Hello everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I picked up the latest issue of Victoria magazine and found myself dreaming of...

hidden ponds and secret gardens...

wildflowers and fairies...

and sweet home~grown strawberries.

I also discovered that eating a jam made of marigolds or calendula will make fairies visible to the naked eye. So *that's* why I didn't see any last year. ;0)

Even though my own gardens never end up looking like the magazine pictures, that doesn't stop me from having fun. I have my seed pots ready to go.

My seed cupboard is full.

And my gardening books are ready to be read again.

What is this? Oh, it's a cute pirate that has come to wake me from my dreams!
Share your garden dreams with me!
Such lovely pictures in that magazine. I can't buy it here in The Netherlands, I would love to though, together with Romantic Homes. I love the look of those magazines. We do have English magazines with gardens and I like those very much. I love cottage gardens and try to create one in the front of the house. Several things are already surfacing, like the bleeding hart. That is such a romantic plant. I hope my peony ( I hope I wrote that one right) will surface and bloom. It hasn't flowered yet, so that is something to look forward to.
Sigh, my dreams right now just consist of seeing grass. We're in for more snow this week, but I did see a robin Saturday, and my MIL heard a redwing blackbird, 2 BIG signs that spring will soon be here!
My biggest dream is of not killing my potted plants this year, and that geese won't take up residence on our pond, and help themselves to the salad bar I call my vegetable garden!
I'm scouring stores for that Victoria, they seem to sell out as quickly as they come in :0P
I love magazines. Totally inspire me...infact, think I will do some tidying up right now.
Oh, I have garden dreams beyond what we can do! My yard and garden are never what I envision. After a recent knee injury I wonder how much gardening I will do again.
Thank you for stopping by my blog and for leaving your sweet comments. I love the song I shared yesterday. I played the piano for both services at our church and didn't know that song was on the schedule until I arrived early for rehearsal. It was already posted on my blog so I wonder if God wanted to reinforce the truths of the words to my heart.
What a great magazine! I need to stop by B&N and pick up a copy. As for gardening dreams, I leave that to my dear daughter. She has the green thumb and thankfully she is still living at home. That means a lovely yard every spring/summer. She always plants four o'clocks. Our first seeds came from my late mother-in-law who planted those every year. There will roses and peonies and petunias. And we have a gorgeous azalea bush, along with hostis and some ornamental grass. For Christmas, my daughter gave me packets of herb seeds and little flower pots. My dream is to grow my own herbs and use them when cooking. [sigh]
That was a good issue. I have only been through it twice....lots more page turning to do. I am so anxious to garden. I do need to start shopping for my new gardening gloves.....yeah, Spring will be here....only one more month to go! :-) Rosie
I can't wait to start my seeds. We are expecting more snow here tomorrow and Wednesday. The thoughts of spring on its way is encouraging though. My daughter and I will be starting some pepper seeds and assorted flowers next month. We need to start early here! Love the pictures, and can't wait to check out that magazine!
I love your cute pirate, and I love your seed cupboard.
Right now I am just dreaming that all this snow leaves soon.
I do have my vegetable garden planned out on paper though.
Have a wonderful day.
We bought our seed pots and seeds this weekend too. It feels so exciting to be able to start growing something!
It has been so beautiful here that I have actually raked and planted in the front yard. I am waiting on seeds until next week. We are expecting frost on Wed night this week. So much for washing all those frost blankets already!!
I'am actually new to gardening. I love flower gardens and cant wait to start them...but food gardens are new. And we will start those in a couple of weeks actually. By the way fresh strawberries....my parents brought me some from Florida...yummy!
This issue really made me want to tend to our sorely neglected garden. My roses aren't looking too good, I hope to be able to garden a bit this year!! The azaleas are starting to bloom ~ we have some lovely shades of pink!
I love my Victoria magazines! I usually draw a hot bath, get my tea, and magazine and soak while reading. By the time I am finished I look like a prune, and every other page of the magazine is turned down for reference.
My seeds over runneth! Oh my, I totally lost control of my seed habit this year! Too many to choose from so I just bought one of each!
Your pirate is adorable, Kelli! :o)
What a beautiful post - it has me all ready for springtime, planting and beautiful new colors. Enjoy your gardening!
