Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.
Hello everyone! Did you know that today is George Washington's birthday? I thought I would show you my stamp collection, since I have many George Washington stamps. :0)

I started collecting stamps when I was around 10 years old. I had a few friends who also collected them and we would trade our favorites back and forth. As you can see, I have lots of stamp books on my shelf. The red Traveler Stamp Album was the one that started it all.

I dug these boxes out of my closet this afternoon. They are filled with even more stamps!

Who knows when I will have time to go through these, but I still enjoy having them.

I do have some of them organized. This box is full of envelopes and each envelope represents a country. Guess what they are filled with? ;0)

This is an old stamp book that I got on ebay a few years ago.

It belonged to an Elizabeth H. Andrews from Cambridge, Mass.

These stamps are from 1847.



Speaking of George Washington, we have a tradition of baking a cherry pie for his birthday each year.

You can find the recipe in the post down below! Thank you for looking at my show and tell!
Show and Tell Guidelines
What is Show and Tell Friday?
Show and Tell involves showing something to an audience, and then telling them about it. Your show and tell must be something that you own, and is in your home or garden.
What items work well for Show and Tell Friday?
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
-Family heirlooms
-A collection you may have
-A piece of jewelry
-A special gift
-Gardening pictures
What doesn't work well for Show and Tell Friday?
-Posts with no photos have no "Show." Please don't use them.
-Photos of events (trips, vacations, celebrations, etc.)
-Photos of things you are selling or planning to sell.
-Photos found on the internet, graphics or screenshots. Please use photos you take yourself.
-Photos of just people instead of things.
There is no place like home is the original home of Show and Tell Friday. Please do not host your own.
How can I participate?
Once you've got your photo(s) and your story, it's easy as 1-2-3!
1 - Publish your "Show and Tell" on your blog, including a link back to There is No Place Like Home. Go HERE for the "Show and Tell" picture code to copy and paste into your post.
2 - Copy the link (or "permalink") from your post.
3 - Add it to Mr. Linky, along with your first name only. (This will make the list easier to read.) I usually put Mr. Linky up on Friday at 12:00am Eastern time.
*If your name has been removed from Mr. Linky, please read over the guidelines before re-posting.
How many stamps do you think you have collected through the years? It looks like you have tons to me!:)
What a huge collection of stamps you have! I have my old collection and my dad gave me his as well. Did you know you can check out a book at the library and find out the value of each stamp? I tell ya... its fun! I have a huge envelope full of ones that years ago was worth $300 each :-)Makes you REALLY appreciate them when you start seeing them as dollars lol
Good morning from Germany!
Wow, what an amazing collection of stamps! I hope you will find enough time one day to organise them all!
I collected stamps when I was a little girl, too! .... but unfortunately, I have no clue where they are now... I should ask that question to my mum....
That cake looks delicious by the way (as everything you bake and cook)
Have a great Friday!
XoX, Anita
I used to have a stamp collection, too! We sold it at a fleamarket to help pay for my meal card at college. :0(
But, I saved some special stamps and I still have those. I'll bet your girls enjoy looking at your collection!
Hi Kelli ~
You have a Fabulous Stamp collection and that Book from Ebay looks like a real Treasure. I can't wait to try your Cherry Pie!! My Family LOVED your Chicken Pot Pie Recipe ~ thanks for sharing it with us!!
Have a "hoppy" weekend ~
I started collecting stamps at about the same age. I still have my red Traveller's Stamp Album too!! My dad gave me his very old Traveller's album. I think I need to dig out mine and show them to the kids again. Who knows, maybe one of them will pick it up. Oh, and my favorite place to get stamps as a girl was a Woolworths...you could get a bag of like 1000 for something like $1.99. Oh yes, I miss the wonder and magic of Woolworths!!!
My DH collects stamps, too! It really is amazing what is out there. I like his collection, because he is hard to shop for, and there are always new stamps to get him. That pie looks delish.
Great stamp collection!
I don't collect stamps,
but I love the postcards
they go on! Would love
to see some close ups
