Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A Cozy Reading Corner

Hello everyone! I did a little furniture rearranging today. Once the summer is over, I like bring my wicker patio chair indoors until spring.

I thought it was time for a fresh look, so I sewed up some new pillow cases for the pillows using this fabric that I found on the dollar table.

The "after" look of my reading chair.

Here is a full view of my reading corner, which is in Phillip's office. Isn't he nice to share his room with me? ;0)

I have my bird book and binoculars ready for some birdwatching.

I need to put my feeders up soon!

My assistant bird watcher is waiting patiently!

An oil lamp makes the room especially cozy at night.

Thank you for looking at my reading corner!


dot said...

Nice pictures. Looks like Fern poses just the way you want her to. You just might have inspired me to make some new cushion covers!
Everything always looks nice at your house.

Anonymous said...

What a cozy spot! It just invites you to curl up with a book.

Tracy said...

It looks lovely. Uh oh. Now I'm going to be nervous about Fern knocking the oil lamp over!

Paula said...

What a wonderful reading spot!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, it's SO nice and cozy! I hope you're able to enjoy it alot this fall and winter.


Just Mom said...

Oooo. Very inviting.

Heather Anne said...

I love your reading corner - and you hubby is very good at sharing (a little better then mine, I think, but I'd never say that outloud!) It looks so very inviting!

Peppermint has taken over my reading room - our sunroom - so it's time I reclaim it - I'm inspired by your reading corner to make mine more cozy and practical. Mine looks out over the patio garden, so it is a pleasant spot, just full of cat hair at present!

Anonymous said...

I love it, nice and cozy.

Anonymous said...

How lovely. I am envious. :)

Cathy said...

The new cushions look very nice. I'm sure your husband enjoys having you in his cozy office. :o)

Unknown said...

There's no better place for that comfy looking chair of your except in front of all those delicious books! Enjoy!

Paula said...

You have a fabulous spot to curl up with a good book and a cup of tea. ;)
Mrs. C

Britta said...

This looks great, very comfortable. I bet it is wonderful to sit there, read a book and just relax!


Mimi said...

I love your reading corner...all the books make you want to read and read and read...and the oil lamp is also a nice touch (I love cozy!!)

Becka said...

It's beautiful! I want to curl up and read.

smilnsigh said...

Oh I love it!

And I especially love the look of the oil lamp at night. Perfect ambiance lighting. :-)


Sonya said...

This looks very cozy! I could do a lot of reading with a reading corner like this!

nannykim said...

Yes it looks very cozy--I have different reading spots in my home and it depends which mood I am in as to where I sit (sounds rich doesn't it!)

Anonymous said...

Very cozy indeed. Don't you just wish the temperatures would cooperate?


Vicky said...

Very nice! I can see a lot of hours spent in that chair - if a certain cat doesn't take over first!

LadySnow said...

Looks like a very cozy corner. :)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful little area Kelli!! I love it!!

Anonymous said...

What a great corner for reading. so inviting...

Lori said...

Love your reading chair area.

How relaxing to be able to sit down and read a good book and look out the window.

Your redone chair looks nice.

Jenn4Him said...

That assistant of yours is so diligent. I hope you pay her enough. My cat doesn't stay awake long enough to be of any help. Although, she still thinks she is the Queen of the house.

Kelly @ The Barefoot Mama said...

Oooh, Kelli, your reading corner is divine! Both chic and so cozy! I love it - hmmm...wondering now if hubby will be up for the undertaking of a similar project this weekend? LOL! :0)

P.S. Your assistant bird watcher is a cutie pie.

Marci said...

Very very nice. You can cozy up your chair while Phillip works away. =)

Ways of Zion said...

I love the idea of a reading corner! wow stunning!

Susie said...

A very cozy corner. Love your assistant bird watcher! I have one of those at my house too (somewhat different coloring) :)

Dani said...

What a great cozy place to curl up and read. I don't think I would want to move if I was sitting there!

Tammy said...

Very cozy, indeed! Thank you for some wonderful ideas here! :)

Cherish the Home said...

It's wonderful!--It looks so cozy and inviting. (o:

Mrs. Anna T said...

Kelli, your reading corner looks so nice I feel like curling up in that chair! ;)

Susan said...

Hi, Kelli. Thanks for coming by my blog and commenting. Show and Tell Friday is fun! I love your reading corner - so cozy.

Heather said...