My garden dreams . . . well, I just found out, now that the snow has melted, that the yard in our new house is about 3/4 weeds, and about half of those are those poky, sticky, ouchy ones.
I have a lot of dreams for flowers and vegetables, but my dream for this year is to get the weeds down enough that my son can go outside. One step at a time!
Maybe next year I can fulfill my dreams of currant bushes and Asian pear trees.
DD and I started working on her fairy garden last night.... after we were able to hit the goodwill and find some cute " fairy" things, we couldnt wait to get going... You can see our post on our "outdoor/nature blog".. Althought the pic isn that great you can still make out the fairies though.lol
We LOVE fairies around here, remember the kid's fairy houses? :)
I love that magazine, it makes me drool and yearn for all those neat things.
Yes this Spring weather makes me want to get out into the garden too!
I love love love Victoria magazine. I was so happy when they started printing it again. I think I have all of the first copies. You can look back at old ones and they never get old. Maybe that's because most of the stuff in them is already old.
Hi Kelli!
I haven't stopped by your blog in way too long. . . As lovely as I always found your blog, it's grown even lovelier (if that's possible)!
As for my garden dreams, I would one day love to travel to England to see those famed gardens. For now, I would settle for an April or May trip to Williamsburg, VA when their gardens are so lovely. Here at home, I am very limited as to my own garden plans for 2008 as we are expecting twins, and I have to be careful physically. So, I'm letting the children plant pumpkins for once. . . the vines will actually be able to ramble without any other plantings! Oh how, I am missing sugar snaps already, **sigh**.
Emily (from the old Shady Hill House blog)
Ahh I pirate in the garden! Perhaps you have a Peter Pan theme going. Pirates, fairies...
I dream of a garden that the dog doesn't eat. And one that I can actually keep up on the weeds. Slowly our front garden is improving, the back though... I pretty much give up. Alaskan Malmute 1 - Garden 0.
I am hoping this year to move my herb garden into a new home. We also want to fix up the side garden a bit, it is so hard to keep the weeds out. I spend hours a day pulling the weeds out and if I let it go for a couple of days....major problems.
I think it would be counter productive for me to start reading that magazine now. All I can do is dream, since we will be moving house sometime in the Spring. LIke Mrs. bonnie, though, grass would be a great pleasure. Our weather is not spring-like! My Native Alaskan husband said the other day, "You know, maybe we didn't move far enough south." He has a point.
Kelli, a really fun post today. I need a seed cabinet. That's cute.
Hi Kelli :) Such lovely dreams! The Father has give you the gift of pretty touches and lovely ideas, so I am looking forward to seeing your spring :)
As for me, I have dreams of lush gardens - vegetables, flowers, wildflowers, herbs, trees, fruit trees, etc, etc, etc...
I love the idea of a memory or heirloom garden with all of my favorites from childhood. They were grown to splendid perfection by the marvelous ladies and gentlemen in our family.
For now, for this time... we will greatly enjoy our daffodils, bluets, honeysuckle, lillies, and sweet little garden - along with wildflowers galore. Love, Q
Garden dreams are sweet this time of year. You, in Texas, get to have a head start on us in IN. I am glad it is only 25 more days until Spring.
Oh my...how I would love to have a secret garden of my own. :D
Oh, it is almost that time, isn't it! My dreams do tend to outrun my reality. ;o)
I'm dreaming of a beautiful garden too. I can hardly wait to get started..the ground is still pretty soggy here, but soon. Right now I'm planning my flowers boxes which I just love. Hugs, Linda
The new Victoria is lovely, isn't it? I continue to be happy with the way they are progressing.
I can't imagine that marigold jam would taste very good! :-)
I must pick up that Victoria issue soon and dream about summer too.
What a lovely cupboard - I shall have to talk nicely to my darling husband and see if he can make me one and I shall get my paintbrush out and decorate it. I bought some lovely Sweet Pea seeds last week, so I had better get them planted.
Humm - well I already overhauled a flower garden that runs down a very ling side walk and planted about a hundred new bulbs in there. I am excited because they are just now starting to poke through the mulch!
Started to work on the veggie garden..but was interrupted by rain!
I'm so glad to see Victoria magazine back in publication.
I'm thinking of planting only herbs this year. I did enjoy last years tomatoes and peppers but for some reason want to focus only on herbs right now. I'm thinking of:
dill, basil, chocolate mint, peppermint, thyme, parsley, and rosemary.
My gardens never turn out. :( I think it is the climate in which we live. It isn't very nice to those who have brown thumbs. :)
Cute little pirate! ;-)
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