of the older stamps!
Wow! My fourth grade teacher got all of us kids stuck on coin collecting. He bought a certain penny and a buffalo nickel for each of us in his class. That is an amazing collection.
I'll pass on cherry pie. I love cherries, but once I had a stomach bug right after I ate a cherry cobbler (from our homegrown cherries). Fresh is about all I can handle now, although maybe I can overcome my cherry fear...
What a wonderful collection! My grandfather collected stamps and my cousin got all of them. I think they are pretty and it is cool that they are historical!
Hugs, Sharon
You have a great collection. I still have my childhood collection, I haven't thought of it for years. I'm going to take a look at it. What a neat way to celebrate Washingtons birthday. Linda
One of my childhood best friends used to collect stamps and I was so envious! Her grandmother would send her new ones and I loved looking at them with her. :o)
P.S. Great tradition for George Washington's birthday! Yum!
Maybe you are rich without knowing it, lol ! some stamps can be very very valuable !
How I would love to have a piece of cherry pie right now. My mouth is watering just thinking about it! (I'm sure you wanted to know that. LOL!)
Love the stamps... I use to collect them and haven't in so many years! Maybe I will dust them off. :)
How cool is that? What a neat collection!!!! I bet it's fun to find some new and unique stamps...have you searched through Ebay to find any?
Happy Show n Telling!!!! Mine's shared this morning. And have a great weekend Kelli.
That Cherry Pie sure looks good! I was never a stamp collector, but I appreciate the pictures on the special issue ones. I save stamps for a penpal in Holland who collects them and others I give to a local horse charity I support.
Can I swap my DH for you? Your collection is so restrained & catalogued; he literally has bins & bins of the stuff to be sorted. Great hobby.
What a great collection, and to trade them with friends growing up sounds like fun.
What a great collection, and to trade them with friends growing up sounds like fun.
Impressive stamp collection! How cool to think about the people who came before us, handled them, what were they like and so on...I was so eager to post my S&T today that I realized I have my last name on Mr Linky. Sorry, I'll be better next Friday! Thanks for thinking this up, this is a lot of fun!
WOWZA! That is quite the collection!!!!!!!
My post is up..
Happy Friday, Kelli!
What a fantastic stamp collection!
That is a wonderful collection you have there. I started a stamp collection in my high school years but it quickly turned into a collection of other things...
Thanks for sharing your stamps with us and oh that cherry pie!
Grace & Peace
What a wonderful stamp collection and a great tradition of baking a cherry pie on Washington's birthday!
I always enjoy hearing about the things you enjoy and your family traditions!
What a wonderful collection of stamps. My Grandpa used to collect them. Our cousin Tom got them as he was a collector. The history is amazing. Have a lovely Friday.
wow! what a collection you have! This is nice!
Oh, by the way...thanks for sharing the recipe for cherry pie! YUM!
the stamps are so cool. you have so many nice collections. thanks for sharing them.
and that pie looks scrumptuous!
Your collection is awesome!! So much history in a box! Yummy cherry pie, too. Thanks for sharing!!
What an amazing collection! I imagine the ones from the 1800s are really interesting. Maybe when your kids are a little older they can help you with the rest of them.
Oh, my goodness, what a lot of stamps! And that cherry pie looks wonderful, too. I am glad you are observing George Washington's real birthday in your home (in such a delicious way, too)!
Kelli, stamps are a wonderful collectible. I used to collect stamps way back when. Thanks for sharing!
Mine's up at Answers to the Questions
Hi Kelli,
I like your stamp collection, it is really big! My daughter had a small collection, and she inherited some from my grandmother.
I totally forgot about S&T! Don't know where my mind was last night and this morning!. I posted pictures of where we walk, not sure if that would qualify for S&T or not.
P.S. - Wish I had a slice of that cherry pie!!
Holey schmoley, Kelli, you've got a LOT of stamps!!!!!!!!!!! I can't imagine having the patience for all of them. :D
Thanks for hosting today again! :) Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!! BLESSINGS!
I was going to have a show and tell, but I got it done too late to get a picture.
I used to have a stamp collection. I really regret giving it away.
Wow what a fantastic collection! I hope you keep them in a fire-safe safe!
