Saturday, September 01, 2007

Happy Labor Day!

Summer's behind us.
Autumn joys are just ahead!
Happy Labor Day!

I have a very special announcement to make on Monday!!!


Rose of Sharon said...

Hi Kelli,

Happy Labor Day to you too! I am so looking forward to fall, it is my favorite season of the year. I purchased some new fall decorations and can't wait to bring them out.

Have a great weekend! Sharon

HsKubes said...

Happy Labor Day.
Hope you enjoy your holiday weekend. ;o)

~ Christina

... said...

happy labor day to you, too. i like your new header. very fallish. and i'll look forward to your announcement.

Unknown said...

Have a great weekend. Many blessings !!


dot said...

Kelli, if I had your phone number I'd call you and drive you nuts until you told me your announcement! My guesses are:
You're expecting or
Some ladies magazine has offered you a job.

Susan said...

Now how's that for keeping us on the edge of our chairs?!!!

Julieann said...

OHHH Kelli-----What is it??? Oh gosh--I guess my patience will be tested...LOL.

Happy, Happy Fall!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Ohh I do like your new header. An announcement? You've got me wondering...

Anonymous said...

Happy Labor day to you and I really like your new header. can't wait to see what the announcement is.

mrsnesbitt said...

Autumn is certainly on its way!
Hope you had a great weekend.

LBP said...

Can't wait until fall! Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...


Tracy said...

I'm on the edge of my seat!

Jen said...

I'm very excited to hear your announcement...cant wait.

Jodi said...

Happy Labor Day to you! And how naughty of you to tease us all! ;o)

Anonymous said...

Kelli that is not fair!!! I have to work tomorrow!!! ARRRGGGHHH!!!! Now I'm goona have to call in & I want be able to make some sick person well b/c I'll be here waiting for you to post something IMPORTANT!!!!!!! Love ya
Tina Leigh

Suzy said...

And happy Labor Day to you, Kelli!
love the new you make those yourself or hire someone to make the header..It does set the fall mood!
I agree with Dot on the anouncement..either would be great!

Ladybug said...

Fall is my very favorite season too. I love the sights and smells of fall.

LadySnow said...

I can't wait! Autumn is my favorite time of year. :D

Carole Burant said...

Happy Labour Day to you and yours, my friend!! Now as for the that midnight Monday morning or 8 a.m. Monday morning????? hehe xox

Deborah aka Miss Bee said...

Hmmmm, what could it be?! You can bet I will be here to find out!
I know it must be something just wonderful!
Have a wonderful Labor Day!

Anonymous said...

I love, no LOVE your new header! Did you do it yourself? If so, you've got to teach me how...please. ;-) I can't wait to read your big announcement. I'm beckoning fall in right along beside you!

Cathy said...

That is so cute, Kelli. Everything looks nice with your fall decor. Now you have us all wondering. lol :-)

Lori said...

Happy Labor Day to you too.
Hope you have a nice day!

Love that pic.

Ruth said...

Happy Labor Day to you, too! Nothing like keepin' us in suspense with that comment. =o)

Amy ~ (Life's Small Treasures) said...

Happy Labor Day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Labor Day to you too! I love your new layout!!! Makes me want to change mine up for fall too! I LOVE fall!

Julie said...

Happy Labor Day, Kelli!

I wish I had a LD postcard to send you but as I said in my post today, they are scarce as hens' teeth and just as valuable. I haven't forgotten about your other holiday pc's and will gather up a little bundle to send you one of these days. I think I did New Year's, so they'll be Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter and Memorial Day.

Take care,


Anonymous said...

Waiting on your announcement with GREAT anticipation...

Front Porch Society said...

Looking forward to your annoucement!! :)

Mimi said...

Happy labor day... I will be bright and early tomorrow to hear your announcement !!!
P.S. love your new header

Christie Belle said...

Happy Labor Day, hope you had a great holiday weekend! I loved your quilt on your show in tell, too. Homemade quilts are great in that no single one is the same.

Irene said...

What a beautiful header! Very much in season.Lovely colors and photos.

Creative Life Studio said...

Happy Labor day to you too. How come I'm working on Labor day? Out in the yard - in the sticky heat. Oh, I am READY for FALL!

Well, it's Monday... I'm looking for your announcement!

Karen said...

Oh I love surprises!!!!
Your new header looks very autumnal! I'm decorating for fall this week, too!

Amber said...

I love your new header...can't wait to hear your announcement! Looks like I am not the only one!

Kim said...

I love your header and I am anxious for your announcement. Until then,I wanted you to know that I have tagged you for a meme!

Sandra said...

Happy Labor Day Kelli :)


Anonymous said...

Love your new header! I absolutely love Fall, so I am so excited.

Lynne said...

Love your new header and I can't wait to hear your announcement! I'm really looking forward to my favorite season, fall, the humidity and the skeeters are really starting to get to me. Happy Labor Day Kelli.

Julie said...

Happy Labor Day to you too! I am glad NOT to be laboring today..okay - so maybe the torrential rain had a bit to do with that!