What a cozy little corner for reading! You have made it so pretty and inviting. I love my little reading corner in my bedroom, with it's window view. Thanks for sharing Kelli! Blessings ~

Jada said...

Lovely, just lovely. I am hoping to turn my spare bedroom into a reading room soon! Right now, it's sort of a junk room, so I need to clean it out and move my bookshelves in there, and I'm asking Santa for a chaise lounge chair for Christmas! You have motivated to get moving on this project!

I so enjoy reading your blog and looking at your pictures.


Anonymous said...

I love your reading corner. It looks very cozy.

Creative Life Studio said...

I love oil lamps too. I can only take the smell of the oil for so long, but I do light them every night once it starts getting darker earlier.

Such a nice corner you've set up. I'm sure it didn't take too much time, but I bet it makes a big difference. Enjoy it!

Julie said...

How adorable your 'assistant' bird watcher is!

Carole Burant said...

What a perfect little corner to do some reading and bird watching! I love the way you have it all placed. xox

Seeb said...

I like the idea to rearrange and redecorating for fall.hope you watch beautiful birds,I love birds,visit my blog and have look at a wall full of birds.

Quinne said...

Hi Kelli :) I'm just popping in to say that I love your reading nook! My precious mother taught me to adore two things in particular in the homes we grew up in: the character (or possibilities) and the "nook potential" - laughing as I write and remember...
Wishing you many happy moments turned to hours there, and sending you a virtual cup of my favorite blend. Love, Q

Sue Seibert said...

Raf says it looks like your assistant is on the job, watching carefully. We are all set up, year round, to watch the birdies in our back yard. It is a lot of fun!

Love your reading area...it is a cozy place!

Anonymous said...

Man, I wish I had time to rearrange furniture. I'm lucky to get my dusted! You are blessed.

Jodi said...

Oh, I love your cozy nook! It looks like you're ready to settle in for a good long read. And you're smart to bring in your wicker . . . I've suffered the results of *not* doing that before! :o)

Gena said...

Such a pretty spot! I want to have a reading corner in my bedroom. I currently have a very large plant in a corner by my bed. I'm moving it this fall. I also love the idea of having an oil lamp there. Very homey and warm.

Lena said...

Kelli, it all looks so welcoming and cozy. Very much like a home where happy and interesting people live. I've enjoyed seeing it all.

Lynne said...

Oh that looks so inviting, Kelli.
Somehow I knew Fern would be checking out the new cushions, better stake your claim before it's too late!

Susan P. said...

Everyone needs a cozy reading corner and yours is just perfect, Kelli! All the little touches you add to you home make is so cozy and inviting. I have a bird book and binoculars by my window, too! Bailey, Buster, and Annabelle would love to join Fern!!

Mary L. Briggs said...

What a great corner! And your $1 finds worked out perfectly. You are so clever, Kelli. I'm still gonna make one of those little chandelier lights with jars and candles that you made~someday, anyway. Hope school is going well for the kids--I so miss homeschooling!

Anonymous said...

Love the corner. I have an asssistand birdwatcher too. Looks like yours.Stays in windows and French door. So sweet though.What style books do you raed?

Julieann said...

What a lovely reading corner you have:))


Amy ~ (Life's Small Treasures) said...

Great job! Your reading corner looks very cozy, love the new cover~

Have a great evening

Anita said...

Yes, a cozy spot indeed! And how nice to have an assistant bird watcher next to you!

By the way, I'll soon post some shots of my assistant gardener, too!

Have a lovely week-end, Kelli!

Linda said...

Love your cozy corner perfect for reading and bird watching. Have you spotted and any red cardinals they are my favorite. Our family is in Texas and I love seeing the cardinals,when we are there. None to be found here in Calif. I'm enjoying your blog and have been reading some of your earlier post. Your blog is lovely. I just started my blog and look forward to meeting and sharing ideas with everyone. Linda

Jen said...

How cozy it does look.....very inviting.

Karen said...

Isn't it nice to have your own place to read and relax?! You've decorated it very nicely and it's so cosy looking, too.
Fern looks a bit preoccupied to be relaxing! LOL!

Lulu said...

nice little nook to read or look our through the window..Of course i would sit and crochet.. its a lovely spot just right for it..

Debbie said...

Yep, you know how to inspire me to want to run right out to Joanne's and spend a bundle of cushion covering material! *smile*

theups said...

Kelli, your furniture looks so lovely by the window! What a perfect reading chair!!

Mrs. U