That is a cool idea to bake a cherry pie for President's Day.
My grandfather collected stamps. I can remember looking at them with him when I was a small child!
Lovely collection!
Hi Kelli, your stamp collection is really great..Today I am posting real vs fake.. come see.....
WoW!!! Those are a lot of stamps!! I am not playing this week, but I still linked to you:) Have a great weekend my friend!!
wow...stamps....my father collected stamps...memories for me..
HUGS Barbara
That is so fascinating! And how interesting for Washington's birthday!
O.those boy sets are beautiful! love 'em! :)
I have collected many things at different times of my life but I never did collect stamps. My son has collected stamps since he was in high school. So, whenever I get a unique stamp, I give it to him.
That cherry pie looks yummy and I don't even like cherry pies that much. I like the crust and the juice. I don't like the cherries. Silly me.
What a great collection of stamps. When I was a little girl, my Dad got me started collecting coins. I still have my collection, but I wish I would've kept up with it.
What a fantastic stamp collection! Awesome!
Sherry invited me to check out Show and Tell Friday, and I just finished my first post. What a great idea! I look forward to seeing what everyone is sharing today. ;o)
Wow! Nice collection. Wish I could sneak by for some of that Cherry pie! Have a great weekend.
Hi. This was my very first time joining in the Show and Tell. It just looked like so much fun I wanted to join. And it was fun! Thank you. I'm looking forward to next Friday already.
I used to have a stamp collection when I was a kid, don't know what ever happened to it or if maybe I even still have it somewhere lol.
Thank you for letting me join in the fun.
Huge IS the operative word, Kelli. Some of them are so beautiful, it's a shame there is not a convenient way to display them all. I hope you turn up a rare one worth lots of $$.
That's cool that you collect stamps, my brother does that, I don't know too many people that do anymore! Cherry pie looks yummy, what a neat tradition!
Hi Kelli, I put in the wrong link under my name, Brenda (#60 and #65). The real me is #66! Is there a way to delete the other numbers? New to this. Thanks.
What a very impressive stamp collection. Have any of your children caught the stamp collecting fever?
Thanks so much for hosting S&T - as always it is a nice treat.
I used to collect stamps (when I was MUCH younger) and I wish that I still had mine. Glad that you shared them with us.
This collection is simply amazing, Kelli! How incredible to have them from so far back!
We always learn about George on his birthday, but I've yet to bake the cherry pie...what a wonderful idea, though!
I'm very late getting in on show and tell, but I just posted it!
Thanks for sharing your wonderful collection...and the pie recipe too!
oooo, i used to collect stamps too then i moved away and the love for it died out but it hasnt stop me from pen-palling and recently, i've been postcard swapping too. ;) if you're interested to swap postcards, lemme know. :D btw, that pie looks SO yummy!!!
I used to have that Red Traveler's Stamp collecting book when I was a girl. My father loves to collect stamps and has been doing so for many, many years. What a neat hobby that you don't see much any more.
Great S&T! I never personally collected stamps but I inherited some from my grandfather and from time to time I love to take them out and look them over. Thanks for reminding me about this great treasure!
The stamps look great. I used to collect them too, but that was a long time ago. My kids haven't got the patience to collect them.
The cherrie pie looks yummy, thank you so much for the recipe !!!
Have a great weekend.
You have an incredible collection! What a great thing to have kept from your childhood.
That cherry pie looks delicious.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong but if I could make this work I'd add a pick of my Hammered Dulicmer.
Guess this old dog can't learn new tricks as well as he though he could,or the seizures have scrambled my thought processes.
It is always good to collect something, and to start in childhood is wonderful. I collected coins for awhile as a child. You have some really old stamps! The photo of the cherry pie made my mouth water.
Kathy b
Wow what a great collection!
Sarah x
Wow, neat collection! I've just come across this and can't wait for Friday's Show & Tell!! I already know what I will post.
Stamp collecting always seemed so interesting to me but I never started. Thanks for sharing your collection!
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