to put it all together!

Britta said...

Hi Kelli, may I add you on my link list? I just love to visit your blog. Have a wonderful day, Britta

Anonymous said...

I passed on to you the Nice Matters award today. :-)

Anonymous said...

We have a fairy door in our house!!! I love your fairy garden though..I just might have to expand the fairies territory

Cris said...

Oh my Kelli, you must be a great teacher to your kids, your garden is so bountiful!